
  1. 墓葬壁画霉菌的分离与鉴定

    The separation and identification of moulds in tomb Frescos

  2. 甘肃河西地区墓葬壁画与砖画颜料分析比较

    The Comparison Study and Analysis on the Pigments Used at Wall-Paintings and Paintings in the Bricks at the Tombs of Hexi Regions of Gansu Province

  3. 汉画像石是中国古代墓葬壁画装饰中的一种艺术形式,其内容、造型、布局安排对现代壁画装饰艺术有着重要的借鉴意义。

    Han tomb wall paintings of ancient stone is decorated in an art form , its content , form , layout arrangement of the modern murals decorative arts have an important reference .

  4. 古人视死如生,墓葬中的壁画是当时社会历史的直观反映。

    The ancients pay much attention to dead as to living , so the grave fresco is the direct reflection of history of that society .

  5. 本文在全面整理了元代墓室壁画历史考古资料的基础上,从墓葬形制、壁画布局、题材内容等方面系统分析了蒙元时期中国版图内各个地区的墓室壁画情况。

    This article attempts to analyze the situation of the tomb murals in every part of China of Yuan Dynasty , in terms of tomb structure , mural layout and subject and content , based on thorough organization of multi archaeological data of Yuan Dynasty tomb murals .

  6. 唐代贵族墓葬中讲究绘制壁画,其内容反映出社会风俗和人们的梢神信仰。

    The mural painting is a form of refined art in the imperial tombs of Tang Dynasty , mainly reflecting the social customs and people 's spiritual pursuit .

  7. 这些墓葬等级高,壁画绘制精良,出土文物丰富,有纪年者较多,为更进一步研究该地区唐墓乃至全国唐代墓葬提供了坚实的资料基础。

    These tombs with excellent mural , burial articles and epitaph provide profound data for further study of Tang dynasty tombs in this region , even the whole empire .