
  • 网络Coherent detection;coherent detected;CO-OFDM
  1. 因此,与数字信号处理(DSP)技术的结合将使相干检测技术更加具有吸引力。

    Thus , the digital-signal-processing ( DSP ) technology will bring coherent detection more advantages .

  2. 它结合了相干检测技术和OFDM技术的双重优点,使这两种技术优势互补。

    The technology has the merits of coherent detection and OFDM .

  3. 一种用于DS扩频信号非相干检测的差分延迟SAW相关器

    A Differential-Delay SAW Correlator for the Noncoherent Detection of DSSS Signals

  4. 信道估计是相干检测的OFDM系统的重要组成部分。

    Channel estimation is a very important part for OFDM systems .

  5. 采用ASK调制编码及相干检测方案的OCDMA系统分析

    Theoretical Analysis of an OCDMA System Using ASK Modulation and Coherent Detection

  6. OFDM系统的接收机需要可靠有效的信道估计结果来实现相干检测。

    To implement coherent detection , receivers in OFDM system need reliable and efficient channel estimation .

  7. 基于非相干检测的UWB无线传感器网络传输性能

    The Transmission Capacity of the UWB Wireless Sensor Networks Based on the Non-coherent Detections

  8. 对于相干检测后的信号,DSP算法可以对光纤信道的线性效应做到无损补偿,例如色散效应和偏振模色散效应。

    After coherent detection , DSP algorithm can compensate linear effects of fiber lossless , such as chromatic dispersion and polarization mode dispersion .

  9. 基于ARMA谐波分解和相干检测的非线性电路故障诊断

    Fault Diagnosis for Nonlinear Dynamic Circuit Based on ARMA Harmonic Decomposition and Coherent Measurement

  10. 然而,在相干检测的条件下,衰落信道因子(coefficients)需要事先被估计出来,然后才能被用到数据信息的检测过程中去。

    However , under the assumption of coherent detection , the fading channel coefficients need to be first estimated and then used in the detection process .

  11. 使用相干检测技术,我们还实现了带内ASE光谱和信号光谱的监测。

    With the coherent detection technique , we also realized an in-band ASE spectrum signal spectrum monitoring .

  12. 信道估计是接收端相干检测的重要组成部分,是MIMO-OFDM系统实现优良传输的一项重要环节。

    Channel estimation is an important role for coherent detection and for achieving the high transmission performance in the MIMO-OFDM systems .

  13. 本文还对BFSK信号相干检测在AWGN信道模型下的香农限进行了分析。

    In AWGN channel , this paper gives the Shannon limit analysis of BFSK coherent detection .

  14. 在OFDM系统中,特别是在快时变信道条件下,实时、准确的信道估计是相干检测、解调、均衡的基础,直接关系到整个系统性能的优劣。

    In OFDM system , real-time and accurate channel estimation is especially with fast time varying channel , real-time and accurate channel estimation is the basis of coherent detection , demodulation and equalization .

  15. 软调频(TFM)的相干检测

    Coherent Detection of Tamed Frequency Modulation

  16. 该接收机可以在很短的前导字序列内完成载波和符号同步,采用线性近似的非相干检测算法来对非线性的GMSK信号实现解调。

    A linearized non-coherent demodulator is used to process the nonlinear GMSK signals . Its demodulator can be used to achieve fast synchronization with feed forward loops .

  17. 进行基于相干检测的高灵敏度光纤光栅(FBG)水听器研究和发展基于光敏光刻的光纤水听器集成制造技术是光纤水听器技术发展的前沿。

    The investigation of the fiber Bragg grating ( FBG ) hydrophones with high sensitivity based on interferometric detection and the integrated manufacturing techniques of doped fiber fabrication are the front edges of the fiber optic hydrophone developments .

  18. 采用多符号差分检测(MSDD)能够缩小差分检测与相干检测之间的性能差距。

    Multiple-symbol differential detection ( MSDD ) can narrow the performance gaps between differential detection and coherent detection .

  19. 此外,介绍了相干检测的基本原理与主要器件构成,并给出CO-OFDM系统的整体方案。

    In addition , principles and construction of the coherent detection are reviewed , and an overall scheme of CO-OFDM system is presented . 2 .

  20. 将最近Choi提出的一种频率漂移补偿算法纳入Data-aided非相干检测的结构中,从而提出一种适用于频率漂移环境下的Data-aided非相干检测。

    By incorporating the frequency-offset compensation algorithm recently proposed by Choi into the structure of data-aided noncoherent detection , we proposed a new data-aided noncoherent detector for frequency-shifted DPSK signals .

  21. 在理想相干检测的情况下,8相相移键控(8-PSK)方式的网格编码调制(TCM)与QPSK方式相比,可以得到较高的编码功率增益,且不会增加系统所需的带宽。

    Trellis-coded modulation ( TCM ) in 8 phase-shift keying ( 8-PSK ) scheme is more power efficient than uncoded quaternary phase - shift keying ( QPSK ) at the same spectral efficiency in the case of perfect coherent detection .

  22. 与相干检测的天线选择相比,NON-AS算法不需要估计信道,大大降低了系统复杂性。

    Compared with coherent antenna selection , the NON-AS algorithm do not require estimating channel state information , which greatly reduce system complexity .

  23. 讨论了在干涉型光纤陀螺仪、光时域反射计、医学相干检测技术、波分复用技术中对SLD的要求。

    The requirements of Interference fiber optical gyroscope ( IFOG ), optical time domain reflectometer ( OTDR ), biomedicine optical coherence tomography ( OCT ), and Wavelength division multiplexing ( WDM ) for SLD were introduced respectively .

  24. 军事卫星通信系统中很多情况下采用跳频通信,这就导致PSK的相干检测比较困难,通常使用增加参考符号来对接收信号的相位进行估计。

    Hopping-frequency communication is often used in military Satellite Communication ( SATCOM ) systems , which may lead to the difficulty in coherent detection Phase Shift Keying ( PSK ) signals unless many reference symbols are added to aid the phase estimation of the received signals .

  25. 分析影响DRFM输出信号相参性的因素,指出《DRFM相参复制能力及其检测方法》一文关于信号相参性时域检测方法的缺陷,并介绍一种新的相干检测法。

    Some of factors influencing output signal coherence of DRFM are analysed , the shortcoming of the time domain detection method for the signal coherence in paper " The Coherent Signal Duplication and Detection of DRFM " is noted , and then a new coherent detection method is described .

  26. 滤波技术在激光相干检测中的应用

    Application of filtering technique to the coherent detection of laser light

  27. 一种基于逆向迭代的非相干检测的混沌数字通信方案

    A non-coherent detection scheme for chaotic digital communications based inverse iteration

  28. 基于实时小波变换信号处理的相干检测布里渊光时域反射计

    Real-time Wavelet Transform Based Coherent detecting Brillouin Optical Time Domain Reflectometer

  29. 水声通信中差分相干检测及其相位补偿方法

    Differentially Coherent Detection and Phase Compensation Algorithm in Underwater Acoustic Communication

  30. 相干检测星间跟踪技术方案的优化设计

    Optimization of Coherent Detection Technology for Inter - satellite Tracking