
  • 网络color scheme;icm
  1. 这个房间的色彩配置是蓝色和金黄色

    The color scheme of the room be blue and gold

  2. 其作品无论是在色彩配置,还是在技艺手法等方面,均已形成了自己的特色,使每一件作品都显得大气、明快、亮丽。

    His works both in color scheme , or in practices such as skill , have formed their own characteristics , so that each piece is looked atmosphere , bright , bright .

  3. B、色彩配置原则与运用方式一致。

    The principle and the way of color collocating are accordant .

  4. 色彩配置方案的抽取与设计重用CAD方法研究

    A Study on the Extraction and Reuse of Color Design

  5. 时下大多数图像都创建一个所谓的sRGB色彩配置文件。

    Most images nowadays are created with a so called sRGB color profile .

  6. 关于老年人青睐的绿地空间色彩配置的研究

    Research on the Color Tendency of Old People in Utilization of Green Space

  7. 家装装饰设计中的色彩配置方案探究

    Probe on the Color Configuration in Home Decoration Design

  8. 室内色彩配置的整体与局部

    The Colouring Arrangement Concerning the Whole and the Part

  9. 建筑装饰涂料的色彩配置效应

    Effect of color allocation for architectural decorative pigment

  10. 提出了基于实例的色彩配置设计方法;

    Proposing the method of color configuration case-based ;

  11. 工业车间环境色彩配置的研究

    Research on colour allocation of workshop environment

  12. 有关使用打印机色彩配置文件的信息,请参阅设置打印色彩管理。

    For information on working with printer color profiles , see Set print color management .

  13. 在色彩配置方面,老年人普遍青睐于艳丽、视觉冲击强、易于视觉感知的色彩或色彩搭配。

    Color allocation aspect , Major old people are fond of gorgeous , intense , easy perception color or color collocation more .

  14. 这个参数允许使用色彩配置来突出不同的水平,同时还能标明每个矩阵中警告或者错误的阈值。

    The preferences allow configuration of the colours used to highlight the different levels , as well as the thresholds for warnings and errors for each metric .

  15. 同时把已有实例中的优秀色彩配置方案提取重用,缩短了色彩设计周期并提高设计的成功率。

    This method also can extract the excellent color configuration from exiting examples , which can reduce the duration of color design and increase success of generics .

  16. 合理的色彩配置和设计不仅会充分地反映出园林的视觉景观及心理景观感受,更能深刻表达出园林空间所体现的景观特色和文化特征,具有很强的视觉冲击力。

    The reasonable design and color scheme will not only fully reflect the visual landscape gardening and psychological feeling , more profound landscape garden space expressed embodied the landscape features and cultural features , have very strong vision wallop .

  17. 论文基于遗传算法研究了从参考设计实例中抽取色彩配置方案、并将其运用于新设计的方法,同时建立了色彩方案的量化评价方法,应用VC++开发了色彩配置方案设计的原型系统。

    A subtraction and reuse method of color design from examples based on genetic algorithms is studied in this paper . A quantitative assessment system of color design is established , and a color design proto-system is built with VC + + tools .

  18. 因为空间小,所以浴室色彩的配置最需要技巧。

    Because the space is little , so bathroom colorific configuration needs skill most .

  19. 黄胄的用色也很大胆,把那些鲜明、单纯的色彩与墨色配置起来,强烈艳丽,产生较强的视觉扩张感,既有传统意味又富有现代观念。

    In applying color , Huang used single bright colors together with inks to form a strong visual effect , a technique which displays both traditional and modern Chinese painting ideas .

  20. 以植物为设计素材进行园林景观的营造是园林规划设计所特有的,首先,是因为植物丰富的色彩及其多样化的配置。

    Using plants material for the construction of landscape is typical of the garden planning and design . Firstly that is because the rich colors of plants and a variety of configurations .

  21. 本文结合多年多媒体教学制作经验,就基本色彩搭配、运动背景色彩配置、文字大小间隔、字体造型等问题,总结了自己的经验。

    This paper put forward some experience about color arrangement , color setting for motive background , the size and space and type of characters .

  22. 对于每种诱导区和在每个色彩方向下,诱导区都有四种对比水准以及两种相反的色彩配置方式。

    There were two opposing phases and four contrast levels for each inducer type and color direction .

  23. 少数民族图案的色彩有着鲜明的个性和特色,从少数民族图案中寻求最基本的色系,将其色彩配置关系运用到傅里叶级数图形中,创造出具有视觉冲击力的构图。

    Ethnic minorities have a distinctive color pattern of personality and character , from the ethnic minorities to seek the most basic color pattern , the relationship between its color scheme applied to the mathematical graphics to create a visual impact of the composition .