
  • 网络THE ROMAN THEATRE;Teatro Romano;colosseum
  1. 罗马的古迹随处可见。罗马剧场、罗马广场、地下陵墓、人民广场等都是不可不去的地方。

    There are many other ancient buildings such as the Roman Theatre , the Roman Forum , the Catacombs and the People 's Piazza .

  2. 罗马剧场建在水泥浇筑的高台上,希腊人建在山上;

    What 's the difference between Roman theater and Greece theater ?

  3. 安曼现代化城区里的古罗马露天剧场。

    The ancient Roman ampthitheatre set in modern central Amman .

  4. 在罗马人的所有建筑中,最为著名的当数罗马圆形剧场。

    In Rome of all buildings , when the number of the most famous Roman amphitheater .

  5. 这是考古学家只挖出一半的罗马露天剧场。

    This is the ruin of a Roman amphitheatre , of which archeologists have only half uncovered .

  6. 意大利古罗马圆形剧场

    Colosseum in Rome , Italy

  7. 在现在我们能体验他们居住在腓尼基,迦太基城,希腊神殿,罗马露天剧场,阿拉伯诺曼城堡和教堂的感受和阿拉贡遗产。

    Experience their legacy in Phoenician settlements , Punic cities , Greek temples , Roman amphitheatres , Norman Arab castles and Aragonese churches .

  8. 但一天上午,我一个人在罗马圆形剧场附近的市区逛了逛,我所遇到的只有友善。

    But during a morning spent wandering alone round the shops of downtown , near the Roman amphitheatre , I encountered nothing but kindness .

  9. 即便是在罗马圆形剧场对面的警察,也会在他们懒洋洋地调查可疑游客时,吃一盘颜色鲜亮的泡菜,配以橄榄和面包。

    Even the policemen opposite the Roman amphitheatre were tucking into a plate of brightly coloured pickles with olives and bread as they idly surveyed the odd tourist .

  10. 除了罗马式圆形剧场和公共浴池,这个镇上还有两座非常好的博物馆。

    As well as a Roman amphitheatre and baths , the town has two superb museums .

  11. 在维奥兰特·格里瑞里·贡扎加侯爵夫人(MarchionessViolanteGuerrieriGonzaga)家中享用午宴,以及参观罗马圆形大剧场等必去之地。

    a luncheon at the home of the Marchioness Violante Guerrieri Gonzaga , and a few inevitable sites , like the Colosseum .

  12. 但自那以后,情况并未改变多少,这部分是因为公众对批评罗马圆形大剧场的恐怖故事感到愤怒。

    But not much has happened since - in part because of public outrage at scare stories about flogging the Colosseum .

  13. 英国一名男子死亡,6人受伤罗马附近露天剧场,一个旅游胜地。

    A man from Britain was killed and six other people were wounded near the city 's Roman amphitheater , a popular tourist destination .

  14. 对于温特伯恩,倒是应该说句公道话,他并没有向任何人提起自己深更半夜在罗马的圆形剧场里遇到过戴西和一个男人呆在一起。

    Winterbourne , to do him justice , as it were , mentioned to no one that he had encountered miss miller , at midnight , in the Colosseum with a gentleman .

  15. 格斗者,角斗士一个人,通常指一职业格斗者、俘虏或在古罗马圆形大剧场里的奴隶被培训与另一个人或一野兽进行殊死搏斗以供公共消遣。

    A person , usually a professional combatant , a captive , or a slave , trained to entertain the public by engaging in mortal combat with another person or a wild animal in the ancient Roman arena .

  16. 古罗马哑剧表演:一种古罗马剧场表演形式,一个演员通过手势和姿势,并伴以讲述的合唱来演出全部的情节。

    An ancient Roman theatrical performance in which one actor played all the parts by means of gesture and movement , accompanied by a narrative chorus .

  17. 罗马总是能让人联想到罗马圆形大剧场的角斗士或是在许愿池里投硬币,但是品尝美味的意大利披萨,意大利面和意式雪糕,才能真正算是来过意大利罗马。

    Nothing says " When in Rome " more than eating decadent pizza , pasta , and gelato as you connect with your inner gladiator at the Colosseum or throw a coin into the Trevi Fountain .