
sè zhí
  • Color value;tone
色值[sè zhí]
  1. pH对白砂糖转化糖浆色值的影响

    The Effect of the pH Value on the Color of Invert Syrup

  2. 基于视频RGB色值稳定性的交通事件检测研究

    Traffic Incident Detection Study Based on Video Color Stability of Image Regions

  3. 通过与传统的亚法澄清对比,对氢氧化镁的澄清效果在沉降速度、过滤速度、清汁简纯度、清汁pH、清汁色值的结果进行了分析。

    Through comparing with the traditional purification method , the results of the subsidence velocity , filtration velocity , purified juice apparent purity , colour and pH value were analyzed .

  4. 本文比较了不同水解pH值及中和pH值对转化糖浆制备过程色值的影响,并选择了转化糖浆制备过程的最佳pH值。

    As a major effect factor of the color produce , the influence of different pH conditions in the preparing of invert syrup are compared in this paper . After that , the optimum pH conditions are chosen .

  5. 创新点:1.首次测定了野生和栽培防风形成层以外的组织结构的颜色,建立野生和栽培品总色值Eab值域,用以鉴别防风不同的生长方式。

    For the first time using a colorimeter on the organizational structure of wild and cultivated Fangfeng outer layer of color formation was measured to establish wild and cultivated products total value of Eab color range . 2 .

  6. 色值是转化糖浆的一个重要质量指标,它直接影响到绵白糖的质量。

    Color is an important quality index of the white sugar .

  7. 降低清汁色值及灰分的研究

    Study on the reduction of color and ash content in purified juice

  8. 浓缩苹果清汁色值下降问题的研究

    The decline chromaticity value of concentrated apple juice

  9. 本文介绍了浓缩苹果汁色值的形成机理和控制方法。

    The development mechanism and control measures of color value are introduced in this paper .

  10. 无效的红颜色值:必须是0-255。

    Invalid red color : must be0-255 .

  11. 我们获取的色彩特征有两个,一个是主色值,另一个是指定色块。

    We have acquired two features of color , dominant color and particular color block .

  12. 粉红:根据饱和度和色值的不同,粉红可以引起不同的情绪振动。

    PINK : Depending on its saturation or value , pink evokes varied mood swings .

  13. 白砂糖的色值与产品质量

    Color and quality of white granulated sugar

  14. 树脂吸附法提高苹果浓缩清汁色值和透光率研究

    Improvement of the Color Value and Clarity of Clarified Apple Juice Concentrate Treated with Adsorbent Resins

  15. 色值是反映浓缩苹果汁颜色深浅程度和衡量苹果浓缩清汁产品质量的重要理化指标。

    Study on enhancing and conserving the color value of apple juice concentrate using different resin .

  16. 通过产品外观特征分析白砂糖色值和混浊度偏高的具体原因

    Analysis on the Cause of Higher Colour and Turbidity of White Sugar by the Appearance Character

  17. 利用多级上浮法降低亚法糖浆色值的研究250℃·d左右开始上浮;

    Reducing Colour of Syrup in Sulfitation Process with Multiple-Stage Flotation the floating was 250 ℃· d ;

  18. 酶促褐变是引起苹果浓缩汁色值降低、品质劣变的主要原因之一。

    Enzymatic browning is one of the major factors to cause the low quality of apple juice concentrate .

  19. 加热温度在70℃时,清汁蔗糖分最低、色值最高,其沉降过滤速度最快。

    The sucrose was the lowest , the color and the filtering speed were the highest at 70 ℃ .

  20. 在这个例子中,我们将针对一副数字图像的像素平均色值创建函数索引。

    In this example , we create functional indexes on the average color values of the pixels in a digital image .

  21. 因此,减少混合汁中蔗渣糠的数量是一项降低清汁色值的重要措施。

    It is an important measure of reducing the colour of clarified juice to decrease the content of bagacillo in mixed juice .

  22. 提汁过程蔗汁铁和酚类色素含量对色值影响的研究

    Study the Effect on the Cane Juice Color Value Caused by the Content of Iron and Phenolic Pigment in the Milling Process

  23. 归纳出其具体色值以及色彩运用特征,经整合得出凤翔传统图样色彩谱系。

    Summarize their specific color value and use of color characteristics , obtained by integration of the FengXiang traditional pattern color pedigree .

  24. 然而,目前尚无有关糖厂中间汁色值与铁质相互作用的深入研究。

    However , there are still no deep research on the interaction between iron and color value of cane juice during the processing at present .

  25. 探讨了白砂糖中酚类物、氨基态氮、铁离子对白砂糖色值的影响。

    The effects of the contents of polyphenol amino nitrogen , iron ion within the white granulated sugar on the color increasing were studied in this paper .

  26. 应用图像分析仪对肿瘤细胞核进行体积、形态、色值的定量测定并和正常细胞核对比分析。

    Quantitative determination of the size , figure and color of neoplastic cell nuclei and comparison with those of the normal cells were performed using image analysis instrument .

  27. 通过对甘蔗糖厂的实际混合汁进行研究,发现混合汁中的蔗渣糠含量将直接影响糖汁的色值;

    It is discovered that the colour value of sugar juice is affected by the content of bagacillo in mixed juice through the experiments on mixed juice in some sugar mills .

  28. 在甘蔗中以有色化合物或色素前身存在的多酚物质,通过酶和化学作用形成的酚类色素是糖汁色值加深的主要因素之一。

    The phenolic compounds of sugarcane exist as the colored compound or pigment predecessor . Phenols colorant is one of the main factors that deepen the color value in juice which are formed by enzymatic and chemical reaction .

  29. 影响成品糖色泽和色值的因素有很多,包括原料甘蔗本身带来的色素和生产过程中生成的有色物质,其中铁对制糖过程有色物质的生成有很大的影响。

    Many factors can effect the lustre and color value of commercial sugar , including the pigments from raw material and production process . Among these factors , iron makes a great different to the formation of colored substance .

  30. 根据极差分析选择最忧水平组合,优化工艺条件以提高总氮物、淀粉、酚类物和可溶性二氧化硅的除去率,提高简纯度,降低色值。

    By analyzed the experiments results , we found the optimum technology condition to increase elimination rate of nitrides > starch > phenols and soluble silica , to raise apparent purity ( A.P ), and to decrease color value .