
  • 网络relative permeability curve
  1. ASP驱油体系相对渗透率曲线测定方法研究

    Research in the Method of Measuring the Relative Permeability curve in ASP Flooding

  2. 统计研究了中国油田河流相与三角洲相的典型油水相对渗透率曲线、典型毛管压力曲线、典型PVT关系,以及多种储层参数的平均值。

    Typical oil-water relative permeability curve , typical capillary pressure curve , typical PVT correlation of fluvial and delta facies in oil field of China and average value of several reservoir parameter are studied statistically in this paper .

  3. 确定ASP复合驱相对渗透率曲线的最优化方法

    The determination of relative permeability curves of ASP combination flooding by using optimization method

  4. 在回归出单井平均相对渗透率曲线的基础上,通过求两个偏微分方程的数值解,求出了径向上的含油饱和度分布、地层渗透率K和平均地层压力;

    Based on regressing the curves of average relative permeability in single well , that the oil saturation distribution , permeability ( K ) and average formation pressure have been gotten through seeking numerical solution to this two equations .

  5. ASP复合驱油体系相对渗透率曲线的确定是研究ASP复合驱油体系的驱替机理和数值模拟的关键技术,由于ASP复合驱的复杂性,单纯依靠实验测定其相对渗透率曲线是很困难的。

    The determination of relative permeability curves of ASP combination flooding is a very important work in studying ASP flooding mechanism and numerical simulation . It is very difficult that only relying on experimental technology to determinate ASP system relative permeability curves due to complexity of ASP combination flooding .

  6. 一种油水两相过渡相对渗透率曲线计算方法

    A method for calculating oil and water transition relative permeability curves

  7. 整理相对渗透率曲线的历史拟合方法研究

    Study on the method of history match for relative permeability curves

  8. 一种确定油水相对渗透率曲线的新方法

    A New Method to Determine Oil / Water Relative Permeability Curves

  9. 油水相对渗透率曲线的实验测定

    The laboratorial measurement of relative permeability curve of oil and water

  10. 微波技术在三相相对渗透率曲线测试中的应用

    An Application to Measure Three-phase Relative Permeability by Microwave Techniques

  11. 非稳态法测定聚合物驱相对渗透率曲线

    Measurement of relative permeability curve of polymer flooding with non-steady state method

  12. 利用生产测井资料估算油水相对渗透率曲线

    Estimation of oil-water relative permeability curves from production logging data

  13. 油水相对渗透率曲线异常影响因素探讨

    Influencing factors of abnormal oil / water relative permeability curve

  14. 一种计算低渗透油藏相对渗透率曲线方法

    A Calculation Method for Relative Permeability of Low Permeability Reservoir

  15. 应用恒速压汞实验数据计算相对渗透率曲线

    Determination of relative permeability curves using data measured with rate-controlled mercury penetration

  16. 利用水驱特征曲线计算相对渗透率曲线

    Computation of relative permeability curve by using water-drive curve

  17. 利用油矿资料计算相对渗透率曲线

    Computation of relative permeability curve using oil field data

  18. 利用等效介质理论计算油水相对渗透率曲线的理论研究

    The theoretical study of calculating oil-water relative permeability curve with effective medium theory

  19. 相对渗透率曲线和毛管压力曲线的标准化方法

    Standardization on the curves of permeability and capillary pressure

  20. 应用油水相对渗透率曲线和动态数据确定水驱波及状况

    Application of oil-water relative permeability curve and dynamic data to defining waterflood sweep situation

  21. 气箱排放塞〔开关〕排泄相对渗透率曲线

    Air tank drain cock drainage relative permeability curve

  22. 相对渗透率曲线反映油藏岩石中多相流体的渗流和分布规律。

    Relative permeability curves reflects the law of multiphase flow and distribution in reservior rock .

  23. 检验相对渗透率曲线的两种方法

    Two Techniques for Determining Relative Permeability Curves

  24. 低渗透砂砾岩油层相对渗透率曲线的形态及其变化特征

    Type and the variety characteristics of relative permeability curve in low permeable glutenite oil reservoirs

  25. 本文介绍了在低界面张力条件下,胶结岩心和非胶结岩心的吸吮过程相对渗透率曲线的特性。

    Characteristics are presented of two phase flow imbibition relative pemeability curves with low interracial tension .

  26. 油藏相对渗透率曲线形态类型较多,以直线为主;

    It shows many shapes of relative permeability curves , in which the straight line is common .

  27. 用相对渗透率曲线研究薄层底水油藏产水规律

    Research on Water Production Law of Reservoir with Thin Thickness and Bottom Water Using Relative Permeability Curve

  28. 聚合物/油相对渗透率曲线是研究多相渗流规律和进行油田动态预测的重要依据。

    Polymer / oil relative permeability curves are the important basis for researching multiple phase flow and predicting production .

  29. 用相对渗透率曲线建立水平井采液、吸水指数经验公式绝对磁导率;绝对磁导率;绝对渗透率;绝对渗透率

    Application of Relative Permeability Curves to Establishment of Empirical Formulas for Fluid Productivity Index and Injectivity Index of Horizontal Well

  30. 解决了聚合物吸附/滞留及非牛顿流效应对相对渗透率曲线的影响,从而建立并改进了稳定流法测定聚合物驱相对渗透率曲线的实验技术和方法。

    Therefore , a steady state flow technique was established and modified for testing relative permeability curves of polymer flooding .