
  • 网络Chromatic dispersion
  1. 借助于快速傅立叶变换电子芯片和成熟的数字信号处理技术,光OFDM系统显示出强大的色度色散容限和偏振模色散容限。

    Aided by electronic fast Fourier transform circuit and sophisticated digital signal processing technologies , optical OFDM exhibits advanced tolerances both of chromatic dispersion and polarization mode dispersion ( PMD ) .

  2. 例如有更高的频谱利用率,有较强的抗码间干扰能力,以及降低偏正膜色散(PMD)和色度色散(CD)的特点。

    For instance , it has very high spectral efficiency , strong ability in resistance to intersymbol interference , and characteristics reducing the polarisation mode dispersion and the chromatic dispersion ( CD ) .

  3. 在二阶PMD中,去偏振项占主导地位,偏振有关色度色散只有很小的贡献。

    It is also shown that the depolarization will play a role of domination in the second-order PMD , and PCD will only have a little contribution .

  4. 其次,它还有一些更吸引人的性能,比如非常小的偏振态依赖性,色度色散的机械可调性和小封装的可行性等,适合于下一代密集波分复用(DWDM)高速光通信系统。

    It has further attractive features such as very small polarization dependence , mechanically variable chromatic dispersion , and possibilities for packaging , which is very useful to the next generation DWDM system .

  5. 随着掺铒光纤放大器(EDFA)以及色散补偿技术的应用,光纤损耗与光纤色度色散已近不再是主要制约光纤通信发展的问题。

    With the development of EDFA and the application of chromatic dispersion compensation , the question of loss and chromatic dispersion is no longer a major constraint for Optical Fiber Communication development .

  6. 随着光纤通信系统传输容量的提升,新型调制格式在非线性效应、色度色散容限和偏振模色散(PMD)容限等方面的传输性能的改善,吸引了越来越多的关注。

    With the enhancement of optical fiber transmission systems capacity , performance improvement in nonlinear effect , chromatic dispersion tolerance and polarization mode dispersion ( PMD ) tolerance has drawn researchers ' attention of new modulation formats .

  7. 当光纤通信系统单信道速率升级到40Gbit/s及以上时,色度色散(CD)和偏振模色散(PMD)已经成为严重影响系统性能的主要因素。

    When bit-rate of optical fiber communication system comes to 40Gbit / s or beyond , dispersion which represents chromatic dispersion ( CD ) and polarization mode dispersion ( PMD ), will become a big problem and be dominating factor of impairing system performance .

  8. 对于特定的PMD值,随着差分群时延值的增加,平均偏振有关色度色散保持不变,平均PSP旋转速率迅速减小,而平均去偏振项和二阶PMD线性增大。

    For a specified PMD value , with the increasing of differential group delay , the averaged PCD keeps constant ; the averaged depolarization and second-order PMD will be increased linearly ; but the averaged PSP rotation rate will be decreased rapidly .

  9. 随着EDFA,非零色散位移光纤(NZDFS)等技术的不断成熟,使得衰减、非线性效应、色度色散等对于系统的影响大为减少。

    With the development of EDFA ( erbium doped fiber amplifier ) and NZDFS , the effects of dispersion , attenuation and nonlinearity on performance of WDM system are minimized .

  10. 相移法测量单模光纤色度色散

    Phase Shift Technique for Measuring Chromatic Dispersion of Single Mode Fiber

  11. 利用啁啾光纤光栅的色度色散补偿方案的研究

    The study on chromatic dispersion compensation schemes using chirped fiber Bragg gratings

  12. 基于迈克尔逊白光干涉法的光纤色度色散测量研究

    Research on Chromatic Dispersion Measurement of Fiber Based on Mickelson White-light Interferometry

  13. 为进一步深入研究色度色散补偿打下一定基础。

    This paper is a foundation for further research in chromatic-dispersion compensation .

  14. 设计并搭建完成一套基于迈克尔逊白光干涉法的光纤色度色散测量系统。

    A chromatic dispersion measurement system was designed and built based on white-light interferometry .

