
sè jī
  • chromophore;colour base;colorradical
色基[sè jī]
  1. 只有结合了色基,藻蓝蛋白才能具有光学活性。

    Only when phycocyanobilin and chromophore combined together , can be phycocyanin optically active .

  2. 碱性红6GDN和色基荧光检测的激发波长和发射波长分别是310nm和554nm。

    The excitation and emission wavelengths of fluorescent detection of alkali red 6 GDN and colour base were 310 nm and 554 nm respectively .

  3. 在碱性环境中pH升高到10之后,蛋白构象的改变引起色基构象发生一定程度的变化,在此过程中可能还涉及色基的去质子化过程。

    In basic solution with pH higher than 10 , there were conformational changes as well as deprotonation process of the chromophore .

  4. 4硝基2氨基乙苯的合成及其作为不溶性偶氮染料色基应用之研究

    Synthesis of 4-Nitro-2-amino-ethylbenzene and its Application as a Diazo-component for Azoic Dyeing

  5. 有机化合物电子光谱中的助色基及其作用机理探讨(Ⅰ)

    Study on the Auxochrome of the Electronic Spectrum of Organic Compounds and Its Effect Mechanism (ⅰ)

  6. 然而这种显色会改变染料的颜色,因为显色剂担当了着色基的作用。

    However , developing changes the color of the dye , since the developer acts as an auxoehrome .

  7. 变温荧光光谱观察双分子膜中蒽醌生色基的荧光光谱强度和峰位极敏感地受到双分子膜物理状态变化的影响。

    Both the fluorescence intensity and the peak location of anthraquinone chromophore are sensitively affected by the change in the bilayer physical state .

  8. 尽管红色染料的来源有限,但它们在一种植物中存在大量色基,因此容易提取。

    Though getting red source of dyestuffs limited , they a large number of color bases store of a kind of plant in , so is easy to draw .

  9. 本文探讨了羊毛偶合反应染色新方法,即重氮化羊毛与色酚的偶合染色以及预处理羊毛与重氮化色基的偶合染色。

    This paper studies the coupling reaction method of dyeing the wool , i. e. the diazotized wool coupling with Naphtol and the pretreated wool coupling with the diazotized base .

  10. 为解决日用瓷铅镉溶出问题和提高装饰档次,研制成功18种高温快烧颜料色基及专用熔剂。

    In order to solve the question of lead and cadmium release about domestic porcelain and increase decoration grade , 18 kinds of pigment and Particular flux were successfully developed .