
xiānɡ sònɡ
  • send off;see sb. out
  1. 雏凤清于老凤声。(李商隐《韩冬郎即席为诗相送因成二绝》)

    A young Phoenix sings better than an old one . [ said of a son surpassing his father or of a student surpassing his master ] .

  2. 多谢您好意相送。

    Many thanks for your kindness in seeing me off .

  3. 来生,是否不会将背影相送?

    Afterlife , it will not be back of both hands ?

  4. 我回家了。歌相送,舞相迎,瞬间凝成永恒。

    Welcomed by the songs and dances , a second became forever .

  5. 奥斯汀的言语行为理论对十八相送的解释力

    The Explanation for " 18 Phases Sending " by Speech Act Theory of Austin

  6. 感谢你的厚礼相送,可是我不能接受。

    Thank you for the nice gift , but I can not accept it .

  7. 上帝上升,有喊声相送;耶和华上升,有角声相送。

    God has ascended amid shouts of joy , the Lord amid the sounding of trumpets .

  8. 就象如此,也不用翅膀,也不劳小舟相送。

    And thus , without a Wing

  9. 和相送的医生看护们道过谢,说过再见,便一齐从电梯下去。

    After thanking the doctor and nurses who came to say good-bye , we went down by the elevator .

  10. 直到连那一团烟尘也看不见了,注目相送的人才各自散去。

    It was not until even the dusty cloud was no longer to be seen , that the gazers dispersed .

  11. 二层上海厅豪华圣诞晚餐,歌舞晚会贵宾专席,精彩大抽奖,精美纪念品相送。

    Super Deluxe Buffet at Shanghai hall , VIP ticket to enjoy the evening performance at international conference centre , lucky draw as well as souvenir .