
  • 网络Cape province;Western Cape;Eastern Cape
  1. 喀拉哈里大羚羊国家公园里,一头母狮子正在一个岩石围起的水塘边饮水,这个公园建在南非北部开普省的一片3700平方英里(9600平方米)的沙漠之中。

    Photograph by Chris Johns A lioness drinks from a rock-ringed borehole in Kalahari-Gemsbok National Park , a 3700-square-mile ( 9600-square-kilometer ) slice of desert in South Africa 's Northern Cape Province .

  2. 他现在为东开普省农业和土地事务部(EasternCapeDepartmentofAgricultureandLandAffairs)工作。

    He now works for the Eastern Cape Department of Agriculture and Land Affairs .

  3. 2004/05年度进行的一次外界评估,建议我们扩展服务规模,因而乐施会也在东开普省(EasternCape)开展了工作。

    An external evaluation conducted in2004 / 2005 recommended that we scale-up the programme , and we have begun working in Eastern Cape , too .

  4. 与此同时,与曼德拉在东开普省库努(Qunu)农村的住处相望的一家卫理公会教堂,社区内人员还聚在一起唱歌、祈祷。

    Meanwhile , in a Methodist church overlooking Mr. Mandela 's rural home of Qunu , community members also gathered in song and prayer . '

  5. 4月6日,这所位于东开普省的监狱报告了首例病例。

    The facility in the Eastern Cape reported its first case on April 6 .

  6. 他出生在南非东开普省的偏远山区。

    He was born in the remote hills of South Africa 's Eastern Cape .

  7. 东开普省的民众沿路为他送行。

    The people of the eastern Cape took over to give him their send-off .

  8. 12月15日,曼德拉将被埋葬在他的家乡东开普省库努村。

    On Dec. 15 , a funeral service and interment ceremony will take place at Mandela 's home and final resting place at Qunu in the Eastern Cape .

  9. 上周六的晚上,老人的家人因为叫不醒老人便以为他已经死亡于是联系了东开普省一个偏僻村子里的私人停尸房。

    His family presumed he was dead when they could not wake him on Saturday night and contacted a private morgue in a rural village in the Eastern Cape .

  10. 东开普省卫生部的发言人说,医生检查了老人的状况并得出结论,他的情况还算稳定“没必要再进行进一步治疗。”

    " Doctors put him under observation and concluded he was stable ," Eastern Cape health spokesperson Sizwe Kupelo said . :" He did not need further treatment . "

  11. 人生中的最后几年曼德拉基本退出了公众视野,在东开普省库努的一个小山村里含饴弄孙。此处离他出生之地不远。

    In the last years of his life , Mr. Mandela largely retreated from public view , spending time with his children and grandchildren in the rural village of Qunu in the Eastern Cape , not far from where he was born .

  12. 开-普省首席部长是第一个打电话来的人。

    The chief minister of KPK was the first person who called .

  13. 在南非东开普,省约一个小时的伊丽莎白港西南驱动,杰弗里斯湾是最有名的冲浪世界旅游目的地之一。

    In the Eastern Cape province of South Africa , about an hour 's drive southwest of Port Elizabeth , Jeffreys Bay is one of the most famous surfing destinations in the world .