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zuì guo
  • sin;crime;guilt;fault;offence;offense;blame;trespass;thanks;reproach;rebuke
罪过 [zuì guò]
  • (1) [offense;sin;crime;fault]∶罪行;过失

  • 汝今何罪过。--《玉台新咏.古诗为焦仲卿妻作》

  • (2) [thanks]∶感谢

  • 罪过村间一老儿,与我衣服盘费

  • (3) [blame;reproach;rebuke]∶责备(多见于早期白话)

  • 老拙两个薄薄罪过他两句言语

罪过[zuì guo]
  1. 没有任何罪过被关进监狱。

    Be put into prison through no fault of his own .

  2. 这是好事,不是罪过。

    This is meddlesome , not be fault .

  3. 如果想有进步,现在就该宽恕过去的罪过。

    It is time to forgive past wrongs if progress is to be made .

  4. 我赦免你所有的罪过。

    I absolve you from all your sins .

  5. 你干脆去教堂忏悔自己的罪过吧。

    You just go to the church and confess your sins

  6. 罗马教廷对堕胎的教义非常清楚:这是罪过。

    The Vatican 's teaching on abortion is clear : it is a sin

  7. 语言是一种精心调试的乐器,破坏它就是一种罪过。

    A language is a finely tuned instrument which it is a crime to damage

  8. 最大的罪过不是通奸而是公众议论,是它导致了丑闻的发生。

    The ultimate sin was not infidelity , but public mention which led to scandal .

  9. 似乎艾丽斯正在通过自己的慈善工作来弥补父亲的罪过。

    It seemed that Alice was expiating her father 's sins with her charity work .

  10. 让这么漂亮的花园荒废真是一种罪过。

    It 's a crime to neglect such a lovely garden .

  11. 上帝会赦免你所有的罪过。

    God will absolve you of all your sins .

  12. 这一罪过着实地落在我的头上。

    The blame rests fair and square on my shoulders .

  13. 惩罚与罪过不相称。

    The punishment did not balance with the offense .

  14. 那些大领主的罪过是以权势欺压村民。

    The powerful lords were guilty of grinding the villagers under their heels .

  15. 假期中待在家里实在是罪过。

    It 's a sin to be indoors on holiday .

  16. 牧师乞求上帝赦免我们的罪过,涤荡我们的罪孽

    The preacher asked God to forgive us our sins and wash away our iniquities .

  17. 弥留之际,他向TK-622承认了自己的罪过,不一会儿,死星就在雅文战役中爆炸了。

    As he convalesced , he admitted his guilt to TK-622 moments before the Death Star exploded at the Battle of Yavin .

  18. 罪过的复杂性问题更是重中之重。

    And the complexity problem of mens rea is more important .

  19. 我们这样浪费地球的资源是一种罪过。

    The way we waste this planet 's resources is criminal .

  20. 防卫意思与防卫过当罪过形式之探析

    A Study on Defending Wish and Sin Forms of Excessive Defense

  21. 第二种,故意与故意复合罪过。

    Second , " intention and intention " compound guilty mind .

  22. 罪过原则及其例外研究

    Study of Mens Rea Principle and Exclusions of Mens Rea Principle

  23. 由于犯了“违反自然的罪过,”

    In violation of the agreement that " crimes against nature ,"

  24. 玩忽职守罪罪过形式的逻辑分析

    Logical Analysis on the Forms of Crime of Neglect of Duty

  25. 别这样自傲,这是罪过。

    Don 't be so prideful . that 's a sin .

  26. 耶稣为世人赎罪作出的牺牲,洗去了他们的罪过。

    Their sins are washed away by Christ 's atoning sacrifice .

  27. 父亲的罪过,其报应会落在孩子们的身上。

    The sin of the father is visiting upon the children .

  28. 很多错误,很多失败,然而惟独没有犯那种罪过。

    Many errors , many failures but not the one sin .

  29. 我所有的罪过都可以怪到你头上。

    Anything I 've done can be laid at your feet .

  30. 在他死前几小时他忏悔了他的罪过。

    He repented of his sins just hours before he died .