
  • 网络Color tone;sheme
  1. 有一个美丽的蓝宝石色彩基调。

    There a a beautiful sapphire colour tone .

  2. 城市色彩基调的形成有历史的、文化的、地理的、材料的因素。

    Its formation is influenced by factors of history , art , geography and materials .

  3. 城市色彩基调的设计需要注意主体性、统一性和城市文脉。

    The design for the tone of urban color should pay attention to main buildings , unity and urban context .

  4. 城市色彩基调是城市形象的一部分,城市色彩基调能反映一个城市的气质和性格。

    As a part of urban image , the tone of urban color could reflect quality and character of a city .

  5. 可以提倡一个城市有自己的一个色彩基调,但不能因此而制约人们对建筑色彩多样化与丰富性的追求。

    A city may have its own color , but that can 't restrict people 's love and pursuit of other different colors .

  6. 其主要表现在几个方面:色彩基调不统一,城市色彩混乱;城市色彩视觉污染严重;城市色彩标识性不强等等,因此,对长沙市进行城市色彩研究与规划已刻不容缓。

    The main problems can be manifested in in several aspects : the color tone of the building is not uniform , urban color is confusion ; some polluted color vision ; urban color is not symbolically and so on .

  7. 论城市色彩的基调

    A Discussion on the Tone of Urban Color

  8. 城市色彩的基调是指一个城市或城市的某一区域以建筑为主体所呈现的统一的色彩倾向。

    The tone of urban color means unified color trend presented by main architectures in an area or in a city .

  9. 苹果公司的设计总监乔纳森·艾维指出,新图标的特点是运用了全新的调色板——之前厚重的原色调已不复存在,取而代之的是具现代感的色彩与基调。

    revamp : Apple 's head of design Jony Ive notes that the new icons feature a new palette of colors - gone are the bold , primary colors of old , replaced by modern shades and tones .

  10. 一幅漂亮的褪色仿旧粉色窗帘是房间色彩搭配的基调。

    A pair of pretty , faded pink antique curtains was the starting point for the room 's colour scheme .

  11. 探讨电视节目后期制作中字幕的色彩布局、色彩基调、字体字型、出字方式及其他相关因素,以求完善电视字幕的功能和作用,进一步提高电视节目的制作水平。

    The paper discusses the color arrangement , the keynote of the color , fonts and the ways words , and relative facts that should be considered in designing caption , in order to improve the function of caption in post production and push the programs to a higher level .

  12. 在这三个阶段的色彩设计指引中,城市整体阶段的色彩设计指引着重于用整体色彩基调去统一城市色彩感觉;

    The whole city color design guidelines emphasizes on the unification of color feeling in the whole city with a basal tone .