
  • 网络COLOR CHART;color table;color map
  1. 创建的色表和前者相似,但倾向于选择更广的色域,并保护网络颜色。

    Creates a color table similar to the Perceptual color table , but favoring broad areas of color and the preservation of web colors .

  2. 背部有白色或黄色花斑的鳐;广布于温带海域。创建的色表和前者相似,但倾向于选择更广的色域,并保护网络颜色。

    Ray with back covered with white or yellow spots ; widely distributed in warm seas . Creates a color table similar to the Perceptual color table , but favoring broad areas of color and the preservation of web colors .

  3. CIE最新色表模型的应用探讨

    The Application of CIE Newest Color Appearance Model

  4. ◆通过对颜色表示方法的讨论,选取了符合人眼视觉特性的HSV颜色空间来表示图像特征,并通过聚类的方法为每一幅图像建立了一个主色表;

    ◆ To show color characteristics of an image , the HSV color space , which is suitable to the visual characteristic of human , is utilized in this paper , and a new color table for each image is established by color cluster in this color space .

  5. 色表模型可以解决不同媒体在不同观察条件、不同背景和不同环境的颜色真实再现问题。

    Color appearance model can solve faithful reproduction in different background and viewing conditions .

  6. 视觉优先:优先选择人眼最敏感的色彩来创建色表。

    Perceptual : creates the reduced colour palette favouring colours that the human eye is more sensitive to .

  7. 而是否先看色表的做法对于那些看到普通型或典型特指性名称的研究对象来说,并无差别。

    The order of presentation did not make a difference for those who saw common or typical-specific names .

  8. 非晶硅色敏元件表色系统分区域空间线性变换研究

    A Study on Subregion Space Linear Transformation of a Color Measuring System with Amorphous Silicon Photosensors

  9. 为了提高花型设计的灵活性,设计了色纱配置表结构。在机器指令生成过程中,花型文件配合指定的色纱配置文件实现色纱灵活配置。

    In order to improving the flexibility during pattern design , proposed yarn configuration table structure . It is used with pattern file when generating machine instruction . 5 .

  10. 建立了尿草酸的比色测定方法。表观色深与纤维细度关系

    Relationships Between Apparent Shade Depth and Fibre Fineness

  11. 与美国同类的一次性使用运载火箭相比,中国运载火箭的可靠性毫不逊色(见下表)。

    Compared with the US expendable carrier rockets of the same category , the reliability of China 's carrier rockets is by no means inferior ( see table 1 ) .

  12. 色序系统是颜色按照感知色表特性在空间中的有序排列,其对应的颜色空间即为颜色立体。

    Color order system is a sequential arrangement of colors in space according to their perceptive characteristics , which produces a color solid .

  13. [方法]让10名中医师在自然光线下,对舌色较为典型、印刷质量较高的230副舌图进行观察并填写舌色观察表,判断结果一致率采用百分比表示。

    Methods 230 typical tongue pictures with high published quality were observed under a natural light by 10 doctors . The concordance rate of judged results was expressed by percentage .