
  • 网络Dismissal from public office;deposed from office;take the name off the book;be discharged from office;discharge somebody from public employment
  1. 约翰本人于6月29日被开除公职。

    John himself was forced out of office on june29th .

  2. 违反着装规定者将会受到严厉惩罚,甚至有可能被开除公职。

    Violators will be punished sharply or fired .

  3. 但是,这家期刊上个月(12月19日)宣布论文存在造假,十天后,两名讲师被学校开除公职。

    But last month ( 19 December ) the journal announced that the work was fraudulent and the lecturers were dismissed from their posts ten days later .

  4. 被国家机关开除公职或者被医疗机构解除聘用合同未满5年的人员。

    Or8.the person who has been dismissed from public office by the state organs or whose employment contract has been discharged by a medical institution for less than five years .

  5. 在对右派分子的处理中,新乡市的处理比较重,约三分之二的右派受到开除公职、撤职、劳动教养、监督劳动等处分。

    The disposure of rightist was severe in Xinxiang , and about two third of rightists were punished who were fired out , or dismissed , or reeducated through labor , or supervised to labor and so on .

  6. 在其声明中监察部称,杨琨已经被开除党籍公职,其行为已构成严重违纪。

    the disciplinary agency said that Mr. Yang had been expelled from the Communist Party and removed from all public office . ' Yang Kun 's behavior constitutes a serious discipline violation , ' it said .