
  • 网络dichroic mirror;Excitation Filter
  1. 发现由二色镜和光纤端面构成的FP谐振腔中存在激烈的模式竞争,对光纤激光器发射波长和输出功率的稳定性都产生不利影响。

    It is shown that there is drastic competition between the resonant modes when the Fabry-Perot cavity is formed by dichroic mirror and cleaved fiber end , which does great harms to both the stability of the emitting wavelength and the output power of the fiber laser .

  2. 硝酸钠光学宝石二色镜研究

    Research on a sodium nitrate optical gem dichroic mirror

  3. 在选用二色镜作为激光器后腔镜的实验中,在泵浦功率7.8W时获得了2.6W激光输出,波长为1074.5nm,斜率效率为54%。

    The laser is cladding pumped and the output power is 2.6W , with wavelength of 1074.5 nm and slope-efficiency 54 % .

  4. 红外/毫米波二向色镜的设计与制备

    Design and Fabrication of IR / mmW Dichroic Beam Combiner

  5. 1.06μ高反10.6μ增透二向色镜

    Dichroic mirrors with high reflection at 1.06 μ and antireflection at 10.6 μ

  6. 飞秒钛宝石激光器腔内双色镜反射相移的突变现象

    Sudden Change of Phase Shift of Dichroic Mirrors Used in Femtosecond Ti ∶ Sapphire Laser

  7. 超高速光电探测器紫外二向色镜

    Utra-Fast Photodetector Dichromatic Mirror in Ultraviolet

  8. 毫米波/红外双模成像制导仿真用二向色镜,是用于毫米波/红外双模成像仿真技术的关键器件。

    Dichroic Beam Combiner ( DBC ) used for HWIL simulator is the key technique of the mmW / IR dual mode simulation .

  9. 确定课题的荧光染剂,以及检测系统的激光器、滤光片、二向色镜和光电倍增管等器件的型号。

    Determine the fluorescent dye of the subject , and types of the laser , filters , dichroic mirror and the photomultiplier tube of the detection system .

  10. 介绍一种利用硝酸钠晶体研制的新型宝石检测用二色镜.对其设计原理、结构和性能进行了详细的研究。

    A new gem inspecting dichroic mirror made of sodium nitrate crystal is introduced , and its design principle , structure and performance are discussed in detail .

  11. 第三章介绍了不同负色散镜的设计和优化技术,以及各种参数对实际镀制负色镜的影响。

    In Chapter 3 , the design and optimization technique of various negative dispersion mirrors were introduced , and the effect of the coating parameters to the mirrors is analyzed .

  12. 本文叙述了用在激光四波混频系统中具有特殊要求的1.06μ高反和10.6μ增透的二向色镜膜系的设计方法。

    This paper describes the coating design for dichroic mirrors which satisfy the spacial requirments of high reflection at 1 . 06 μ antireflection at 10 . 6 μ in the system of laser four wave mixing .

  13. MTT比色法及光镜和透射电镜下观察单克隆抗体对体外培养晶状体上皮细胞生长的影响。

    We evaluated its effect on LECs proliferation by MTT colorimetry and observed the relevant morphological changes of LECs with light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy .