
  • 网络Globish
  1. 作家罗伯特•麦克拉姆(RobertMcCrum)在他最近所写的《全球语》(Globish)一书中谈到,如果我们对英语下一种宽泛的定义,那么目前世界上有40亿人懂英语。你或许会对此大感意外。

    The writer Robert McCrum wrote in his recent book Globish that there are 4bn people who understand English , if we 're generous about what we mean by English .

  2. 如今,50岁以下的法国商务人士大多会说全球语(Globish):枯燥、无习语、词汇贫乏的简化版英语。

    Most French business people under 50 can now speak Globish : the simplified , dull , idiom-free version of English with a small vocabulary .

  3. 即使是母语非英语的人,也可以避开精通英语要走的漫长而艰苦的学习之路,走捷径学习全球语(Globish)——这是一门由1500个基本常用单词组成的语言。

    Even non-English speakers can avoid the wearying long route to fluency in English and take a short-cut to Globish , a system that teaches a basic working vocabulary of 1500 words .

  4. 当你需要讲全球语时,你能讲。

    When you need to drop into Globish , you can .

  5. 在全球语盛行的世界,以英语为母语的人有优势。

    In a Globish world , the native English-speaker triumphs .

  6. 全书以一种异常朴实无华的全球语撰写,充斥着范式转变、多方利益相关者的合作。

    It is written in a strangely antiseptic Globish , full of paradigm shifts and multi-stakeholder co-operation .

  7. “全球语”只能让法国人应付国际性的商务会议,但还不足以用于建立关系。

    Globish just about gets the French through international business meetings . But it isn 't enough for building relationships .

  8. 例如宝马的全球广告语终极座驾(ultimatedrivingmachine)就融入了带有中国式抱负心的元素。

    BMW , for example , has successfully fused its global slogan of the ultimate driving machine with a Chinese-style declaration of ambition .

  9. 例句:我认为英语是一种全球通用语。

    Example : I think English is a global language .

  10. 莎翁在构建现代英语,使之成为全球通用语方面发挥了关键作用。

    Shakespeare played a critical role in shaping modern English and helping to make it the world 's language .

  11. 普通话人群又将跃居第一,还是英语作为全球通用语独占鳌头?

    Will Mandarin speakers come roaring back into the lead ? Or will English reign as the global lingua franca ?

  12. 其中美国的发展促进了英语的传播并且维护了英语的国际地位,还促使英语成为全球通用语。

    Since the 20th century , the development of USA has sped up the spread of English , helped maintain its position and made English the global language .

  13. 奥斯特勒接下来写道,虽然汉语在中非贸易中可能会用得越来越多,但在一个国家未晋身帝国之际,其语言成为全球通用语的情况尚未有所闻。

    Mr Ostler writes that while Mandarin could be used more in trade between China and Africa , there is no record of a language becoming a lingua franca without first being that of an empire .

  14. 而该联谊会队员并不认为全球采用世界语是一个遥不可及的目标。

    And the fellowship 's members do not view global use of Esperanto as a quixotic goal .

  15. 而该联谊会队员并不认为全球采用世界语是一个遥不可及的目标。全世界的科学家一致认为,地球很可能在今后几十年中变暖。

    And the fellowship 's members do not view global use of Esperanto as a quixotic goal . The consensus among the world 's scientists is that the world is likely to warm up over the next decades .