
  • 网络Development Geology
  1. 这是精细油藏描述核心问题,因此单砂体研究是开发地质研究中最重要最基础性研究,有着非常重大意义。

    It is a core of fme reservoir description . Therefore , single sand body study is the most important and basic study in development geology , with significant meaning .

  2. 随着钻采技术的提高,水平井技术的适用范围已从单一的储层评价拓展为开发地质、钻采工艺和相对直井的增产效果等的综合评价。

    As drilling techniques advance , the applicable range of horizontal wells expands from the single evaluation of reservoirs to the integrative evaluation of development geology , drilling and production technology , and the production-increasing results comparing to the production of vertical wells , etc.

  3. AHP法在南宁市地下空间开发地质环境适宜性评价中的应用

    Application of AHP to Geological Environment Suitability Assessment in Nanning Underground Development

  4. 基于ActiveX开发地质动力区划决策支持系统

    Developing decision support system of geo-dynamic division based on ActiveX

  5. 基于OLE技术开发地质灾害管理信息系统

    Developing geological hazard management information systems based on OLE Automation

  6. 在分析气藏开发地质特征基础上,重点解剖了X8井开发过程中气水产出量的变化。

    On the basis of analyzing gas reservoir geologic property , we analyze the change of gas-water output in whole process especially .

  7. 我国油藏开发地质分类的初步探讨

    Discussion on the DEVELOPMENT-GEOLOGICAL classification of oil reservoirs in China

  8. 中高含水期油田开发地质工作探讨

    Oilfield development geological investigation at medium and high watercut stages

  9. 川东石炭系气藏开发地质模式研究

    A study of geological models for reservoir exploitation in Carboniferous of Eastern Sichuan

  10. 区域矿产资源开发地质环境质量损益的经济评价

    Evaluation of economic profits or losses of geological environment of regional mineral resources exploitation

  11. 内陆湖盆碎屑岩储层沉积模式及开发地质意义

    Sedimentation Model of Reservoir and Developing Geological Significance for Clastic Rocks of Inland Lake Basin

  12. 塔里木盆地塔河油田奥陶系碳酸盐岩油藏开发地质研究中的若干问题

    Several problems in study of development programme of Ordovician carbonate reservoirs in Tahe oilfield , Tarim Basin

  13. 勘探开发地质师,地球物理学家以及需要了解挤压构造地质学及平衡法的任何人员。

    Exploration and development geologists and geophysicists or anyone requiring knowledge of compressional structural geology and balancing .

  14. 通过对气藏开发地质特征的综合分析认为,香溪群气藏各井均为单井系统,储集空间范围不大,地层水能量极为有限。

    According to the analysis of develop geology the space of reservoir is the absolute and closed system .

  15. 三峡移民工程合理开发地质环境的地质经济论证

    The geology economic demonstration of development suitable to geologic environment for emigration projects in the Three Gorges on the Changjiang River

  16. 要破解这一难题,在贵州开发地质旅游资源,促进民族旅游与地质旅游的结合是一条可行的道路。

    We think developing geological tourism is a feasible way to promote the combination of ethnic minority tourism with geological tourism .

  17. 油藏的开发地质分类是近年来油田开发工作者普遍关心的问题。

    Reservoir engineers and geologists are much concerned at the classification of oil reservoirs on the development geological point of view .

  18. 在此基础上,从滚动开发地质研究需要出发建立了一体化储层预测技术流程。

    On this basic , an integrated reservior prediction technical flow was constructed to apply to the rolling exploration and development .

  19. 随着国家对资源勘探工作的投入加大,开发地质岩心钻探设计系统应用软件十分必要和重要。

    With the increased investment in the resource exploration , itis necessary to develop " the design system in geological core drilling " .

  20. 勘探开发地质师,地球物理学家,工程师以及参与深水开发设计或从事开发深水油田的经理。

    Exploration and development geologists , geophysicists , engineers , and managers involved in planning a deepwater development or engaged in developing a deepwater discovery .

  21. 贵州的地质旅游资源得天独厚,国家地质公园的建设、世界地质公园的申报都为贵州开发地质旅游准备了充足条件。

    Guizhou is rich in original geological resources . National geological park construction and geological park of the world declaration has prepared ample conditions for developing Guizhou geological tourism .

  22. 地质旅游资源是以地质遗迹为依托的旅游资源,开发地质旅游资源可以提高人们的生活质量,促进经济发展。

    Geological tourism resources is a special tourism resources which take geological vestige as basis , develop geological tourism resources can improve the quality of life of the people , bring about an advance in economic .

  23. 结合气田开发地质特征对气藏能量、流体性质、温度压力系统、气藏类型和合采工艺技术的实施情况分析。

    This paper have analyzed the energy of gas pools , fluid properties , T P system , gas pool type and process engineering of commingling production in combination with development geologic feature in gas field .

  24. 油气资源评价是石油地质、勘探开发地质综合研究与系统工程技术相结合的产物,是油气勘探开发与决策规划之间联系的桥梁和纽带。

    Petroleum resource evaluation is the combination product of petroleum geological , comprehensive geological exploration and development study and systems engineering , is the link and bridge between the exploration and development of oil and gas and decision-making and planning .

  25. 在此基础上,进一步应用微相模型控制储层物性参数建模,实现了油田开发地质研究工作中沉积微相研究成果的量化应用及与储层参数分布的有效结合。

    On the basis of the previous study , it builds physical property model which is controlled by microfacies models in order to realize the quantitative application of microfacies study in the research of field exploration geology and combine the distribution of the reservoir parameters .

  26. 因此,加强蜀南地区中二叠统缝洞气藏开发地质研究对于提高探井成功率、提高采收率、正确处理出水和合理气藏开发调整有着重要意义。

    So , strengthening the study of fracture-cavity gas reservoirs development geology of Middle Permian in south of Sichuan basin is of great importance for increasing exploration wells success rate , enhance the recovery ratio , correctly dealing with water output problems and reasonably exploiting and adjusting the gas field .

  27. 利用Autocad开发数字化地质测绘软件

    Develop Digitization Geological Mapping Software With Autocad

  28. 某市建设开发区地质灾害问题探讨

    Discussion on geologic disaster in construction development district of one city

  29. 焦作市矿业开发环境地质问题综合研究

    Comprehensive Research of Geological Environmental Problem of Mining Industry in Jiaozuo

  30. 在开发利用地质遗迹资源时,如果不具备保护条件,就暂缓开发利用。

    The development without conditions for production should be put off .