
  • 网络chromaticity diagram;CIE;CIE chromaticity diagram
  1. 色度图在舞台影视灯光设计中的应用

    Application of the chromaticity Diagram in the Stage 、 Movie and TV Lighting

  2. 色度图上代表不同温度黑体(普朗克辐射体)的色度曲线。

    The line in a chromaticity diagram representing the chromaticity of full ( or Planckian ) radiators of different temperatures .

  3. 比较LED三基色与电视系统三基色在色度图上所覆盖的彩色范围,确定LED管子的选择方法及使用注意事项。

    We also compare the colour areas on the chromaticity diagrams of LED RGB and TV system RGB , based on which how to choose LED tubes and the warning items are depicted .

  4. 测量了它们的色位移并表示在国际照明学会(CIE)1931年色度图上。

    The color shifts were measured and shown on the CIE 1931 color diagram .

  5. 本文初步探讨了RGB颜色空间所有颜色点转换为色度图上的颜色点的规律,按色差将所有颜色点聚类于黑蓝绿青红紫黄自8种颜色。

    And grouped all the color points into eight color such as black , blue , green , cyan , red , purple , yellow and white according to color difference .

  6. CIE1931色度图非线性均匀化

    Non-linear Uniform Transformation of the CIE 1931 Chromaticity Diagram

  7. 根据弱耦合理论,研究了谐振腔对黄光提取效率的改善,CIE1931色度图中结果表明出射光是色品坐标较好的白光。

    Based on the weak-coupling theory , the extraction efficiency of the yellow light is studied .

  8. 颜色的质量,它可以在色度图上凭它的色度坐标界定。

    Chromaticity the quality of colour which can be defined by its chromaticity co-ordinates in a chromaticity diagram .

  9. 色度图中,表征不同温度下黑体辐射的色坐标的点的轨迹。

    The locus of points in a chromaticity diagram that represents chromaticities of the radiation of Planckian radiators at different temperatures .

  10. 主要技术包括色度图、颜色库、自适应阈值、颜色模版匹配、模糊神经网络、颜色分类器等。

    Main technologies include color tolerance image , color threshold of adaptive learning , matching of color model , fuzzy neural network and color support vector machine etc.

  11. 这些代表亮度、色调和彩度的数值,随色泽的不同而发生规律性的变化,这种规律可绘制成色度图。

    These numbers , as well as numbers representing value , hue , and chroma , vary with color in a systematic fashion that can be graphed to produce a chromaticity diagram .

  12. 为充分表征数字视频测试信号的特性,便于新型数字视频测试信号的设计和系统开发,文章依据电视原理色度图的定义,给出了一个与亮度、色调和饱和度相关的数字视频测试信号设计方法;

    For embodying fully the characters of digital video test signals , a method of signal design of digital video is presented based on the definition of chroma in the television principle . The method concerns luminance , hue and saturation .

  13. 国际照明委员会1960年均匀色度标尺图上等温线的有效长度的视觉研究

    Effective length of Isotemperature lines on the CIE 1960 UCS diagram

  14. 本文报道了一种色度坐标可在整个CIE1931色度图范围内任意变化的新型光源,并对其工作原理、实现色度可调的电路结构及其应用作了介绍。

    In this paper , we report a new type of light source , its chromaticity coordinates can be changed arbitrarily on CIB 1931 chromaticity diagram , its operating principles and circuit structures are given .

  15. 用CIE-XYZ色度标准表达测量值,配合色度图直接观察瘢痕的疗效。

    CIE-XYZ chroma criterion was used to express the measurement value , and in conjunction with chroma chart , to investigate the curing effect .

  16. 但是色差信号物理含义不如色度参数中的色调和饱和度直观,为此,依据色度图定义,本文通过分析彩色光的色度参数计算方法,建立了一个通用的3要素计算程序。

    However , color difference signal is not as intuitive as hue and saturation . According to the definition of chroma diagram , the paper presented a generalized calculation program of three factors by analyzing the calculation method of colorama 's chroma parameter .