
  • 网络aberdeen;Aberdeen Asset Managers;Yasumoto
  1. 英国资产管理公司施罗德(Schroders)、英国法通投资管理公司(Legal&GeneralInvestmentManagement,简称LGIM)、安本资产管理公司(AberdeenAssetManagement)等一些大型投资集团都强烈支持分开这两个职位。

    Some big investment groups , such as UK asset managers Schroders , Legal & General Investment Management and Aberdeen Asset Management , strongly support separate roles .

  2. 安本资产管理亚洲公司(AberdeenAssetManagementAsia)驻新加坡的业务拓展总监尼古拉斯哈多(NicholasHadow)表示,亚洲机构投资者越来越倾向于消极投资。

    Asian institutions are increasingly turning to passive investment , according to Nicholas Hadow , Singapore-based director of business development at Aberdeen Asset Management Asia .

  3. 英国安本资产管理(aberdeenassetmanagement)等外国领先机构已进入了东南亚市场,但包括hsbcassetmanagement在内的基金巨头尚未采取行动。

    Foreign pioneers such as Aberdeen Asset Management of the UK have made inroads into the South-East Asian markets . But industry giants , including HSBC Asset Management , have yet to follow suit .

  4. 他表示,安本7年前就已不再接受亚洲的独立授权(segregatedmandates),两年前在新兴市场也终止了相关业务。

    He said Aberdeen had closed to segregated Asia mandates seven years ago and to emerging market mandates two years ago .

  5. 安本资产管理公司(aberdeenassetmanagement)首席执行官马丁吉尔伯特(martingilbert)等强烈支持股市的资产经理人也认为有理由投资于债券、货币和私人股本。

    Asset managers that are keen equity supporters such as Martin Gilbert , chief executive of Aberdeen Asset Management , also see the case for investing in bonds , currencies and private equity .

  6. 在安本环球-印度机会基金(aberdeenglobalindiaopportunitiesfund),金融类股目前在投资组合中的比重为20%。

    At Aberdeen , Mr Gillan has been topping up financial stocks , which are currently at cheaper levels . In the Aberdeen Global India Opportunities Fund they now make up 20 per cent of the portfolio .

  7. SABMiller股东之一安本(AberdeenAssetManagement)首席执行官马丁•吉尔伯特(MartinGilbert)早些时候表示,他的公司“带头要求”修改收购条款。

    Martin Gilbert , chief executive of one of SABMiller 's shareholders , Aberdeen Asset Management , had earlier said his company was " leading the charge " for renewed terms .

  8. 安本资产管理(aberdeenassetmanagement)亚洲策略师彼得埃尔斯顿(peterelston)认为,该地区的经济必须转型为内需拉动增长的模式,尽管这个过程或许漫长而痛苦。

    Peter Elston , Asia strategist at Aberdeen Asset Management , argues that the region will make the required transition to domestic-led growth , long and painful though the process may be .

  9. 霍尔登说,逾20%的基金仍没有配置这四只股票中的任何一只,有些名声显赫的基金公司,比如安本(Aberdeen)和首域投资(FirstState),完全不碰中国互联网企业的股票。

    More than 20 per cent of funds still do not have any exposure to any of these four stocks , with some high-profile managers , such as Aberdeen and First State , eschewing Chinese internet stocks entirely , Mr Holden says .

  10. 安本表示,新的协议“仍不可接受,因为它既低估了这家公司,而且继续有利于SABMiller的两家主要股东”。

    Aberdeen said the new deal " remains unacceptable as it both undervalues the company and continues to favour SABMiller 's two major shareholders . "

  11. 新加坡安本资产管理公司(AberdeenAssetManagement)的高级投资经理ChristopherWong说,由于三星年度资本开支的规模和科技行业的周期性质,三星持有大量现金不是坏事。

    Christopher Wong , a Singapore-based senior investment manager at Aberdeen Asset Management , said it is ' not a bad thing ' for Samsung to maintain a large cash balance because of the size of Samsung 's annual capital expenditures and the cyclical nature of the technology industry .

  12. 安本周六下午请我们去吃饭。

    A : Ann invited us to dinner this saturday afternoon .