
  • 网络book design;book binding design
  1. 书籍装帧设计的界定。

    The definition of the book design .

  2. 随着社会的变革,机械大生产对书籍装帧设计有了新的要求。

    With the social transformation and big production , book design is required some new demand .

  3. 新技术与新材料在书籍装帧设计中的应用

    Application of New Technologies and Materials in Book Binding and Layout

  4. 多媒体组合教学与《书籍装帧设计》课程的改革

    Combined Multimedia Teaching and Curriculum Reform for Graphic Design Course

  5. 浅谈书籍装帧设计

    A Brief Talk on the Design of Binding & layout of Books

  6. 空白在书籍装帧设计中的魅力

    The artistic charms of margins in the graphic design of a book

  7. 社会视觉心理与书籍装帧设计

    People ′ s social visual mentality and binding and layout of books

  8. 书籍装帧设计教学中若干问题的研讨

    Discuss Several Problems in Teaching Book Binding and Layout Design

  9. 材料感觉特性在书籍装帧设计中的运用

    The Application of Materials Feeling in Book Binding Design

  10. 书籍装帧设计的视觉传达特征

    The Visual Transmission Characteristics of Book Binding Design

  11. 总体来说,中国书籍装帧设计还任重而道远。

    In a word , Chinese books designs have a long way to go .

  12. 对包装及书籍装帧设计的几点思考

    Reflection over Packaging and Book Binding Design

  13. 书籍装帧设计的文化内涵

    Cultural Connotations of Books ' Graphic Design

  14. 中国当代书籍装帧设计

    Contemporary graphic design of China

  15. 吕敬人书籍装帧设计作品

    Book Design by Lv Jingren

  16. 书籍装帧设计作为完整意义上的书籍是不可或缺的重要部分,是书籍的骨肉,为书籍注入美的生命和活力。

    As an important part of books , the book design is the life and vitality to it .

  17. 并通过对函套设计的再思考,探索书籍装帧设计在理论研究和创新层面上的发展方向。

    And it explores the development orientation of envelop sheath design on the level of theoretical research and innovation .

  18. 论述了空白在书籍装帧设计中的地位、作用和魅力。

    Expound introduces the status , functions and artistic charms of margins in the graphic design of a book .

  19. 那么我们就不难理解书籍装帧设计的形态为什么能独立成为一种艺术形式出现。

    We find it not difficult to understand why the form of book design can independently be an art form .

  20. 再次,书卷气是书籍装帧设计中的气韵之美,是书籍装帧作品生命力的源泉。

    Thirdly , it is the ' QI ' of book design and art and the headstream of Chinese book design and art .

  21. 构建具有中国特色的当代书籍装帧设计风格,就要深入传统,对书卷气进行分析和研究。

    Construction of the Chinese book design system means a study of the traditional design and an analysis of the book ' QI ' .

  22. 本研究目的是为了通过具体作品的分析和学习,从各个角度开拓书籍装帧设计的新思路。

    Purpose of this study was to from all angles to develop new ideas for book design , through analysis and study of specific works .

  23. 本课题立足于红楼文化的根基,从历史的视角来审视《红楼梦》书籍装帧设计的发展。

    The Red cultural issues based onthe foundation , from a historical perspective to examine the " The Dream ofRed Mansions " book design development .

  24. 本文从书籍装帧设计的图文版面、材质感知、文化内涵等方面进行阐释分析,强调树立装帧设计整体美感的重要性。

    This paper analyzes the book design layout , material perception , culture connotation , and emphasizes the importance of overall aesthetic of book binding .

  25. 如果说传统书籍装帧设计有着古老的发展历史,工业革命以后由于艺术家的探索才确定了适应时代要求的书籍设计的新形式。

    There is an ancient developing history of traditional book design , but the proper new form of book design was settled through the discovery of artists after industrial revolution .

  26. 从书籍装帧设计的历史追溯中,探讨了书籍装帧设计的内容与意义,说明了书籍装帧设计的特点,提出了书籍装帧设计的创作策略。

    From the trace the history of book design , the Author studies content and meaning of book design , explains the features of book design , proposes the creation strategy of book design .

  27. 民国书籍装帧设计展示了传统装帧形式向现代书籍设计的演变,是中国现代书籍设计的开端。

    The Book Design of Republic of China ( for short as BDRC ) is the beginning of modern book design , which reveals the change of book design from traditional form to modern one .

  28. 书籍装帧设计实际上就是书的包装设计,也就是塑造书的体和貌。

    Binding and layout of a book actually is the design of the package of a book in deed , that is , to model the " body " and " face " of a book .

  29. 文化内涵和艺术的格调高低,决定了书籍装帧设计的文化品位,我按照设计流程,通过对《家庭书架丛书》整体形态的设计分析,来研究传统文化在现代书籍装帧设计中的应用。

    The culture connotation and artistic taste decide the culture taste of books design ; According to design flow , I research the application of traditional culture in modern design by analyzing the whole situation of design .

  30. 书籍装帧设计中运用空白可突出书名、突出主题、产生注意,可产生和谐和美感,可产生联想与创造,可产生简洁与轻松感觉。

    Using margins in the graphic design of a book can make its title and theme more impressive , produce a sense of harmony and beauty , stir association and creation , and make the book concise and lively .