
  • 网络Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves;GACC
  1. 全球清洁炉灶联盟的目标是在2020年前,让1亿个家庭用上更安全的炉灶和燃料。

    The goal of the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves is one hundred million homes using safer cookstoves and fuels by twenty twenty .

  2. 你们也从全球清洁炉灶联盟中看到了市场的威力,该联盟旨在帮助一亿个家庭在2020年之前采用清洁炉灶和燃料。

    You also see the power of the market in the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves , which aims to help 100 million families adopt clean cookstoves and fuels by 2020 .

  3. 继续进行的项目:在以往与中华全国妇女联合会相互往来的基础上,全球清洁炉灶联盟正与全国妇联就妇女获得清洁炉灶的谅解备忘录进行商讨。

    Continuing Programs : Building on previous engagement with ACWF , the Alliance for Clean Cookstoves is working toward an MOU with ACWF on cookstove access for women .

  4. 为了确保重点市场的家庭能够用上新炉灶,全球清洁炉灶联盟正在争取降低贸易壁垒,提高消费者的认识,并且扩展碳融资渠道,以降低炉灶价格。

    To make sure the new stoves reach homes in targeted markets , the alliance is working to reduce trade barriers , improve consumer awareness and boost access to carbon financing to reduce stove costs .

  5. 世卫组织是新成立的全球清洁炉灶联盟的主要合作伙伴,该联盟由联合国基金会领导,有多个联合国机构、捐助方、非政府组织、民间社会和国家合作伙伴的参与。

    WHO is a leading partner in a new Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves , led by the United Nations Foundation , and involving a range of UN agencies , donors , NGOs , civil society and country partners .