
  • 网络punishment fits the crime
  1. 因此,应以罪刑相适应原则对危险犯与实害犯的关系予以厘定。

    So the relation of actual damage crime and dangerous crime should be divided by the requirement of suiting punishment to crime punishment fits the crime .

  2. 罪刑相适应原则在我国刑事立法中的体现

    Principles of Appropriate Sentence Applied in China 's Criminal Legislation

  3. 罪刑相适应原则的价值取向。

    The crime punishment adapts principle value orientation .

  4. 罪刑相适应是刑事司法的基本要求。

    It is the basic demand for criminal judiciary that penalty should deserve the crime .

  5. 刑事和解制度与罪刑相适应原则的契合。

    (ⅲ) Criminal reconciliation system is able to correspond to the principle of crime and punishment accordance .

  6. 转化犯的立法体现了罪刑相适应原则与刑法的谦抑性原则。

    The legislation of transformed crime embodies the conforming principle of crime and punishment , the economical principle of criminal law .

  7. 量刑均衡是建立在罪刑相适应原则和刑罚个别化原则的理论基础之上的。

    Sentencing balance is founded on the theory basis of the principle of suiting punishment to crime and individualization of punishment .

  8. 从报应与公正的角度看,对于谋杀犯,死刑是适当的刑罚,因为报应要求罪刑相适应,而报应是刑罚的题中之义,是刑法公正性的标志。

    From the aspect of retribution and justice , death penalty fits for murderers , for retribution demands suiting punishment to crimes .

  9. 建立犯罪梯度,是实现罪刑相适应原则的基本需要。

    The setting up of the scale is essential to reach the principle of the balance between a crime and a punishment .

  10. 刑法确立的罪刑相适应原则要求立法者,法定刑要与犯罪性质和社会危害性相适应。

    The Crime Criminal established adaptation principle requires lawmakers , legal punishment to be compatible with the nature of the crime and social harm .

  11. 中国古代量刑有三大基本原则:以犯罪事实为根据、以刑事法律为基本准绳的原则,疑罪从轻原则和罪刑相适应原则。

    As one of the basic principles of criminal law , the principle of suiting punishment to crime should be carried out in criminal legislation .

  12. 而正确把握量刑的方法,对做到罚当其罪和罪刑相适应至关重要。

    To grasp the method of adjudicative of punishment correctly is the core of " principle of suiting punishment of crime " and " punishment in keeping with the crime " .

  13. 从不得已原则出发,刑罚的设置应当使罪刑相适应,这就要求量刑的基准应当是犯罪成本略大于犯罪收益,这样才能更好的保障全体公民的基本权利。

    From the necessity of setting principle , should make crimes , which requires the sentencing crimes cost shall be slightly benchmark returns than crime , so as to better safeguard the basic rights of all citizens .

  14. 首先,从理论基础上,设立复权制度是罪刑相适应原则的体现、实现刑罚目的的切实要求和刑法谦抑性原则的必然要求。

    First , based on the theory , establishment of rehabilitation is the reflection of principal of suiting punishment to crime , practical requirement of achieving the purpose of punishment , necessary requirement of principal of modesty and restraint of criminal law .

  15. 然而这些见解不仅缺乏足够的理论支持,同时也存在逻辑上的致命缺陷,有违罪刑法定原则和罪刑相适应原则。

    However , these ideas not only lack sufficient theoretical support , but also have fatal defect in logic . These views lack sufficient theoretical support and meanwhile violating the principle that crimes are judged by law and the principle that crimes match punishments .

  16. 第四章,对于刑罚裁量问题,既要根据具有案情合理认定处罚的情节,还要在此基础上适用正确的法律和司法解释,做到罪刑相适应。

    The fourth chapter is about the penalty discretion , the judge should not only make the crime circumstances decision reasonable according to the determination of punishment is reasonable , but also apply correct legal and judicial interpretation to make punishment adapt with the crimes .

  17. 而我国《刑法》却只采用简单罪状的形式对故意杀人罪予以规定,定罪量刑的跨度极大,重罪轻罚或轻罪重罚的现象普遍存在于司法实践中,明显与罪刑相适应原则相悖。

    But the criminal law of our country only by simple counts in the form of the crime of intentional homicide regulations , the conviction and sentencing of span , felony light punishment or grueling phenomenon exists generally which violated the principle of suiting punishment to crime seriously .

  18. 笔者认为,没收财产刑具有强烈的重刑主义色彩,其过分突出惩罚功能,缺少教育改造功能,难以满足罪刑相适应原则。

    The author believed that the penalty of confiscation of property has an intense principle for severe sentence , which stresses penalty function excessively , and lacks of the function for education and transformation , then satisfies the principle of the crime adapt to the punishment with difficulty .

  19. 我国偷税犯罪的立法缺陷表现在:处延界定不严密,尤其是实施数额与比例的双重标准,导致罪刑不相适应;

    The legislative defects of tax-evading crime in our country reveal in the following aspects : its extensive definition is not well-conceived , especially that the double criteria of " amount " and " percentage " lead to improper correspondence between crimes and punishments ;

  20. 自从资产阶级刑法革命以来,刑法被赋予了罪刑等价、罪刑相适应的要求。

    Ever since the bourgeois revolution in criminal law , the criminal law was expected to be of equivalent and fit between punishment and crime .

  21. 第二是保安处分违背了刑法的基本原则&罪刑法定原则和罪刑相适应原则。

    The second is that security measure violates the basic principle of criminal law & the principle of a prescribed punishment for a specified crime and the principle of suiting punishment to crime .

  22. 认为转化犯的设置符合罪刑法定原则以及罪刑相适应原则,可以解决司法实践中的疑难问题,有一定的价值;

    Think the set of translation crime accord with crime and punishment legal principle and crime and punishment meet principle , can solve knotty problem of judicial practice , there is certain value ;

  23. 罪刑均衡(在我国指罪刑相适应原则)不仅是刑法的一项基本原则,也是研究罪刑失衡现象的基础。

    The balance of crime ( in principle that punishment is criminal law ) not only a basic principle , but also on the legality of the underlying imbalances .