
sè chún dù
  • Color purity;excitation purity;colour purity
色纯度[sè chún dù]
  1. 有机电致发光(OEL)是目前国际上一个热点研究课题,稀土配合物发光的色纯度高,作为OEL材料具有独特的意义。

    The organic electroluminescence ( OEL ) is a hot spot of current research topics in the world . The rare earth complexes as OEL materials possess unique significance because of the high colour purity of their luminescence .

  2. 基于PVK的高色纯度高稳定性有机电致红光器件

    Organic Red Electroluminescence Devices Based on PVK with High Color Purity and High Stability

  3. 此外,还介绍了基于CIE标准体系的色度计算方法,以及颜色的主波长和色纯度等视觉色度参数。

    In addition , the method of CIE chromaticity calculation , together with the visual colorimetric parameters , dominant wavelength and color purity , are also presented in this article .

  4. 真空紫外发光材料的品质是影响PDP显示效果的一个关键因素,其色纯度、衰减时间、发光效率、稳定性等直接影响到显示的质量。

    The quality of Vacuum ultraviolet ( VUV ) luminescent materials is the key point of PDPs such as luminescence efficiency , color purity , decay time and stability play important role on the quality of displays .

  5. 为了增加电子注入,蓝色有机电致发光器件中通常包含一层由发绿光的Alq组成的电子传输层,因此器件的发光常常不可避免地要出现Alq本身的发光从而影响器件的发光色纯度。

    A blue organic electroluminescent device usually consists of an electron-transporting layer like green emissive Alq , from which green emission is inevitable and affects the color purity of the device .

  6. 在365nm紫外光的激发下,产生发光峰在448.6nm附近、谱线带宽为72.6nm的蓝光发射,发光亮度高,色纯度高。

    NPN film could emit intense blue fluorescence with a peak wavelength at 448.6 nm and a bandwidth of 72.6 nm under UV-Vis excitation at 365 nm .

  7. 为了简化WOLED器件的制备工艺,利用激基复合物/电致激基复合物发光来调制发光光谱是得到高色纯度白光器件的一个重要方法。

    Using electroplex or / and exciplex to modulate the emission spectrum of the white diode is considered as an important way , which can simplify the preparation process of WOLED .

  8. 液晶投影显示的色纯度和色均匀性

    Color Purity and Color Uniformity of Liquid Crystal Projection Display

  9. 新型高色纯度弱电流猝灭性蓝色有机发光器件

    Novel Blue Organic Light Emitting Diode with Highly Saturated Color and Weak Current-Induced Quenching

  10. Y2O3:Eu3+是一种性能优良的稀土发光材料,其发光效率高且有较高的色纯度和光维持特性。

    Y2O3 : Eu3 + is an excellent rare-earth luminescent materials , which have high luminous efficiency and color purity .

  11. 上转换发光在三基色的显示上有其独特的优势,如较高的色纯度等。

    The upconversion luminescence in the three primary colors on the display has its unique advantages , such as color purity .

  12. 另外,以磷光材料为基础制备了高效率高色纯度的红色有机发光器件,并对器件发光机理进行了研究。

    Thirdly , highly efficient red OLEDs with high color purity are fabricated based on phosphorescent material and luminescent mechanism is studied .

  13. 为了实现全彩显示,高色纯度和高效率的红、绿、蓝三基色材料是不可或缺的条件。

    In order to realize full-color OLEDs , the red , green and blue materials with high purity and efficiency are the prerequisite conditions .

  14. 通过色品坐标分析发现掺杂离子均有利于获得色纯度更高的粉体,最后对各掺杂样品的余辉性能进行了测试。

    Chromaticity coordinate test showed doped ions were conducive to obtaining higher color purity . The afterglow properties of all phosphors were summarized in the end .

  15. 蓝色有机电致发光作为实现全彩色显示的三基色之一,还存在发光效率低、色纯度不饱和、稳定性差等诸多不足。

    Blue organic light-emitting devices as one of the tri-color for realizing full-color display , still have many shortages , such as low brightness and efficiency , bad color purity and stability .

  16. 为了防止银膜被氧化,提出了双层金属膜结构,分析了它的金属层厚度和空气缝隙的变化对滤波器峰透过率、带宽和色纯度的影响。

    For preventing silver films to oxidation , the double metal layers structure was proposed . The thickness of metal layer and air gap have an effect on transmission , bandwidth and color purity .

  17. 当配体上的电子到稀土离子的能量传递不充分时,配体激发态上的电子就可能通过别的方式去激发,这种去激发过程所引起的发光将影响稀土离子发光的色纯度。

    However , if the energy transfer from the ligand to rare earth ions is not very efficient , the electron on the excited state of ligand may transfer to the ground state of host molecular .

  18. 具有窄带发射的稀土配合物发光材料,因其具有高荧光量子效率,高色纯度等特点,被用于制备有机电致发光器件。

    Rare earth complex materials have been widely used in organic electroluminescence devices because of their high photoluminescence quantum efficiencies , narrow emission spectra and high color purity . In this review , these materials are introduced briefly .

  19. 当Gd3+以21mol%掺入到无水芒硝(Na2SO4:Eu)晶格中时,可以达到Eu3+的最强发光强度和最佳色纯度,最终出现浓度淬灭现象。

    The luminescence intensity and chromaticity of the Eu3 + reached its highest in case of mixing Gd3 + , 21mol % , into Thenardite ( Na2SO4 : Eu ) crystal lattices , and Concentration quenching effect ultimately occurred .

  20. 稀土高分子发光材料由于兼具稀土离子发光强度高、色纯度高和高分子材料优良的加工成型性能等优点而倍受瞩目。高分子发光材料有着重要的理论研究意义和应用研究价值。

    The rare earth polymer materials have attracted considerable interests for they assume both good luminescent characteristics and high color purity of rare earths and the excellent machinability of polymers . Polymer luminescence research is of great theoretical and practical significance .

  21. 相对于绿光材料,蓝光材料的研究一直处于相对落后的状态,其发光亮度、效率、稳定性和色纯度都无法与绿光相比,在一定程度上制约了全彩色显示的发展。

    Compared with the green emitting materials , the research of blue emitting materials is relatively backward , and their luminance , efficiency , stability , and color purity are far out of practical application , which limits the development of full-color display .

  22. 稀土有机配合物由于其高发光效率、高色纯度、高稳定性等独特优点,已越来越广泛的应用于工业、农业、医药学及其它高技术产业,而这些应用研究又促进了基础学科的发展。

    Rare earth organic complexes applied in industry , agriculture , curatorial science and other higher technology industry for strong luminescence efficiency , good homochromy and stability etc , more and more widely . Furthermore , these studys accelerate development of basic science .

  23. 高色价高纯度栀子黄色素的提取与精制

    The distill and refine of gardenia yellow pigment with high color number and high purity

  24. 结果表明,采用超临界二氧化碳萃取器萃取分离香茅油时应选择一个适宜的压力、温度和萃取时间,产品的色、香味、纯度均优于常规的减压蒸馏法。

    The results showed that suitable temperature , pressure and time are critical in extracting and separating citronella oil by the supercritical carbon dioxide extraction equipment .

  25. 对辣椒黄绿苗突变体的隐性叶色标记技术在纯度鉴定,提高杂交种子纯度以及在辣椒雄性不育中的作用进行了探讨。

    Used as leaf color mark , function of yellow-green mutant in hot pepper and its application in seed purity identification , hybrid purity improvement and male sterility breeding in the plant are discussed .