
ān zhuānɡ miàn
  • Installation surface;incidence
  1. 安装面层模板在浇筑坡屋面混凝土的应用

    Application of Fixing External Templet in Casting Concrete of Slope Roof

  2. 发动机安装面振动分析

    An Analysis on Vibration of Engine Installation Plane

  3. 在某民用涡轮风扇发动机的持久试车过程中,出现了发动机后安装面振动异常的现象。

    Abnormal vibration has been found on rear installation plane in a turbofan engine durability test .

  4. 安装面径向圆跳动检查

    Radial runout of mounting face inspection

  5. 用剪刀切适当大小的凝胶,粘贴在电子元件和安装面之间。

    Cut gel to the appropriate size using scissors , and place it between electronic component and mounting area .

  6. 对安装面角误差影响随动光轴平行性的问题也建立了数学模型,以此为出发点进行理论分析,给出了分析结果;

    The model of influence upon the parallel between servo optic axis from the angle error of installation plans presented .

  7. 缸体毛刺刷光机是用于电冰箱压缩机缸体各个孔口及缸盖安装面刷光去毛刺的全自动化设备。

    The Scrubbing Machine is a automatic equipment used to scrub burr of the hole and fix face of the refrigerator compressor .

  8. 该方法以镜头安装面为基准,通过两次对机械结构旋转部分的修整和一次对成像介质位置的修整,实现光学系统成像清晰的目的。

    Further , it puts forward a new method , which is based on the lens ' assemble plane and realizes the purpose of optical system imaging clearly by refacing revolution mechanic part two times and adjusting imaging distance .

  9. 柴油机气缸体主轴承盖安装定位面精铣的成形铣削工艺

    Form-milling Process for Maching Setting Faces of Main Bearing Caps in a Cylinder Block

  10. 介绍了一种针对人体消化道微型工程药丸的磁定位跟踪系统产品外观外观计研发过程。电磁炮的弹丸最后可能会安装一些翼面,目的是为了接收GPS信号和完成气动控制。

    The development of the product design of magnetic locating and tracking system of human alimentary canal engineering capsule was introduced . Projectiles will probably eventually have fins for GPS control and navigation .

  11. 尾翼-安装水平安定面、垂直安定面。

    Empennage-Install Stabilizer and Vertical Fin .

  12. 对实际工程中GRC板墙体的施工过程进行分析,从板条的安装工艺和装饰面层工艺两方面,介绍了新的解决墙体开裂问题的方法,以提高墙体施工质量。

    Based upon analysis of construction process of GRC baffle wall works , from two aspects : installation technology of panel and decorative surface new methods are proposed to deal with cracking problems of decorative surface in order to improve construction quality of wall .

  13. 锅炉安装工程中受热面管子的焊接

    The Weld of Heating Side Pipes in Boiler Installation

  14. 给出了考虑安装误差的齿面接触分析算法,并对齿面印痕数字化特征完成了定义。

    Tooth contact analysis algorithm with consideration of alignment errors was provided , and the contact pattern digital features were completely defined .

  15. 而且,在万向节式机构中,安装轴对齿面滑动磨损的影响是良性的。

    In addition , in the gimbal mechanism , the installed axes have a good effect on sliding wear of tooth surface of the spherical gear . 3 .

  16. 本文主要是研制一个汽车后轴专用的检测设备,用于测量一汽大众公司A4(宝来)后轴上两个安装面的水平与垂直角度以及两个安装面之间的距离等参数。

    This paper developed a testing equipment for FAW-Volkswagen A4 ( Polaris ) automobile rear axle , which is used to measure the horizontal and vertical angle of two mounting surfaces and the distance between the mounting surfaces .

  17. 为便于安装,制造商设计了一个环形螺栓安装面,以使与其它设备的法兰安装相配合,这使得筒形法兰的制造更容易。

    For ease of installation , the manufacturer designs a circular bolts , to install the equipment installation of flange with other match , which makes the cylindrical flange manufacture more easily .