
  1. 保护表演形象不受歪曲;

    To protect the image inherent in his performance from distortion ;

  2. 根据商品化对象的不同,商品化权可以分为真实人物商品化权、虚构角色商品化权、表演形象商品化权和其他形式的商品化权四类。

    On the basis of carriers of merchandising , the right may be divided into the merchandising rights of real persons , fictitious characters , performing image and other forms .

  3. 戏剧表演舞台形象的审美价值探析

    The Aesthetic Value Of Stage Character Image In The Play

  4. 就声乐教学中作品的艺术表现要素&文学内涵与意境,风格与韵味,声与情,作品分析与处理,舞台表演与形象等方面进行了分析研究。

    This paper discussed the work 's artistic expressing factors in vocal music teaching . These factors include literary connotation and artistic conception , style and appeal , sound and emotion , works analysis and treatment , stage performance and image .

  5. 维吾尔族歌舞剧的表演及其人物形象塑造

    Uighur Musical Performance and the Personality Image Shaping

  6. 沙漠正在吞噬我们这个世界,而那个家伙却在考虑这场植树节表演后他的形象是否会更加光辉灿烂一点。

    The desert is engulfing our world , but that fellow is still considering how much his imagine can be glorified after the Arbor Day 's show .

  7. 第二种是新闻图片的不可取代的独特作用,包括天体新闻,某些科技问题,灾害与环保,军事与战争、文体表演,名人形象的报道等等。

    The second is the specific function which cannot be replaced by news words , for example : sphere news , some tech-problems , disasters and environmental protection , military and warfare , entertainment , VIP images and so on .

  8. 剧中的理查三世是个虚伪狡诈的暴君—一个谋权篡位的凶手—由于白贝芝雄浑的嗓音和精彩的表演使这一形象在舞台上活灵活现。

    Richard the Third was a wicked king - a murderer - but he was wonderful on the stage , with Burbage 's great voice and fine acting .

  9. 众所周知,中国戏曲的一个重要特质,就是以舞台表演艺术为中心、以舞台表演艺术为标志、以舞台表演艺术为形象代表。

    Everyone knows that one essential characteristic of Chinese opera is that it has the stage performance arts as its center , as its mark , and as its visual representation .