
  1. 谈风景油画教学中的色彩训练方法

    On the Color Skill Training of Landscape Oil - Painting

  2. 色彩训练是艺术教育中一门重要的基础课。

    Training on colours is an important course in the education of art .

  3. 高等师范院校油画色彩训练手段的多元化当今已成为必然。

    It is an inevitable trend to have such multiple training methods of oil-painting 's color in the higher learning institutions .

  4. 青绿山水比之于文人水墨,画法繁复和规整,注重作画程序和效果的实境再现,这对于很多没有受过严格绘画基本功如造型、色彩训练的文人,显然有些力不从心。

    The green landscape than literati ink painting , complex and structured , pay attention to reality reappearance , which for many have not received strict training in basic skills of the literati painting , apparently there too .

  5. 提高色彩的训练能力

    Improvement of Training Ability on Colours

  6. 结合风景油画教学实践,系统地论述风景色彩写生训练在油画教学中的作用,并就风景油画色彩训练的课程设置、教学安排、教学原则以及具体的教学内容和方法等方面提出意见和建议。

    Integrating with the teaching practice , the author proposes a variety of suggestions in terms of the role , teaching curriculum , teaching arrangement , teaching principles as well as teaching contents and teaching methods concerning color skill training of oil painting from nature .

  7. 水粉风景与写生色彩的基础训练

    Gouache Painting from Nature and Basic Training in Color

  8. 色彩静物写生训练&从美术高考谈静物色彩教学

    Training in Color Still-life Painting-A Discussion on Color Still-life Teaching in Terms of the Art College Entrance Exam

  9. 浅谈基础色彩的教学与训练

    Teaching and Training of Basic Colors

  10. 最后,将该方法应用于非线性系统辨识与色彩匹配的样本训练中,实验结果验证了该方法的有效性。

    Finally , the experiment results show that it works well in the applications of nonlinear system identification and color matching .

  11. 学习的丰富内涵被带有强烈的机械化、工业化色彩的灌输、训练所取代,人的精神世界被整齐划一的知识教学所扭曲。

    The rich significance of learning is replaced by indoctrinating and training with mechanical and industrial character . The spirit world of human is twisted by uniform knowledge teaching .

  12. 水彩是美术课教学中最重要的基础课之一,在水彩课教学过程中,始终贯彻的重点有两个:一是培养训练学生的色彩感,这是色彩训练的最终目的;

    Watercolor is one of the most important basic courses of the arts teaching , two points should be implemented . One is that we should always develop students ' sensation of colors , which is the ultimate aim of the training .