
mù bēi
  • tombstone;gravestone;grave monument;ledger
墓碑 [mù bēi]
  • (1) [tombstone;ledger]∶平放在坟墓上的碑文石;坟墓的台石

  • (2) [gravestone]∶树于坟墓之上或附近的石碑,其上刻有死者姓名和纪念死者的碑文

墓碑[mù bēi]
  1. 我拂去了墓碑顶上的雨水。

    I swept rainwater off the flat top of a gravestone

  2. 墓碑上的名字磨损得很严重,几乎无法辨认。

    The name on the gravestone was badly worn and almost illegible .

  3. 在他的墓碑上刻着这样的话。

    These words are carved on the stone beside his grave .

  4. 他看见墓碑上有一些黑字写的东西。

    He saw something written in black on the gravestones .

  5. 文森特赫然耸现在我面前,面色灰白得像一块墓碑。

    Vincent loomed over me , as pale and grey as a tombstone .

  6. 墓碑三三两两地竖立在地面上。

    Tombstones jutted out of the ground in broken clusters

  7. 长满苔藓、东倒西歪的墓碑

    the moss-covered , topsy-turvy gravestones .

  8. 墓碑是为纪念它所纪念的人而建的。

    A tombstone is erected in memory of whoever it commemorates .

  9. 我那两个皇家空军的朋友把这件事告诉了几个也在图森市驻扎的同事,他们在我们去墓碑市的第二天也去了那儿(因为听我朋友说了那个地方是多么的酷)。

    Eventually the two guys in the RAF talked to some of their friends who were also stationed here in Tucson and in the RAF who went down to Tombstone the day after we did . ( Due to the fact my friends gushed3 how cool it was ) .

  10. 日式墓碑CAD三维设计

    CAD Three Dimension Design of Japanese Type Tombstone

  11. 一个姓Strange的律师去买墓碑。

    A lawyer named Strange was shopping for a tombstone .

  12. 急性心肌梗塞早期墓碑形ST段抬高的临床意义

    Tombstone Type of ST Elevation in Acute Myocardial Infarction

  13. 甚至他们家族在JumpingBranch的大理石陵墓的墓塔都比附近山顶上的墓地里墓碑要高。

    Even the family 's marble mausoleum towers over nearby grave markers in the hilltop cemetery in Jumping Branch .

  14. HelloKitty形状的吉他,甚至HelloKitty的墓碑都随处可见。

    Kitty-shaped guitars and even Hello Kitty tombstones abound .

  15. 结论:墓碑形ST段抬高是AMI近期预后险恶的独立指标,应引起急诊和住院医师高度重视。

    Conclusion : Tombstoning of ST segment elevation in AMI is an independent parameter indicating poor short term prognosis .

  16. 结论:吸烟能影响墓碑形ST段抬高AMI患者的近期预后。

    CONCLUSION : Smoking causes the tombstone ST segment elevation in AMI patients , which suggests a poor short-term prognosis .

  17. 欧洲有传闻称,如今在美国甚至能发现有墓碑上写着ToOurBelovedSon,Brotherand,Like,Husband这样的碑文。

    It is rumored in Europe that you can now find tombstones in the U.S. reading ' To Our Beloved Son , Brother and , Like , Husband . '

  18. 哪个是Rex的墓碑?

    Now which one is Rex 's headstone ?

  19. 复杂性室性早搏;急性心肌梗死伴ST-T电交替,或广泛前壁心肌梗死伴墓碑样ST段抬高;

    Or extensive anterior myocardial infarction with tombstone ST segment elevation , dilated cardiomyopathy with advance QRS complex low voltage .

  20. 墓碑谷是豪猪驯鹿(Porcupinecaribouherd)的家园

    And the Tombstone Valley is home to the Porcupine caribou herd .

  21. 目的:探讨吸烟量对急性心肌梗死(AMI)早期墓碑形ST段抬高患者发病年龄、临床险恶特点和心电图特征的影响。

    AIM : To study the effects of smoking on the age , clinical and ECG features of the AMI patients with early-stage tombstone ST segment elevation .

  22. 急性心肌梗塞墓碑形S-T段抬高的预后

    The Prognosis of S-T Elevation of Acute Myocardial Infarction

  23. 其中一个显著的特点就是葬有苏丹人民解放运动前领袖JohnGarangdeMabior遗体的墓碑。

    A prominent feature is the mausoleum containing the body of John Garang de Mabior , former head of the Sudan People 's Liberation Army .

  24. 方法:分析心电图检测AMI早期墓碑形ST段抬高患者59例中不吸烟11例,少量吸烟18例,大量吸烟30例的临床特点和心电图某些指标。

    METHO DS : Clinical and ECG features of the 59 AMI patients with early-stage tombstone ST segment elevation were determined , of whom 11 were non-smokers , 18 , milder smokers and 30 , heavy smokers .

  25. 这个墓碑上刻着字,写道,“此地长眠着一位发明了Velcro的杰出工程师。”

    and inscribed on that tombstone it will say , " Here lies a distinguished engineer , who invented Velcro . "

  26. 装有QR读取器的智能手机都可以扫描到,站在墓碑前的人就可以看到由逝者的亲人提供的网页或多媒体资料,互动分享人生故事。

    A smartphone with a QR reader can scan the code , launching websites or multimedia collections created by the family , providing an interactive life story to anyone standing over the grave .

  27. 坦率的来讲,其它报道则很奇怪:有人声称经济危机刺激了蛋糕、木制墓碑、伦敦西区音乐剧和《妈妈咪呀》(mammamia)电影票的销售。

    Other stories are frankly bizarre : the crunch is alleged to have given a fillip to sales of cake , wooden " gravestones " , West End musicals and tickets to see the film Mamma Mia !

  28. 德博拉巴尔的奥顿维尔,由她的哥哥,丹尼尔Doule美国海军羟色胺在周四,2010年11月11日在大湖国家公墓在霍利,密歇根州密歇根跪墓碑。

    Deborah Barr , of Ortonville , Michigan kneels by the gravestone of her brother , US Navy HT1 Daniel Doule on Thursday , Nov.11,2010 at the Great Lakes National Cemetery in Holly , Michigan .

  29. 你们告诉他们关于波耳兹曼的墓碑等事情。

    You told them about Boltzmann 's tombstone and so forth .

  30. 在罗马没有角斗士墓,没有墓碑。

    There are no Gladiator tombs in rome , no gravestones .