
  • 网络Expressive Arts
  1. 舞蹈是表现性艺术,有着很高的审美价值。

    Dancing is a kind of showing art , which has high aesthetic value .

  2. 中国当代表现性艺术是在传统的表现基因和西方表现主义的影响下产生的。

    The Chinese contemporary expressionism comes into being under the influence of the traditional expression gene and western expressionism .

  3. 与学院写实主义和抽象、观念艺术不同的表现性艺术,范围最广,活力最强。

    Different from the college realism , abstract art and the idea art , expressionism art has the wider scope and the stronger vitality .

  4. 室内环境艺术是由多种艺术形式组合成的综合体,也就是表现性艺术和再现性艺术的结合。

    The interior art is a synthesis that made up by many kinds of art forms , a combination of behavior art and reproducing art .

  5. 西方表现主义油画艺术强有力地推动了我国表现性油画艺术的发展。

    The western expressionism oil painting art strongly push forward the Chinese oil painting art .

  6. 中国表现性油画艺术,有着一个强大的西方表现主义体系作参照。

    In China , Chinese expressional oil painting art have a strong reference to the Western expressionism system .

  7. 而它与西方表现性油画艺术,在画面的平面性、装饰性方面却有着惊人的异曲同工之妙。

    But , it is mcredible similar with western expressing oil painting art on flatness , ornament of picture .

  8. 本文依据艺术学与美学理论,对地图艺术的特性进行分析、总结,认为地图艺术具有实用性、群众性、平面造型性、语言的抽象性与含蓄性、表现性、艺术综合性等特性。

    In this paper , on the basis of the esthetics and art theories , we analyze the characteristic of cartography art .

  9. 表现主义在二十世纪二十年代传入中国,它的产生和繁荣影响了中国表现性油画艺术的初步实践。

    Expressionism art was imported in China in 1920 ' s. Its emergence and flourishing influences initial practice of Chinese expressional oil painting art .

  10. 可以说,这种中国表现性油画艺术家背后的深厚的文化传统与当代中国表现性油画艺术的发展和繁荣有着直接关系。

    It can be said that the profound traditional culture behind the Chinese expressional oil painting artists , directly relates to developed and flourished of Chinese expressional painting art .