
zuì rén
  • sinner;offender;guilty person
罪人 [zuì rén]
  • [guilty person;offender;sinner] 有罪的人

  • 罪人有无不均。--清. 方苞《狱中杂记》

罪人[zuì rén]
  1. 犯有谋杀罪;罪人;秘密的犯罪行为;内疚的良心;有罪的行为。

    Guilty of murder ; the guilty person ; secret guilty deeds ; a guilty conscience ; guilty behavior .

  2. 那个年轻的罪人得到宽赦。

    The young offender was spared .

  3. 他是一个罪人,承蒙上主的恩宠才得以拯救。

    He was a sinner , redeemed by the grace of God .

  4. 上帝欢迎悔过的罪人。

    God welcomes the sinner who repents .

  5. 他抨击当代罪人。

    He assailed the vice of the time .

  6. 但愿罪人都被罚受永久的地狱之火。

    Sinners may be damned to everlasting hellfire .

  7. 有另一个有效的方法来镇压那最为顽固、抗命不从的罪人。

    There is another efficacious method for subduing the most obstinate , contumacious sinner .

  8. 可恨的是罪行,而非罪人。

    Hate the sin but not the sinner .

  9. 地狱里折磨罪人的魔鬼

    demons torturing the sinners in Hell

  10. 英雄还是罪人:乌拉圭的路易斯苏亚雷斯(R)的可以被认为是英雄还是坏人。

    Hero or Villain : Uruguay 's Luis Suarez ( R ) can be considered a hero or villain .

  11. 同样成为不可能之事的还有对财政“罪人”自动实施制裁,以及由欧洲法院(europeancourtofjustice)审查违反财政条例的情况。

    Gone are automatic sanctions on fiscal " sinners " and review of breaches of fiscal rules by the European Court of justice .

  12. 罪人:尼日利亚前锋雅库布雅库布的对韩国小姐在B组的最后比赛是最严重的一次在世界杯上。

    Villain : Nigeria striker Yakubu Aiyegbeni 's miss against South Korea in their final Group B game was one of the worst at a World Cup .

  13. 我承认我是个罪人(sinner)。

    Alright , I admit . I 'm a sinner .

  14. 从法律上说,这需要该国退出欧盟(eu)。那么,欧盟会不怕费事地邀请这个“罪人”回来吗?

    Legally , it would require the country to leave the European Union . Would the latter then take the trouble of inviting the malefactor back in ?

  15. Timothy教堂有处罪人忏悔的地方,当他们忏悔完,都期待能得到宽恕。

    There is a place in St Timothy church where sinners go to confess their sins and once they are done , they expect absolution .

  16. 过去的每天几乎都会产生一位新罪人,成为众矢之的–乘坐私人飞机前往华盛顿乞求救济的CEO们,领取亿元高薪却毁掉银行的金融界巨人们。

    Hardly a day passes without a new culprit to throw stones at : CEOs who fly to Washington in private jets to beg for a handout , financial titans who were paid hundreds of millions to ruin their banks .

  17. Argy-Bargy沦为罪人当小贝在英格兰与阿根廷的98年世界杯淘汰赛中吃到他职业生涯第一张红牌后,他职业生涯的第一个低谷不期而至。小贝报复性地抬腿跘倒了阿根廷的迭戈·西蒙尼。

    The undoubted low point of Beckham 's playing career came when he received his first-ever red card in 1998 , for flicking his leg out at Argentina 's Diego Simeone during England 's World Cup knockout game .

  18. 别把罪人当圣人了。

    Let 's not make a saint out of a sinner .

  19. 凡是说自己不是罪人的都有问题。

    Anybody who says they 're not sinners has a problem .

  20. 他对忏悔的罪人一概慈悲为怀。

    He is kind and gracious to all sinners who repent .

  21. 顿时使人想起古代那种装奴隶罪人的划船的舷墙来。

    reminding one of the bulwarks of some condemned old craft .

  22. 夜幕充满末日战争的异色,罪人号泣!异教徒必死!

    Armageddon 's drawing nigh , Sinner cry ! Heathen die !

  23. 而这一次所指的罪人正是沙范女士。

    And this time around the alleged sinner is Mrs Schavan .

  24. 待看罪人都认罪,大家顺从福音。

    While sinners , now confessing , The gospel call obey .

  25. 向这儿看,看看我这个世上的罪人吧!

    Behold me here , the one sinner of the world !

  26. 宽恕我吧,尽管我是一个罪人。

    Have mercy on me , though I 'm a sinner .

  27. 但是神的话告诉我们他爱罪人。

    But Gods Word tells us that He loves sinners !

  28. 嘿罪人和圣人回答大自然的呼唤!

    Hey Sinners and saints answer the nature 's call !

  29. 站在这里的人们,有谁要怀疑上帝对一个罪人的制裁吗?

    Stand any here that question God 's judgment on a sinner ?

  30. 是英雄还是罪人&张遇留事迹新考

    Hero or Criminal ── the New Research on Zhang Yu liu Studies