
kāi xiǎo chāi
  • sneak off;desert;desert one's post;skulk away;abscond;decamp;be absent-minded;be woolgathering;wander
开小差 [kāi xiǎo chāi]
  • (1) [abscond;decamp;desert]∶原指军人脱离队伍私自逃跑,现在常用来比喻擅自离开工作岗位或逃避任务的行为

  • 犯开小差罪

  • (2) [be absent-minded;be woolgathering]∶比喻思想不集中

  • 他养成了思想开小差的习惯

开小差[kāi xiǎo chāi]
  1. 希特勒想要德国士兵在开小差以前好好想一想不是没有根据的。

    Hitler 's concern to make German soldiers " think twice before they desert " was not ungrounded .

  2. 战败已成定局,许多士兵开小差跑了。

    Large numbers of soldiers deserted as defeat became inevitable .

  3. 你刚才在想什么呢?你开小差了。

    What were you thinking about ? You were miles away .

  4. 上个月他从陆军情报机关开小差跑了。

    He deserted from army intelligence last month

  5. 他开小差逃离他所在的团。

    He deserted from his regiment .

  6. 他一开会思想就开小差儿。

    His mind wanders whenever he attends a meeting .

  7. 上课别开小差。

    Don 't wool-gather in class .

  8. 像施瓦兹和其他很多人一样,我发现自己经常注意力不集中,开小差。

    Like Schwartz and so many others , I often find myself distracted and off tack .

  9. 我们的人中有几个在开小差

    A few of our guys were thinking about going over the hill .

  10. 工作时思想不能开小差。

    Don 't let your mind wander while working .

  11. 英国就业法律咨询服务处(EmploymentLawAdvisoryServices)的研究表明,由于员工周五下午开小差,英国企业每年损失5000万英镑。

    Research by UK-based Employment Law Advisory Services suggests that British businesses are losing £ 50m a year from employees skipping off on Friday afternoons .

  12. NBC计划通过40种在线流媒体来提供3500小时的直播覆盖,允许人们在等公交车或是上班时间开小差的时候通过电脑或手机观看。

    It plans to offer 3,500 hours of live coverage via 40 online streams , allowing people to watch on their computers and mobile phones while waiting for the bus or pretending to work .

  13. 技术或许能帮得上忙。NBC计划通过40种在线流媒体来提供3500小时的直播覆盖,允许人们在等公交车或是上班时间开小差的时候通过电脑或手机观看。

    Technology may be coming to NBC 's aid . It plans to offer 3500 hours of live coverage via 40 online streams , allowing people to watch on their computers and mobile phones while waiting for the bus or pretending to work .

  14. 但是过不了多久,他们的心思就开始“游魂”,开小差了。

    But before long , their minds have wandered off somewhere .

  15. 那士兵因开小差儿而被处死。

    The soldier was shot ie executed by shooting for desertion .

  16. 他克制着不让思想在工作时开小差。

    He was constraining his mind not to wander from the task .

  17. 战争期间,开小差要处以死刑。

    During the war , desertion was punishable by death .

  18. 我一想要工作,思想就开小差。

    As soon as I try to work my mind starts wandering .

  19. 最重要的是,别让你的思想开小差。

    Most important , don 't let your mind wander .

  20. 从前线开小差,大家都知道吧!

    Deserted from the front , you all know that !

  21. 上课是要开小差的,在老师没注意的情况下,从窗口往下看。

    Have a class with absent minded , watching downwards from the window .

  22. 在那次战斗中许多士兵开小差了。

    Eg : 1.Many soldiers deserted during the battle .

  23. 每年多少人从军队开小差逃走?

    How many people desert the army each year ?

  24. 仅仅是对开小差的经历的好奇心。

    Mere curiosity about the history of a deserter .

  25. 你来参加听讲&还是我们开小差?

    Are you coming to the talk & or shall we skip it ?

  26. 在战争的最后几周里,有成千上万的开小差事件。

    There were thousands of desertions in the last weeks of the war .

  27. 小汤姆上课经常思想开小差。

    Little Tom 's mind often wanders in class .

  28. 你就说渊源开小差了。

    You just say Yuanyuan has deserted his post .

  29. 安妮:他刚才不是在思想开小差,警官。

    Ann : he wasn 't dreaming , officer .

  30. 战争期间开小差的士兵要受到严惩。

    A soldier who deserts his post in time of war is punished severely .