
  • 网络fans;Fan Club;Group;fan base
  1. 看我背后的粉丝团!

    Look at all those fans of mine behind me !

  2. 鲍勃和厄尔哥俩是美国最大的棒球粉丝团的成员。

    Two buddies Bob and Earl were two of the biggest baseball fans in America .

  3. 类似地,愤怒瑜伽也建立起了一个强大的粉丝团,伊斯塔斯说。

    Similarly , Rage Yoga also had a strong baseof followers , Istace says .

  4. 正如布朗的庞大粉丝团所期望的一样,《炼狱》继承了作者写小说中一贯的情节元素。

    Inferno has all the usual plot elements that Browns legions of fans have come to expect .

  5. 麦当娜在俄罗斯一场演唱会上向主要为12岁的粉丝团发表支持同性恋权利的言论。

    The singer spoke up for gay rights during one of her Russian shows that drew fans as young as twelve .

  6. 玛丽·戈德温同父异母的妹妹也爱上了雪莱,但是遭到他拒绝,随后因没能进入他的粉丝团之后自杀身亡。

    Mary Godwin 's half-sister also killed herself after falling for Shelley and being rejected by him and his coterie of admirers .

  7. 雪莉·克罗是这一组织的领袖,而也有比我更多的粉丝团的妮可·基德曼,也加入到了其中。

    Sheryl Crow was the band leader , and Nicole Kidman raised his group to me more , also joined in the band .

  8. 24岁的苏玉静(音)是王菊粉丝团的一员,每天在上海为王菊投票。

    Su Yujing , 24 , joined one of Wang 's fan clubs , and voted for the singer from Shanghai every day .

  9. 与此,唐老鸭的粉丝团举办了一场竞赛,为这位只穿着水手外套不穿裤子的鸭先生征集最佳生日肖像。

    Meanwhile , legions of loyal fans have launched a contest for the best birthday portrait of the trouserless bird in the sailor jacket .

  10. 凭借着游戏非常快的节奏和大规模的粉丝团,其他游戏很难以与星际争霸游戏一争高下。

    With its very high paced gameplay and a massive online fanbase , its hard to dispute the impact of Starcraft on the gaming industry .

  11. 教堂的圆形窗户就像是两只大眼睛,屋檐的瓦片形状有些像尖嘴,这个教堂被大家戏称为“鸡仔教堂”,吸引了很多网友关注,还为它组成了粉丝团,而且数量还在不断扩大。

    With its large round windows resembling two eyes and roof tiles appearing as a beak , the so-called ' chicken church ' is attracting an expanding fan club online 。

  12. 教堂的圆形窗户就像是两只大眼睛,屋檐的瓦片形状有些像尖嘴,这个教堂被大家戏称为鸡仔教堂,吸引了很多网友关注,还为它组成了粉丝团,而且数量还在不断扩大。

    With its large round windows resembling two eyes and roof tiles appearing as a beak , the so-called ' chicken church ' is attracting an expanding fan club online .

  13. 加入那些能够拓宽联络的社团,比如你前任雇主或以前学校的校友会、潜在雇主的粉丝团,并且要利用好网络上的求职市场。

    Join groups that could help provide connections such as alumni groups for your previous employers or schools , fan pages for potential employers , and use the sites'job marketplaces .

  14. 这位明星有“亚洲贾斯汀”之称,在亚洲有成千上万的固定粉丝团,而他们大部分甚至不知道他究竟在唱什么。

    The singer , who has the title of " Asian Justin Timberlake ," solidified his pan-Asia popularity by attracting tens of thousands of fans , most of whom couldn 't even understand what he was singing .

  15. 在披头士早期成功的巅峰,她负责管理整个乐队,成为了乐队背后的女人,而女粉丝团都不知道她的存在。

    At the height of The Beatles ' early success she was , at the insistence of the band 's management , kept in the background so their legions of female fans were not aware of her existence .

  16. 足球运动员戴的耳机可以过滤观众的噪声,放大队友的声音。这对西雅图海鹰队的“第12人”或者其他震耳欲聋的粉丝团将是个沉重的打击。当然,它也可能将成为体育官员们要应对的一个棘手的问题。

    A headphone worn by a football or soccer player could filter out crowd noise and amplify teammates " voices - a serious blow to Seattle 's " 12th Man " or any other deafening fan bases , and a potentially thorny issue for sports commissioners .

  17. 上世纪90年代,马里奥兄弟和诸如威尔·史密斯、旅游频道(他们展示两种穿戴方式:皮带式的和裤卷式的)、明星的青少年粉丝团等都采用了吊带工装裤。

    By the 90s , they were adopted by the Mario Brothers and the likes of Will Smith in the Fresh Prince and TLC ( there were two ways of wearing dungarees - with one strap undone and one leg rolled up ) ; pop stars with a large teenage fan base .