
  • 网络Global Online;LogOnMyPC
  1. 全球在线的IBM开放分析、大数据“训练营”

    IBM opens analytics , big data " bootcamps " worldwide and online

  2. 帕特里克•克里森从小在爱尔兰长大,如今,25岁的他已是全球在线支付公司Stripe的联合创始人。

    Patrick collison , 25-year-old co-founder of global online payment company stripe , grew up in Ireland .

  3. 如今,潘与荷兰的电视节目制作巨头恩德摩尔公司推出了一个名为ICON的全球在线视频站。

    Today , Phan launched a global online video network called ICON in collaboration with Dutch production giant Endemol .

  4. 此次合作利用CloudFlare网络通信技术和百度数据中心网络的结合,使得中国和国际企业能够实现全球在线业务的增长。

    The partnership uses a mixture of CloudFlare 's web traffic technology and Baidu 's network of data centers in the country , enabling Chinese and international businesses to grow their global online presence .

  5. 去年,全球在线电影分销收入达到100亿美元。

    Last year global online film distribution generated $ 10bn in sales .

  6. 广告没被看到的问题,一直以来都在困扰着总值达1170亿美元的全球在线广告业。

    The problem of adverts that do not get seen has plagued the $ 117bn global online advertising industry .

  7. 商业、政府及社会领导者们意识到完全有必要开发一个全球在线社区,并且不分国籍和地区,为个人提供机会。

    Business , governmental and social leaders recognize the absolute need to develop a global online community , and to provide increased opportunities for individuals regardless of nationality or location .

  8. 网络平台拥有多家网络连锁,拥有全国最先进的全球在线服务管理系统,以及具有庞大、丰富的会员资料数据库供您选择。

    We occupy the network that connect a chain with many companies , with the most advanced global management system of on-line services , and have large database of members to choose from for you .

  9. 上周,中国的阿里巴巴(Alibaba)推出了它首个全球企业在线交易平台。

    Last week , China 's Alibaba launched its first platform for international on-site transactions between companies .

  10. 国际反假联盟(IACC)部分成员与电商巨头阿里巴巴(Alibaba)上月的冲突,是一个传奇人物之间慷慨激昂的故事,展现了品牌所有人与全球最大在线平台之间不断深化的敌意。

    A collision last month between members of the International Anti-Counterfeiting Coalition ( IACC ) and ecommerce giant , Alibaba , is a tale of high emotions , larger-than-life characters and festering animosity between brand owners and the world 's largest online platform .

  11. 扎克蒙是“全球声音在线”的创办者之一,通过他的网站可以链接到世界各地的媒体。

    He 's co-founder of Global Voices Online , a site that provides links to citizen media being produced by people all around the world .

  12. 他补充称,谷歌的观点不同,谷歌主宰着全球的在线搜索业务,其多数业务来自在线搜索。

    Google 's proposition is different , he adds , with most of its business coming from online search , which it dominates around the world .

  13. 全球最大的在线零售商亚马逊(amazon)的业绩,突显了国际销售的吸引力。

    The lure of international sales has been underlined by Amazon , the largest online retailer .

  14. 我们的目标是成为企业在物流管理方面不可或缺的伙伴,进而成长为中国乃至全球领先的在线物流b2b服务公司。

    Our target is to be the indispensable logistic partner to different companies and finally become the leading domestic or even worldwide online B2B service company in logistic area .

  15. 全球最大的在线支付平台贝宝(PayPal)拥有清晰的愿景,对于那些希望投身于革新性支付公司工作的工程师来说,贝宝是第一选择。

    PayPal had a clear vision , and for engineers that wanted to work on a revolutionary payments company , PayPal was number one .

  16. 这些广告被通过谷歌的AdSense等媒介投放到这个含有斩首和绞刑图片的网站上。AdSense是全球最大的在线广告网络,从广告收入中抽取分成。

    The ads were delivered to the website , which includes images of beheadings and hanged men , by intermediaries including Google 's AdSense , the world 's biggest online ad network , which take a cut of the revenues .

  17. 这家中国公司已成为全球最大的在线零售平台。

    The Chinese company has become the world 's biggest retail online platform .

