
  1. 从文化塑形看沈复与林语堂的文化情怀

    The Culture Shaping on the Culture Feelings of Shen Fu and Lin Yutang

  2. 女性主体与主体逾越&沈复《浮生六记》的女性主义释读

    The Feminine Subject and the Subjective Transgression & A feminist approach to Shen Fu 's Six Chapters of Floating Life

  3. 苏杭一带才女辈出的人文环境,使他们的爱情萌发于沈复对陈芸才性韵致的倾慕,与任由父母之命捏合的封建婚姻不同。

    The humane environment that a large number of talent girls come forth in Suzhou and Hangzhou , makes their Love emerge from Shenfu 's strong admiration for Chen Yun 's talent .

  4. 沉寂期中,张慧剑的《明清江苏文人年表》钩稽出重要资料,在沈复是否曾游历琉球以及游历琉球的时间等关键问题上得出了明确的结论;

    The stage in the still , Zhang Hui-jian 's 《 Chronological Table of Jiangsu Scholars in Ming and Qing Dynasties 》 showed important materials , which drew clear conclusion to whether and when Shen Fu ever visited the Ryukyu Islands ;