
sè piān
  • Color deviation;colour cast
色偏[sè piān]
  1. 另外,传统灯具的调光方式大多为模拟调光,这种调光方法已经用了很多年,但是如果应用到新型的LED灯具上,会使LED产生色偏,严重影响舞台的灯光艺术效果。

    In addition , most of the traditional lights use analog dimming methods which have been used for many years . But if using these methods to LED lights , they will let LED occur hue error which seriously affects artistic effect of stage lighting .

  2. 本文运用ICC色彩特性文件对数字图像进行了色彩校正,实验结果表明,此方法能够有效的校正数字图像的色偏,是一种行之有效的色彩还原方法。

    This article presents the correction of the digital images of tongue by applying ICC specific document for colors . The result of experiments shows that this method is able to correct the color cast of digital images efficiently , an effective method to reappear the color of tongue .

  3. 基于图像分析的数字图像色偏检测方法

    Approach to detect digital image color cast based on image analysis

  4. 图像色偏的量化研究与应用

    The Study and Application of Distinction Quantum in Graphs Hue

  5. 色偏–彩色照片上出现整体偏向一种颜色。

    COLOR CAST – the overall bias towards one color in a color image .

  6. 胶片分析系统形成色偏原因分析及校正方法

    Analysis for the Reasons of Color Cast Forming in a Film Analyzing System and Calibration Method

  7. 实心球塑料颜料在纸张表面强度、油墨吸收性、色偏方面要好于空心球塑料颜料。

    However , solid bead works better in aspects of surface strength , ink absorptivity and color deviation .

  8. 在印刷复制过程中,油墨叠印后得到的中性灰色往往容易产生色偏。

    During the printing reproduction , accurate color reproduction can not be reproduced and neutral gray overprinted always has color slanting .

  9. 此独立色空间用于消除特定装置上的图片中的任何色偏现象。

    This is a device-independent color space designed to remove any color-bias from the representation of an image on the specified device .

  10. 对印刷效果的研究包括三个方面:印刷光泽度、色密度和色偏、色效率、灰度。

    Printing effect research include three parts : printing gloss , color density and color deviation , color efficiency , gray level .

  11. 结果评价过低的计算。色偏深,果香与石头味都偏高,回味平淡,甜度较低,存放10年。

    It has dark color , high fruit and rock flavor , watery aftertaste , low sweetness , could be preserved for ten years .

  12. 为了克服传统方法在检测图像色偏上的局限性问题,提出了一种基于图像分析的图像色偏检测方法。

    In order to overcome the limit of traditional methods of evaluating digital image color errors , a new approach based on image analysis is presented .

  13. 其次详细介绍了扫描图像的色彩校正方法,并给出了叠加校正算法的设计,提出并实现了一种色偏校正的算法;

    Secondly it detailed introduces scanning image color correction method , and supplies the designing of integrative correction arithmetic , and then a method of image color deflection correction is presented and implemented .

  14. 较强的淀粉阳离子性,较高的S:MA比例有利于最终印品阶调、色偏、轮廓清晰度和墨层匀度的提高。

    The stronger cationic of starch , the higher ratio of S : MA help to improve the gray scale , color difference , contour sharpness and uniformity of ink film of end prints .

  15. 本文简要地介绍了胶片分析系统,讨论了引起输入到输出色偏的原因、系统的最优设置及彩色校正方法。

    A film analyzing system is briefly introduced in the paper , the reasons for leading to color cast from input to output , optimal setting of the system and color correcting method are discussed .

  16. 彩色胶片分析系统主要根据捕获图象的颜色来判断胶片的曝光量和色偏程度,因此要保持系统输入到输出彩色的一致性。

    A colorful film analyzing system primarily judges exposure and color cast degree of a film according to the color of the captured image , so the consistency from the system input to output color should be maintained .

  17. 首先采用光照补偿的办法对手势图像进行色偏校正,以实现后续肤色分割的准确性,然后利用肤色分割技术对手势区域进行分割,并通过对比实验验证不同方法的鲁棒性和实时性。

    Firstly , in order to achieve the accuracy of subsequent skin color segmentation , illumination compensation approach is used to reach gesture image color cast correction . And then color segmentation techniques are used to segment gesture area .

  18. 光测量主要通过激光发生干涉(衍射),利用干涉(衍射)条纹的级次进行定标、精确测量,利用零级条纹色偏最小原理,对条纹级次进行自动判断;

    In optical measurement , we could calibrate precision instrument and increase the measuring precision by using the laser interference ( diffraction ) fringe orders ; the fringe orders could be automatically determined by the zero order fringes ' minimum chromatic polarization ;

  19. 现场图像采集过程中,由于受自然光照、环境光源、现场拍摄环境等的影响,泡沫图像不可避免存在高亮点、色偏、噪声大等一系列问题,严重影响泡沫颜色特征的准确测量。

    Because of the influence of natural lighting , environment source and shooting scene environment , images has high window , color slants , noise and series of problems inevitably . As a result , it has serious influence on color features measurement results .

  20. 从处理好的闪光图片中可以看出等离子体羽颜色大致可分为三层:最内层温度最高显白色且所占面积最大,中间层温度中等显混合色偏蓝,最外层温度最低显绿色。

    Three layers of Plasma plume can be divided by color . The most internal layer shows white with the largest area . The middle layer shows mixed color inclined to blue with middle temperature while the outermost layer is green with the lowest temperature .