  18. 这家全球最大的在线拍卖商在亚洲进行了一系列收购,此次收购韩国子公司将是它的最新一次行动。

    It would mark the latest in a string of acquisitions in Asia by the world 's biggest online auctioneer .

  19. 昨日是中国的“光棍节”,各大电商企业拿出各种促销和折扣,使其成为全球最大的在线购物节日。

    Yesterday in China was Singles " day , a day that ecommerce companies have turned into the world 's biggest for online shopping by offering a stream of promotions and discounts .

  20. 谷歌作为全球相当大部分在线信息看门人的角色,让其处在了这场辩论的中心。该公司显然已得出结论,是时候划出一条更清晰的界限了。

    Google , whose role as gatekeeper for much of the world 's online information puts it at the centre of the debate , has apparently decided it is time to stake out a clearer line .

  21. 尽管阿里巴巴宣称自己是全球最大的在线和移动商务公司,它在招股说明书中也承认自己可能会成为中国反垄断监管的目标。另外,它还承认可能会受到新税法的影响。

    While Alibaba touts itself as largest online and mobile commerce company in the world , the prospectus concedes that the company might become a target for anti-trust regulation in China , and it could be subject to new taxes .

  22. 根据JuniperResearch的说法,这一数额是其美国同行Paypal的三倍,也等于去年全球2.5万亿美元在线支付总额的三分之一。

    That is three times the amount handled by US peer Paypal , and equivalent to one-third of the $ 2.5tn in total global online payments last year , according Juniper Research .

  23. WGSN称,它的数据库每天都从全球10000多个在线品牌和零售商那里搜集100多万个产品和1100多万个SKU数据。

    WGSN claims its dataset has more than a million products and 11 million SKUs each day from more than 10000 global online brands and retailers .

  24. 韩国网络游戏制造商长期在全球大型多人在线角色扮演游戏(MMORPG)市场占据主导地位,但随着玩家日益接受在智能手机上玩游戏,这些制造商失去了领先地位。

    The country 's online game makershave long dominated the global market for massively multiplayer onlinerole-playing games ( MMORPG ) but have lost their edge as gamers haveincreasingly embraced playing on their smartphones .

  25. 今年9月,马尔凯蒂将成为新成立的YooxNet-a-Porter集团的首席执行官(马斯内将担任执行董事长),负责这家全球最大的奢侈品在线零售商的运营。

    In September , Marchetti will become chief executive of the newly created Yoox Net-a-Porter Group ( Massenet will be executive chairman ) and will oversee the operations of the world 's largest online luxury retailer .

  26. 全球学院也将在线对任何人开放。

    This global academy would be also be open to anyone online .

  27. 2013年,由于全球140亿台在线电子设备能效低下,导致800多亿美元的电能白白浪费。这些设备包括打印机、游戏机和电视机。

    Over $ 80 billion in power was spent unnecessarily in 2013 because of inefficiencies with the world 's 14 billion online electronic devices , including printers , gaming consoles and televisions .

  28. 全球最大的两家在线书店亚马逊和巴诺称,该书的纸质版和电子书预订均在最畅销书籍之列,是自第七部《哈利·波特与死亡圣器》发行后首次出现这种情况。

    The preorder has made the book a best-seller both in print and on e-book , according to the world 's two largest online bookshops Amazon and Barnes And Noble , the first time since the launch of the seventh book Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows .

  29. 在精明的《全球主义者》(一份支持全球主义者的在线日报)创始及发行人斯蒂芬•里克特看来,这种想法可能有些有失偏颇。

    This thought comes , a little bit sideways , by way of Stephan Richter , the astute founder and publisher of the Globalist , an online daily concerned with just the kind of matters its title suggests .

  30. 媒体传播机构实力媒体(zenithoptimedia)对整个市场的评估显示,需求预测方面全球当之无愧的领导者谷歌(google)去年吸走了48.5%的全球在线广告业务。

    Google , the unchallenged leader in this kind of divination , sucked up about 48.5 per cent of all global online advertising last year , based on an estimate of the total market by media buying agency ZenithOptimedia .