
  • 网络powdered activated carbon;PAC
  1. 探讨了络合剂浓度,粉状活性炭的投加量、溶液的pH值、温度等因素对吸附重金属离子的影响,确定了吸附的最佳条件。

    To find optimum condition of adsorption , the effects of the concentration of complex agents , the dosage of PAC , pH of the solution and temperature on performance of PAC on metal adsorption were also tested .

  2. 化学法是以磷酸、氯化锌和氢氧化钾为活化剂,实验表明磷酸法粉状活性炭的比表面积可以达到1217.25m~2/g;

    Phosphoric acid , potassium hydroxide and zinc chloride were used as activating agents in chemical method . The surface area of powdered activated carbon prepared by Phosphoric acid method is 1217.25m2 / g ;

  3. KOH活化废弃麻制备粉状活性炭的研究

    Preparation of a powdered active carbon from hemp waste with potassium hydroxide

  4. 利用粉状活性炭为吸附剂,处理头孢菌素C生产过程中的废弃液,实现了去乙酰头孢菌素C(DCPC)和头孢菌素C(CPC)及其他杂质的有效分离。

    The effective separation of desacetyl cephalosporin C ( DCPC ) from cephalosporin C ( CPC ) and other impurities was achieved by using the powdery activated carbon as an adsorbent to deal with the waste drainage from the current process for CPC production .

  5. 以羧甲基纤维素(CMC)为粘结剂、比表面积为2325m2/g的粉状活性炭为原料,考察了成型活性炭的制备及其对甲烷吸附性能的影响。

    The preparation and methane adsorption performance of formed activated carbon ( FAC ) prepared using carboxymethyl cellulose as a binder and powdered activated carbon with BET surface area of 2325m ~ 2 / g as raw material were investigated .

  6. 试制出的粉状活性炭亚甲兰脱色力平均为23ml,碘吸附大于1000mg·g-1,碱回收效率达86%。

    Produced active carbon powder had the following properties : average methylene blue adsorption was 23 ml and Iodine number was over 1 000 mg · g ~ ( - 1 ) . Efficiency of alkaline recovery reached to 86 % .

  7. 采用乙酸乙酯为溶剂,粉状活性炭吸附精制异山梨醇粗品,得出适宜的精制条件,其精制品质量符合USP24版质量标准。

    Using ethyl acetate as solvent , isosorbide can be refined with actived carbon , the suitable condition can be obtained and the product quality meets the quality standard of USP24 .

  8. 粉状活性炭比电容量的测定方法的研究

    Study on method of measuring discharge capacity of activated carbon powers

  9. 木质粉状活性炭的微波加热再生研究

    Reproduction Development of Powdered Active Carbon Mady of Wood by Microwave Heating

  10. 棉秆用磷酸法制取脱色粉状活性炭的初步研究

    Using Phosphoric Acid Method to Make Decoloured Carbon Dust From Cotton Stalks

  11. 粉状活性炭净化水试验研究

    Experiment and Study on Purifying Water by Powder Active Carbon

  12. 木糖醇渣生产粉状活性炭的研究

    Study on Producing Powdery Activated Charcoal From Xylitol Residue

  13. 石油焦制高比表面积粉状活性炭

    Study on Powder Active Carbon with High Specific Surface Area from Petroleum Coke

  14. 本文用化学溶剂法对粉状活性炭的再生进行了较详细的研究。

    The regeneration of powdered carbon is studied in detail with chemical-solvent method .

  15. 粉状活性炭的生产方法及工艺技术改进趋势

    Activated carbon : its production methods and technology

  16. 麦秸用磷酸法制粉状活性炭的研究

    Studies on Production of Powder Active Carbon with Wheat Straw by Phosphoric Acid Method

  17. 粉状活性炭再生的研究

    Study on the regeneration of powdered active carbon

  18. 组合炉磷酸法生产粉状活性炭试验报告

    Study on double oven for production of powdered activated carbon with phosphoric acid method

  19. 粉状活性炭吸附速度极快,具有絮凝效应和助滤效应。

    Powdered activated carbon at high speed , with flocculation effect and help filter effects .

  20. 粉状活性炭在气浮工艺处理滇池水中的应用研究

    Application Study of Powder Active Carbon in Air-float Technology in Treating Water in Dianchi Lake

  21. 硫酸盐草浆黑液制粉状活性炭的研究

    Studies on the Preparation of Powdered Active Carbon with the Black Liquor of Sulphate Straw Pulp

  22. 粉状活性炭处理微污染低温低浊水的研究

    Research on disposing slight pollution of low temperature and low muddy water by powdery active carbon

  23. 选用3种不同型号的活性炭对蛋清水解液进行吸附,优选出粉状活性炭为最佳吸附剂。

    The optimized activated carbon powder was selected from three different kinds of activated carbon by adsorption test .

  24. 某些精制的颗粒状及粉状活性炭产品可符合这一要求。

    Some selected granular and powdered activated carbon products provide an effective solution for taste and odor removal .

  25. 分别用粉状活性炭、粒状活性炭和粘胶基活性炭纤维处理污水处理厂出水。

    Powdered activated carbon , granular activated carbon , viscose-based activated carbon fiber were used for disposal of sewage treatment plant effluent .

  26. 在微波辐射下,以紫茉莉种子壳为原料,磷酸为活化剂制得了粉状活性炭。

    Using four-o'clock shell of seed as main materials , phosphoric acid as activator , powdered activated carbon was synthesized under microwave radiation .

  27. 探索麦秸用磷酸法生产粉状活性炭的可能性、最佳工艺条件。

    : This paper inquired into possibility of production of powder active carbon with wheat straw by phosphoric acid method and its optimum process conditions .

  28. 介绍一种连续超微粉碎设备气流式粉碎机&气流磨被应用在粉状活性炭后处理成品炭粉碎上。

    The paper introduced a continual and ultra-fine grinding machine called jet mill , which can be used on after treatment of powder active carbon .

  29. 介绍了以磷酸为活化剂二步法组合炉制造粉状活性炭的新工艺及相关的炭活化装置。

    A new technology was introduced for the manufacturing process of PAC ( powdered activated carbon ) with both tradition stove and new rotatory stove by phosphoric acid method .

  30. 以木质粉状活性炭、胶粘剂和多孔质毡状支持物为原料,探讨了制取气相吸附用活性炭成型物的制造方法和工艺条件。

    This research used wooden powdered activated carbon , adhesive and perforated holding as material to discuss the method and the process condition for making the activated carbon composite material of gas adsorption .