
shū juàn
  • books;volume
书卷 [shū juàn]
  • [volume] 书籍,因古时书籍多为卷轴形,所以叫书卷

  • 书卷不离手

  1. 漫步清新校园,呼吸书卷芳香。

    Walk through the campus of fresh , aromatic breathing books .

  2. 为方便读者,大多数书卷中插入了斜体字的段落标题。

    As an aid to the reader , italicized sectional headings are inserted in most of the books .

  3. 这些话书卷气重了点儿。

    These words are a bit too literary sounding .

  4. 在这些提供预言的书卷中收集了过去对于一些案件的零散预言,在这些案件中,危险会降临。

    In these sibylline leaves are gathered the scattered prophecies of the past upon the cases in which the axe will fall .

  5. Facebook问世之初给人的印象是既具书卷气又够酷,现在,它早已超越了酷不酷的层次。

    Facebook , having been sort-of nerdy-cool in its early days , has since transcended the whole cool-uncool spectrum .

  6. k又对我说,人子阿,要把我所赐给你的这书卷吃下,充满你的肚腹。

    And He said to me , Son of man , feed your stomach and fill your inward parts with this scroll that I am giving you .

  7. LSE古朴典雅的萧伯纳图书馆经过CIBL和LSE的精心布置,显得充满书卷气而又特别温馨。

    The Shaw Library of LSE demonstrated its academic and warm atmosphere thanks to the elaborate arrangement by CIBL and LSE .

  8. 不久之后,伯希和以更低的价格带走了另一批书卷,送到巴黎的吉美艺术博物馆(MuséeGuimet)。

    A little later , Pelliot took another substantial haul of scrolls for the Mus é e Guimet in Paris , and paid even less .

  9. 不求白昼,但求你书卷之光。

    And despairs day , but for thy volume 's light .

  10. 依我看他的文笔书卷气重了一点。

    His style is a bit too literary for my taste .

  11. 面对许多古怪而离奇、并早已被人遗忘的书卷;

    Over many a quint and curious volume of forgotten lore .

  12. 我又举目观看,见有一飞行的书卷。

    I looked again-and there before me was a flying scroll !

  13. 其次书籍装帧中的书卷气是指书籍作为知性的象征,在装帧设计中所体现出的文化性;

    Secondly , it is the knowledge culture of book .

  14. “旷野成书斋;自然乃书卷”。

    The field his study , nature was his book .

  15. 青春的誓言,书卷的气息.

    the promise of youth , the smell of curricula .

  16. 在书卷之间展翅飞翔是多么地惬意!

    How easy it is to fly on paper wings !

  17. 他把书卷交给沙番;沙番就阅读那书卷。

    And Hilkiah gave the book to shaphan , and he read it .

  18. 马可福音可被称为一卷「行动密集」的书卷。

    The book of Mark 's Gospel could be called " action-packed " .

  19. 其中一样东西是一幅写满咒语布满图画的书卷。

    One of the objects was a roll of magic spells and pictures .

  20. 以西结吃神所赐书卷,并将其中的话告诉以色列人。

    That Ezekiel had to eat and tell his people what was on it .

  21. 与外界的隔阂带给她的是促使她走向科学的一种书卷气。

    Her isolation contributed to a kind of bookishness that propelled her toward science .

  22. 当约翰看到那个小书卷的时候,他也希望能够得到这预言的启示。

    When John saw the scroll he expected to receive this revelation of prophecy .

  23. 你对约亚敬王焚烧预言书卷有何看法?

    What are your comments about King Jehoiakim 's burning of the prophecy roll ?

  24. 写下了关于它的书卷,而你怎么又钻进这个圈套呢?

    Write about it the volume , and you again get to this trick ?

  25. 文人气或者书卷气,是中国书画­理论中的一个重要概念。

    Being scholarly or intellectual is a key concept in Chinese painting and calligraphy theories .

  26. 校报新闻标题应有书卷气

    Titles of School Newspaper Should be Knowledgable

  27. 如果这书卷是神审判的纪录,有谁可以打开呢?

    If this is a record of God 's judgments , who can open it ?

  28. 重塑书籍之美&传统书卷美与现代书籍设计的融合

    Reshape Books Beauty & the Beauty of the Traditional Books and the Integration of Modern Books

  29. 问题1.谁才配得展开七印封严的书卷?

    Q.1 Who is the only one that worthy to open the scroll with seven seals ?

  30. 约翰现在吃被耶稣打开七印的书卷。

    John now eats the scroll that has the SEVEN seals that were removed by Jesus .