
  • 网络dispersion compensator;TDC;PMDC;Dispersion Compensating Module
  1. 本文对基于F-P标准具的色散补偿器进行了理论和实验研究。

    Theoretical analysis and experimental research in the dispersion compensator based on F-P etalon are presented .

  2. 第四章主要研究线性啁啾Moiré光纤光栅及其在光分插复用器(OADM)和多信道色散补偿器中的应用。

    In Chapter 4 , the spectral characteristics and its application in optical add-drop multiplexer ( OADM ) and in multi-channel dispersion compensator of linearly chirped Moir é fiber grating are studied .

  3. 利用啁啾光纤光栅(CFBG)串联的多波长色散补偿器对长距离传输的8个信道信号进行色散补偿,各个信道波长符合ITU-T标准,波长间隔为100G。

    The cascaded chirp fiber Bragg gratings ( CFBGs ), with ITU-T standard wavelengths and wavelength grid were applied to compensate the dispersion of 8 × 10 Gb / s WDM system .

  4. Bragg光纤光栅(FBG)在光纤激光器和放大器研究中有很广泛的应用,如滤波器、色散补偿器、波分复用器、增益均衡器等。这些都是布拉格光纤光栅线性性质的研究和应用。

    Fiber Bragg Grating ( FBG ) is widely applied in the study of fiber laser and amplifier , such as filter , dispersion compensator , WDM device , gain equalizer , etc. These research and application are all related with the linear nature of FBG .

  5. 用相位掩模法制备了实用化的啁啾光纤光栅色散补偿器,补偿器的色散补偿量约为900ps/nm,3dB带宽约为0.6nm,峰值反射率约为99.9%。

    Chirped fiber grating dispersion compensators with the dispersion of 900 ps / nm , the 3 dB bandwidth of 0.6 nm and the reflectivity of 99.9 % were fabricated by using the phase mask technology .

  6. 平方型啁啾光纤光栅高阶色散补偿器的理论设计

    Theoretical Design of Non-linearly Chirped Fiber Bragg Gratings for High-order Dispersion Compensation

  7. 一种新型的光纤光栅可调整偏振模色散补偿器

    A novel tunable PMD compensator based on fiber grating

  8. 光纤通信用可调谐色散补偿器的研究进展

    Progress in tunable dispersion compensators for fiber-optic communications

  9. 然而传统的色散补偿器只能补偿各信道色散值相同的情况。

    However traditional dispersion compensator only can compensate the channels which have same dispersion .

  10. 一种新型布拉格光纤光栅色散补偿器

    A Novel Dispersion Compensator Using Bragg Fiber Grating

  11. 实用啁啾光纤光栅色散补偿器的研制

    Fabrication of chirped fiber gratings for compensating

  12. 使用该方法可以得到具有低串扰的多波长光纤光栅色散补偿器。

    Using this method , we can realize the low crosstalk multi-wavelength dispersion compensators based on fiber gratings .

  13. 因此啁啾光纤光栅可以做为滤波器和色散补偿器广泛应用于密集波分复用系统中。

    So CFG can be widely used as filters and dispersion compensators in the DWDM ( Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing ) system .

  14. 偏振模色散后补偿器的工作方式分析偏振模色散相关技术

    Analysis of the Operating Points of Post-transmission Polarization Mode Dispersion Compensators

  15. 高速光通信系统中可调谐色散斜率补偿器的研究

    Study on Tunable Dispersion-Slope Compensator in High-Speed Optical Communication System

  16. 反馈控制算法是偏振模色散的自适应补偿器的关键组成部分,将粒子群优化算法(PSO)引入到偏振模色散自适应补偿系统中。

    The feedback control algorithm is the key integral part of an adaptive polarization mode dispersion ( PMD ) compensator .

  17. 偏振模色散模拟器和补偿器的性能分析及应用

    Performance Analysis and Application of Polarization Mode Dispersion Emulator and Compensator

  18. 通过对偏振模色散(PMD)补偿器的分析及研究,详细说明二种光学PMD补偿方法,并对光学预补偿法及后补偿法进行了比较。

    Two optical compensation methods of polarized mode dispersion ( PMD ) are explained in detail by analyses and study of PMD compensators , and the comparison between the optical pre-compensation and post-compensation methods are provided .

  19. 分析了一种可调节的偏振模色散(PMD)补偿器,该补偿器是一个高双折射光纤制成的非线性啁啾光纤光栅,并首次分析了该非线性啁啾光纤光栅中的光谱特性和时延曲线;

    We make a study of a tuning high birefringence nonlinearly chirped fiber Bragg gratings ( Hi Bi NLCFBG ) used to compensate the polarization mode dispersion ( PMD ) of the high speed optical fiber communication system and analyze the spectrum characteristics and time delay for the first time .

  20. 能够补偿二阶偏振模色散的三阶段偏振模色散补偿器

    Three-stage polarization mode dispersion compensator capable of compensating second-order polarization mode dispersion

  21. 采用琼斯矩阵本征值法较精确地测量了光栅的偏振模色散,并对其进行了补偿,光纤光栅色散补偿器的偏振模色散由补偿前的91406ps改善为补偿后的01521ps。

    The average PMD of the FBG dispersion compensator is measured by the Jones matrix eigenvalue method , and is compensated . Its PMD is improved from 9.1406 ps to 0.1521 ps.

  22. 对光纤光栅的偏振模色散特性进行了深入的研究,特别是啁啾光纤光栅色散补偿器的偏振模色散。

    Polarization mode dispersion ( PMD ) in fiber Bragg gratings ( FBG ) is investigated with the emphasis on the PMD of chirped FBG dispersion compensators .

  23. 近年来,各种容忍度较高的新型调制格式纷纷被提出。同时,随着系统速率的提高,对偏振模色散的缓解必不可少,需要有响应速度高、稳定的偏振模色散自适应补偿器。

    Kinds of new modulation formats are proposed . At the same time , compensation for polarization mode dispersion is essential in hig-speed system .

  24. 偏振模色散仿真器,用于仿真传输链路的偏振模色散特性,不仅可用于偏振模色散补偿器,也可用于高速长距离光纤通信系统的规划设计等。

    The PMD emulator , which emulate the PMD of optical fiber link , not only can be used in PMD compensators , but also can be used in design of high bitrate and long haul optical fiber communication system .