
  • 网络Canon
  1. 另一方面是我们现代人,在研究正典圣经时并没有局限性。

    The other aspect of this is that we in the modern period don 't limit ourselves to the study of the Canon .

  2. 它没有说作者是保罗,但数世纪来一些基督徒一直假定,它是保罗写的,这就是为什么它被收录在正典圣经的保罗书信后面。

    Now it doesn 't claim to be by Paul , but some Christians throughout the centuries have assumed that it was by Paul , and that 's why it 's included in the Canon after Paul 's letters .

  3. 耶鲁公开课所以在罗马书第12章14节里,保罗说“祝福那些逼迫你的人趣味单词Canon佳能['kænən]n.标准;教规;正典圣经;教士

    So in Romans 12:14 , Paul says , " Bless those who persecute you .

  4. 我们不能拿来整部正典圣经,然后光考参圣经里的其他章节来解读另一些章节。

    We don 't take the whole Canon of the Bible and interpret it all by reference to other parts of the Canon .

  5. 然而,历史批评,把正典圣经拆开来看,认为每一个独立的文档必须只研究其本身,及其本身的内容。

    Historical criticism , though , takes the Canon apart and says each individual document must be studied in its own right and for its own content .

  6. 福音教徒迈克尔克罗马提告诉戈德伯格,摩门教徒的一个问题就是他们坚持“在已公认的正典圣经之外再加上一卷”(就是摩门书)。

    The evangelical Michael cromartie tells Mr Goldberg that one problem with Mormons is that they insist on " an extra-biblical addition to the agreed-upon canon " ( that is , the book of Mormon ) .

  7. 事实上一些人相信它是因此才被收录进正典圣经的,因为它在古代算是,有争议的书信,所以一些人不愿意让它出现在正典里。

    In fact some people believed that 's how it got into the Canon because it was kind of a controversial letter in the ancient world so some people didn 't want it in the Canon .

  8. 它们不是按照时间顺序排的;,他们把《罗马书》放到最前面,因为它是最长的,然后在正典圣经里是保罗书信,差不多都是根据篇幅来排序的。

    They didn 't follow a chronological order ; they put Romans first because it 's the longest and then the letters of Paul come in the Canon , more or less with some exceptions , by length .