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  • 网络color sensation;color sense
  1. 论色感在服装设计中的应用

    Discussion on the Application of the Color Sense in the Clothing Design

  2. 二像重合色感的实验研究

    An Experimental Research on Colour Sensation at Dual Image Re-adding

  3. 她的色感特强。

    She has a wonderful feeling for colour .

  4. 我所追求的美,是一种能以单纯的色感显现的美。

    My cherishing beauty is a kind of simple beauty by means of the using of color .

  5. 油画的色感和浓郁与国画的流畅和风韵,彼此可以补充吗?

    Can the color and richness of oils and the flow and harmony of Chinese ink work together in a complementary way ?

  6. 本文提出可以处理未校准的普通图像的色感一致性算法,而且该算法不依赖于相机型号和拍摄参数。

    In this dissertation , we provide a new color constancy algorithm which can handle uncalibrated images and is free of camera and shot parameters .

  7. 传统的色感一致性算法只能处理和场景光照成线性关系的图像,因而难以推广使用。

    Traditional color constancy algorithms can only handle the images which intensities are linear with the scene reflected illuminations . Therefore they are not practical .

  8. 他善用凝重而低明的色感,并从中透露出对绘画的严肃执着与对所表达绘画的庄严美感。

    With the help of dignified and inconspicuous feelings of color , it reveals his serious persistence in painting creating and conveys a solemn aesthetic feeling in paintings .

  9. Einthoven的理论说明在小瞳孔条件下,TCA可以精确推测色体视感,但对于大瞳孔则不成立。

    Einthoven 's theory suggests that Chromostereopsis with small pupils can be precisely ac-counted for by the interocular difference in monocular transverse chromatic aberration , but itis not suitable with large pupils .

  10. 利用双色激光感生光栅光谱法测定127I的核自旋

    Determination of the Nuclear Spin of 127 I by Two Color Laser Induced Grating Spectroscopy

  11. 碘分子双色激光感生光栅光谱

    Two-color Laser-induced-grating Spectroscopy of Iodine Molecules

  12. 绿茶表色及感观审评用色卡方法的研究为了检测载气的纯度,在样品管进口直接连接装有变色的401型脱氧催化剂的检测管。

    Color indicator of green tea and color card of sensory test A glass tube containing catalyst 401 which is used as a color indicator for trace amount of oxygen was connected with the sample tube to monitor the purity of carrier gas during operation .

  13. 尊敬的客户非常感谢您对色空间的产品感兴趣!

    Respect customer thanks you to be interested to the color space product !

  14. 2种色型黄粉虫触角感器的扫描电镜观察

    Scanning Electron Microscopic Observation on the Antenna Sensilla of Tenebrio molitor Linne of Two Color Types

  15. 在台湾艺术家群中,廖继春一向以用色独特大胆和色感敏锐著称,色彩表现力也是无人出其左右。

    As a Taiwanese artist Liao Chi-Ch'un was renowned for his bold use of colours and his sensitivity towards it .