
  1. 2009年春,孟津县在进行第三次全国文物普查时发现一件珍贵石器。

    In2009 , one stone plane was discovered in Mengjin county in Luoyang .

  2. 山西作为全国文物大省,抢救性文物保护任务艰巨而紧迫。

    The protection tasks of savable cultural relics are arduous and urgent in Shanxi Province where there are a lot of national cultural relics .

  3. 透过嘉德春拍简析公司运作及全国文物艺术品拍卖市场走势

    Bief Analysis of the operation of the China Guardian Auctions and the National Cultural Relics and Arts Auction Market as Revealed by the Chine Guardian spring Auction

  4. 对全国文物保护单位&东阳市户宅这个明清聚落的保护价值,从历史的、科学的、艺术的三个方面进行了详细的分析。

    This article makes the analysis in details the protection value of the Lu 's residence-Dongyang settlements in Ming and Qing dynasty , which is the national protection units , from three aspects of history , science and art .

  5. 马蹄寺旅游景区是国家4A级旅游景区,是省级森林公园,景区内有全国重点文物保护单位马蹄寺石窟群。

    Mati Temple is the national4A tourist attraction and the provincial forest park , where have Mati Temple Grottoes , which are the important heritage site under state protection .

  6. 这里是全国重点文物保护单位河姆渡文化遗址。

    Hemudu cultural ruins is a protected national heritage site .

  7. 为全国重点文物保护单位。

    For key national heritage conservation units .

  8. 三星堆遗址属全国重点文物保护单位,是中国西南地区的青铜时代遗址。

    Sanxingdui Ruins is a key national heritage conservation units , is China 's southwestern region of the Bronze Age sites .

  9. 现在这里是全国重点文物保护单位,又是广州市学生爱国主义教育基地。

    Now here is the focus of heritage conservation units , but also students in Guangzhou City of patriotism education bases .

  10. 该技术可以在全国地面文物保护工程中推广应用。

    The reinforcing technology by prestressed anchor can be popularized in the protection engineering of the ground cultural relics in China .

  11. 1996年,国务院公布第四批全国重点文物保护单位,隋唐长安城遗址名列其中。

    In1996 , the Tang Chang an ruins has been listed as important cultural relic sites under state-level protection by the Cent .

  12. 布达拉宫1961年由中国国务院颁布为第一批全国重点文物保护单位。

    The Potala Palace was announced by the Chinese State Department as the first lot of important nation-level preservation units of cultural relics in1961 .

  13. 南京明城墙是全国重点文物保护单位,而它所围合的南京主城又是快速发展的城市。

    Nanjing City Wall of the Ming Dynasty is a nation-wide key cultural relics conservation unit and Nanjing is a rapidly developing city enclosed by it .

  14. 拙政园是我国“四大名园”之一,被列入国务院首批的全国重点文物保护单位。

    Zhuozheng Garden is one of the top four classical gardens in China and was listed in the first batch of important historical sites under state protection .

  15. 作为国家公布的第一批全国重点文物保护单位,唐大明宫遗址对我国文物保护工作具有非常重要的价值与意义。

    Being one of the first state-issued historical relics , Tang Daming Palace takes a very important role in the relic protection and preservation works in China .

  16. 全国重点文物保护单位扬州城遗址的保护状况令人担忧,尤其是唐子城城墙遗址屡遭破坏,成为扬州城遗址保护中既现实、又棘手的一大问题。

    The protection condition of Yangzhou city site is troubling , especially Tang small city Wall Ru-ins is destroyed frequently , and it becomes a thorny big problem .

  17. 2002年淮安府署被公布为江苏省文物保护单位,2006年淮安府署被升格为全国重点文物保护单位。

    In2002 , it was publicized as a Cultural Relic Unit under Protection in Jiangsu Province , and in2006 is upgraded to a Key Cultural Relic Unit under National Protection .

  18. (一)盗掘确定为全国重点文物保护单位和省级文物保护单位的古文化遗址、古墓葬的;

    Excavating and robbing a site of ancient culture or ancient tomb which is designated as a major site to be protected at the national or provincial level for their historical and cultural value ;

  19. 是全国重点文物保持单位,是国内仅存的佛、道、儒三教合一的独特寺庙。

    It is one of the key cultural relics sites under state protection and the only temple in existence featuring the cultures of the three Chinese religions , i. e. Buddhism , Taoism and Confucianism .

  20. 交河故城遗址是国务院1961年公布的第一批全国重点文物保护单位,是世界上保存最完好的土遗址,在建筑学上独具特色;

    The Jiaohe ruins had been declared as the first batch of Key Cultural Relic unit under State Protections by State Department in 1961 , the best conversational earthen site in the world and eminent character in architecture .

  21. 在此基础上,国家文物行政管理部门要编制全国国有馆藏文物总目录。

    On this basis , the Department of administration of cultural relics of the state should compile general catalogs of the state-owned collections of cultural relics nationwide .

  22. 它是全国首批重点文物保护单位之一,定性为革命遗址;同时又是广西爱国主义革命传统教育基地。

    It is the first one of the key units to be protected , as a revolutionary site ; guangxi is also a base for education in patriotism revolutionary tradition .

  23. 西安碑林是西安明城内一处重要的文化遗产,中国最大的石刻艺术馆,1961年被确定为全国第一批文物保护单位。

    Xi'an Forest of Steles , one of the important cultural heritages in the old city area of Xi'an , is the largest stone sculpture museum in china , which was annunciated as the first batch cultural preservation units in the whole country .

  24. 中华人民共和国成立后,国家对灵渠全面整修,基本保留了传统工程面貌,使其成为灌溉、城市供水和风景游览综合利用的水利工程,是全国重点保护文物。

    After the People 's Republic of China was founded in 1949 , the canal undertook extensive repairs , turning into an important water resource for irrigation , drinking and industrial production , as well as a scenic spot . Currently , it is an important cultural relic of the country .

  25. 通过全国第三次文物普查,武安市的不可移动文物总数超过2000处,进一步巩固了其文物大县的地位。

    The total number of the cultural relic is over 2,000 in the Third National Relic Survey , which consolidates its status .

  26. 1961年,经国务院批准,故宫被定为全国第一批重点文物保护单位。1987年,故宫被联合国教科文组织列入“世界文化遗产”名录。

    Designated by the State Council as one of China 's foremost protected monuments in1961 , the Palace Museum was also made a UNESCO World Heritage site in1987 .

  27. 全国第五次文物普查过程中,湖北省襄樊市南漳地区发现的山寨遗址数量增加到385个,远比预期的分布更加广泛、类型更加多样化。

    In the fifth National Archaeological Survey , the number of the mountain citadel sites found in Nanzhang area increased to 385 , and the wide-ranging and diverse types of those sites is far greater than expected .

  28. 晋南地区是中华文明重要发祥地之一,作为全国国家级民宅文物保护单位的丁村就是晋南文化的优秀范例。

    South of Shanxi , is one of the most important birthplace of Chinese civilization . Ding village , used as protection unit of national vibration cultural relic , is an excellent example of the cultural in the south of Shanxi .