
cānɡ sānɡ
  • 沧海桑田 from seas into mulberry fields and from mulberry fields into seas—time brings great changes to the world
沧桑 [cāng sāng]
  • 沧海桑田的缩语

  • 久经沧桑(比喻经历了许多世事变化)

沧桑[cāng sāng]
  1. “见证树”指的是历经沧桑的古树,特别是“见证”过一个或多个重要历史事件的古树。

    Witness tree refers to an extremely old tree , particularly one that was present at one or more important historical events .

  2. 我常觉得这中间有着宿命的味道:仿佛这古园就是为了等我,而历尽沧桑在那儿等待了四百多年。

    I often felt this was something foreordained -- as if this old park were waiting especially for me : it seemed it had been waiting for four hundred years -- through all the tumultuous changes of those centuries .

  3. 她又有历史的沧桑感,但是又在日新月异的变化着。

    She has a long history , but has changes everyday .

  4. 这段城墙是历尽沧桑的了。

    This wall has been exposed to a lot of weather .

  5. 在历经30年沧桑后,美国宇航局的航天飞机即将退役。

    The space agency is retiring its shuttles after thirty years .

  6. 第十年,他终于回来,带着一身沧桑。

    He came back in the tenth year , through ages .

  7. 一个沧桑的年代,一个悲壮的故事。

    One time of vicissitudes , a solemn and stirring story .

  8. 洞庭湖与荆江的历史渊源及其沧桑演变

    Historical Origin and Evolvement of Dongting Lake and the Jingjiang River

  9. 他们和波兰共患难,历尽种种沧桑。

    They passed through all the vicissitudes of the Polish nation .

  10. 将母亲脸上、手上的岁月沧桑抚平。

    Shred the age from my mother 's face and hands .

  11. 光明雕刻硬朗的面孔,留下些许沧桑。

    The time carves the hale face , leaving trifling vicissitudes .

  12. 沧桑帅气的脸,宽阔的肩膀,深邃的蓝眼睛。

    The rugged good looks broad shoulders ... piercing blue eyes .

  13. 总以为自己已经历尽沧桑的女人

    Women who always think that they have suffered a lot

  14. 张鹏野笔下的自行车,转动着时代的年轮、岁月的沧桑。

    The bicycle by Zhang Pengye rotates the growth ring and vicissitudes .

  15. 一个沧桑老人,没朋友,没遗产。

    A wash-up old man with no friend , no distribution deal .

  16. 在浮华菂沧桑里沉醉。

    Broken , and the vicissitudes of life in vanity , intoxicated .

  17. 光阴荏苒,世事沧桑。

    Time flies by , and a world of changes has occurred .

  18. 他已经历尽人间沧桑。

    He 's run the whole gamut of human experience .

  19. 守住宁静,是历经沧桑后的平和与豁达;

    Hold quiet , is the vicissitudes of peace and open-minded after ;

  20. 石油沧桑史世界风云录&世界石油产量变化世纪末回顾

    View twentieth century in retrospect for changes of world oil gas production

  21. 你别说,这里真的有一点儿历史的沧桑感。

    No wonder this place makes me feel a sense of history .

  22. 是时间燃尽了它们,是沧桑吸干了它们。

    Is the time to burn them , are sucking their vicissitudes .

  23. 看看这些历尽沧桑的梦想。

    Look at these dreams so beaten and so battered .

  24. 悠远&将让读者更直观地了解嘉定这座历史名城的沧桑岁月。

    History & a more intuitive understanding of this ancient historic city .

  25. 是谁在绝望中刻下了沧桑?

    BE who engraved to descend a vicissitudes of life in the despair ?

  26. 百年沧桑话地戏

    Talk About the Earth Play of A Hundred Years

  27. 我感觉到了沧桑,但却没有成熟的睿智。

    I feel old , but not very wise .

  28. 我忧郁,因为我历经沧桑!

    I am melancholy , because I have experienced various vicissitudes of life !

  29. 九十春秋忆沧桑&我国第一代女建筑师张玉泉的回忆篇

    Reminiscences of Zhang Yuquan & The First Generation of Female Architect in China

  30. 悲诗爱歌话沧桑&解读犹太诗歌(古代部分)

    On Jewish History by Poetry ( Ancient Times )