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máo cao
  • Roughness;coarse;careless;crude
毛糙 [máo cāo]
  • (1) [crude]∶未经仔细加工

  • 这活做得太毛糙

  • (2) [careless]∶漫不经心;疏忽

  • 你做事怎么这么毛糙

毛糙[máo cao]
  1. 多层螺旋CT征象,以骶髂关节变毛糙、模糊、受侵蚀出现率最高,68.1%;

    The MSCT sign , changes by the sacroiliac joint coarse , fuzzy , is corroded the frequency of occurrence to be highest , 68.1 % .

  2. b.斑块表面纤维帽薄厚不均,且表面毛糙不光整,纤维帽连续性中断,小龛影形成。

    B. uneven thickness of fibrous cap of plaque surface , coarse and unsmooth surface , continuous interrupt of fibrous cap and the formation of small niche .

  3. 你做事总这么毛糙。

    You are always so careless .

  4. 恶性肿块CT表现呈不规则形(13例),边缘毛糙,与周围正常组织分界不清。

    Malignant masses on CT appeared as irregular ( 13 cases ), blurred margin , blurred outline to adjacent structrue .

  5. 结果:42例孤立结节性肺癌的主要CT表现:11例结节边缘毛糙,有明确小毛刺或锯齿状改变;

    Results : the main CT findings in 42 cases were as follow : ( 1 ) 11 cases with rough edge and definite small hairy stabs or saw-toothed change ;

  6. 胸壁胸膜播种性转移的HRCT表现有:(1)胸膜面毛糙和棘状小突起;

    HRCT findings of the costal and mediastinal pleural dissemination in lung cancer included : ( 1 ) Coarse and spined pleural surface ;

  7. 25例中24例行增强CT检查,24例囊内容物均无强化,15例囊壁光整,增强后无强化,9例囊壁毛糙,有强化,6例囊肿间见分隔影。

    24 of the 25 cases were scanned post contrast , no enhancement was detected in the cysts , and the walls of cyst were smooth and no enhanced in 15 cases , while in 9 cases were coarse and enhanced .

  8. 结果瘤-肺交界区HRCT表现为远端模糊和(或)毛糙、毛刺影,周围型肺癌79%,肺良性结节22%(P<0.05);

    Results Blurred or rough , spiculate HRCT images in distal lung-tumor interface were observed in ( 79 % ) of PLC and ( 22 % ) of benign nodules ;

  9. 结论(1)在以腮腺导管病变诊断SS时,末梢导管扩张是理想的筛选诊断标准,而分支导管和主导管边缘毛糙则是对SS的确诊标准。

    Conclusion To diagnose SS as the pathological changes of parotid canula , the twiggy canula expansion was perfect filtration diagnosis criteria , the branch canula and the main canula rough fringe was certain diagnosis criteria .

  10. 型毛糙型7例(14%),胆囊壁厚3~6mm;

    Seven cases were in type ⅱ ( rough ) ( 14 % ) with , gallblader wall thickness 3 ~ 6 mm ;

  11. 结论瘤-肺交界区HRCT的模糊和(或)毛糙、毛刺影等影像改变的不对称性远端优势分布,对小于3.5cm的周围型肺癌的定性诊断有重要价值。

    Conclusions The asymmetrical distal dominant distribution of blurred or rough , spiculate HRCT images of lung-tumor interface play an important role in qualitative diagnosis of PLC ( ≤ 3.5 cm ) .

  12. 频谱包络毛糙,呈低阻力动脉型,RI0.50±0.05。结论CDPI对不全流产具有一定的诊断价值,值得临床应用。

    The spectrum envelope cure was crude and lower resistant , RI 0.50 ± 0.05 . Conclusions CDPI is of certain value to diagnosis of incompleted abortion and is worth while clinical use .

  13. 避免摸上去毛糙,坚硬或粗糙的山羊绒。

    Avoid cashmere that feels fuzzy , stiff , or scratchy .

  14. 可以在墙上这些毛糙的地方涂上灰泥。

    These rough places on the wall could be plastered over .

  15. 胆囊壁内缘毛糙征;

    Coarseness of the inner fringe of the gall bladder ;

  16. 毛糙的边角需要修掉。

    The rough edges need to be pared off .

  17. 囊壁光滑29例,毛糙6例;

    The cystic wall was smooth in 29 cysts and rough in 6 ;

  18. 胆囊壁毛糙,增厚或不厚;

    The walls were roughen and thicken or thin .

  19. 先把表面弄毛糙再涂颜料。

    Roughen the surface before applying the paint .

  20. 猫的舌面是毛糙的。

    A cat 's tongue is rough .

  21. 结果:5例经丝造影检查,奥狄氏括约肌闭锁不全返流均发生于胆道系统,X线表现为胆系管道扩张或不规则狭窄、管壁边缘毛糙、模糊、负性结石。

    Results : Bile duct backflow was showed by X-ray with contrast media in all cases .

  22. 整个游戏看起来毛糙,那人的脖子从下巴穿了出来。

    This whole game looks gross , and that guy 's neck is popping through his jaw .

  23. 这些毛糙的床单令人发痒。

    These rough sheets tickle .

  24. 子宫腔变小,外形毛糙不规则或瘘管形成;

    The outline of the uterine cavity is sharp and irregular or fistulous and the cavity becomes smaller ;

  25. 结果:较具特征的X线表现有:(1)长骨干骺端嗽叭口样膨大,边缘毛糙;

    Results : The characteristic X ray signs were : ( 1 ) Flared metaphyses with frayed borders ;

  26. 结果:①股骨髁表面软骨大体观察:可见假手术组关节软骨表面苍白,纤维毛糙;

    RESULTS : ① Gross inspection : the cartilage surface of sham operation group was pale and roughness ;

  27. 从外观上看橡胶件表面疏松、毛糙,失去弹性,从而使橡胶失效。

    Rubber pieces from the exterior surface of osteoporosis , loss of flexibility , so that failure of rubber .

  28. 但是,用毛巾在头发上摩擦来弄干头发会导致头发的毛糙和损伤。

    Nonetheless , rubbing the towel on your hair to dry them up would cause hair frizz and damage .

  29. 囊壁毛糙在慢性胆囊炎急性发作11例,化脓性及坏疸性胆囊炎中8例。

    There were 11 cases of CCAE and 8 cases of septic and gangrenous cholecystitis without gallbladder wall smooth .

  30. 要打理发型和波浪或梳理毛糙,使用尼龙毛或天然刷毛的圆形刷。

    To create body and waves or smooth frizziness , use a rounded brush with nylon or natural bristles .