  15. 色度色散与偏振模色散对微波光子链路的影响染透分散作用,着色分散作用

    Influence of Chromatic Dispersion and Polarization Mode Dispersion in Microwave Photonic Link colour intense dispersion

  16. 一种40Gbit/s光纤通信系统中的动态色度色散补偿技术

    A Dynamic Chromatic Dispersion Compensation Technique in a 40 Gbit / s Optical Fiber Communication System

  17. 对单模光纤的色散谱进行测量,得出单模光纤的零色散波长和色度色散随波长变化的斜率。

    The spectral dispersion of single-mode fiber is measured and the zero chromatic dispersion wavelength , the slope of dispersion vs. wavelength are obtained .

  18. 提出了一种用于40Gbit/s单信道光纤通信系统的动态色度色散补偿方法,该方法通过检测线路中的色散值,以此作为反馈信号控制动态色散补偿器件实现系统的动态色散补偿。

    A method for dynamic chromatic dispersion ( CD ) compensation in a 40Gbit / s single-channeled optical fiber communication system is demonstrated in this paper .

  19. 将该仪器开发成了一台能同时测量保偏光纤偏振耦合、拍长、偏振消光比、模间色度色散差和纳米级位移的多功能测试仪。

    In all , this instrument can measure polarization mode coupling , beat length , polarization excitation ratio , intermodal chromatic dispersion difference in PMFs and nano-displacement .

  20. 结果表明,采用最佳射频信号驱动强度调制器,避免高阶边带的产生,可以极大地降低了色度色散的限制。

    The results show that the limitation of chromatic dispersion is greatly reduced due to avoiding the generation of higher order sidebands via driving the intensity modulator with optimized RF signal .

  21. 接着详细介绍了影响高速光通信系统性能的光纤特性:损耗、色度色散、偏振模色散和非线性效应及各自相应的克服措施。

    Secondly , there is an introduction about optical fiber characteristics which influence the performance of high-speed optical com-munication systems , such as attenuation , chromatic dispersion , polarization mode dispersion and nonlinear effects .

  22. 在对链路性能进行仿真时,讨论了在偏振复用传输链路上色度色散、偏振模色散和偏振相关损耗对系统传输性能的影响。

    Performance of simulated transmission link is discussed on base of chromatic dispersion ( CD ), polarization mode dispersion ( PMD ) and polarization dependent loss ( PDL ) in polarization division multiplex transmission link .

  23. 但在实际中,保偏光纤的双折射是与波长有关的,其快慢轴的色度色散系数不相同,即在保偏光纤中存在双折射色散。

    In practical measurement , however , the birefringence in PMFs is relative with optical wavelength , the chromatic dispersion coefficient are different in two orthogonal axes . Therefore , birefringence dispersion exists in PMFs .

  24. 且信号两正交偏振分量间能量差别越小或差分群延迟越大,上述两种情况下信号偏振度值偏离就越远。这种偏离还随系统速率和色度色散量的增加而加剧。

    The less the energy difference between two cross-polarization components , or the larger the differential group delay , the greater the signal DOP deviates , and the deviations increase rapidly with the system ratio and CO increase .

  25. 但随着传输速率的提升,40Gb/s系统的传输损伤对信号的影响也更加严重,包括色度色散、非线性效应、偏振模色散、放大器自发辐射噪声、串扰等。

    Transmission at so high speed must be severely limited by transmission impairments which include group-velocity dispersion ( GVD ), polarization mode dispersion ( PMD ), fiber nonlinear effects , Amplified Spontaneous Emission noise ( ASE ) from optical amplifiers , crosstalk and so on .

  26. 提出了一种白光频域干涉保偏光纤模间色度色散差的测量方法,能为保偏光纤偏振耦合测量和基于保偏光纤模间干涉原理的光纤传感器提供数值色散补偿的准确数据。

    Based on this theory modal , a new spectral-domain intermodal chromatic dispersion difference measurement method have been proposed . The results obtained by this method can provide usefull data for numerical dispersion compensation in polarization mode coupling measurement and polarization-maintaining fibers sensors based on intermodal interference .