
  • 网络raleigh;rowley;Rolly;Walter Raleigh;rdu
  1. 北卡罗来纳州罗利(Raleigh)的PlantDelightsNursery也是一家不错的植物商店(电话:919-772-4794;网站:plantdelights.com)。

    Plant Delights Nursery , in Raleigh , N.C. , is another good source ( 919-772-4794 ; plantdelights . com ) .

  2. 今天,现年55岁的亨利·麦克伦在罗利市中央监狱外面拥抱了他泪流满面的父母,新的DNA证据表明另一名男性可能是真正的凶手,因此一天前一名法官下令释放他。

    Fifty-year-old Henry McCollum hugging his weeping parents outside the Central Prison in Raleigh today , a day after a judge ordered his release , citing new DNA evidence showing another man may be responsible .

  3. 罗利的脸色又阴沉下来。

    Rawley 's face darkened again .

  4. 阿米拉夫-德罗利经营着一家叫做GenomeCompiler的公司,该公司的一个项目可以用于设计DNA序列。

    Dr. Amirav-Drory runs a company called Genome Compiler , which makes a program that can be used to design DNA sequences .

  5. 美国佛罗利达州大学的研究人员发现,采取口服维生素E和锻炼相结合的方法,可有效地减缓衰老。

    U.S.Buddha Luo Lida State University researchers found that taking oral vitamin E and exercise a combination of methods , which can effectively slow down aging .

  6. 1992年,凯利•坎贝尔在美国北卡罗莱纳州的罗利创建了软件开发公司InterfaceTechnologiesInc。他的梦想是要用设计得美轮美奂的技术去改变世界。

    In1992 when Kelly Campbell started Interface Technologies Inc. , a software development company in Raleigh , North Carolina , his dream was to change the world with beautifully designed technology .

  7. 虽然,他也没有完全要回避恢复经济的问题。摩根大通的迈克尔•费罗利预计,因为开支上限,2012的GDP增长将受损0.3个百分点(见图表3)。

    He did not fully shield the recovery , though . Michael Feroli of JPMorgan Chase reckons the spending caps will subtract 0.3 percentage points from growth in 2012 ( see chart 3 ) .

  8. 首府银行广场为罗利发展公司所有,由RDC房产管理公司经营。

    Capital Bank Plaza is owned by Raleigh Development Company and operated by RDC Property Management .

  9. 凯莉•克里斯蒂(KellyChristy)是美国设计师,她的作品已在纽约史密森•库珀-休伊特国家设计博物馆(SmithsonianCooper-HewittNationalDesignMuseum)成功展出,还曾为黛安•冯芙丝汀宝(DianeVonFurstenberg)与辛西娅•罗利(CynthiaRowley)设计过帽子。

    Kelly Christy is an American milliner whose work has been exhibited at the Smithsonian Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum in New York and has designed for Diane von Furstenberg and Cynthia Rowley .

  10. 北京时间今早9时开始,美国总统奥巴马和共和党候选人罗姆尼纽在约州霍夫斯特拉大学举行的第二场总统候选人辩论中再次交锋,今日90分钟的辩论将由CNN首席政治记者坎迪-克罗利主持。

    President Barack Obama and Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney met in Hempstead , New York Tuesday evening for the second of three presidential debates , moderated by CNN Chief Political Correspondent Candy Crowley .

  11. 罗利县的Russell先生说他的妻子是个动物爱好者,这么多年来她养了猫、鹅、鸭子、鸡以及其他种类的动物。

    Mr Russell , of Raleigh County , said his wife is an animal lover and she 's collected cats , geese , ducks , chickens and other types of birds over the years .

  12. 罗利赫拉赫拉?曼德拉(RolihlahlaMandela)出生于1918年7月18日,“纳尔逊”是他上学后添加的南非科萨人腾布王朝的一酋长的名字。

    Rolihlahla Mandela - 'Nelson ' was added when he started school-was born July 18 , 1918 , to a chief of the Thembu tribe of the Xhosa people in South Africa .

  13. 外国管理人员在联想担任着重要职务,运营中心之一被移到美国北卡罗来纳州的罗利(Raleigh),英语也变为管理层讨论问题时的主要语言。

    Foreign managers have been given high-profile roles . The executive headquarters have been moved to Raleigh , North Carolina . And English has become the main language of executive discussion .

  14. 这项发光植物工程是旧金山一个科技创业者埃文斯和生物化学家奥姆里·阿米拉夫-德罗利(OmriAmirav-Drory)的创意。

    The glowing plant project is the brainchild of Mr. Evans , a technology entrepreneur in San Francisco , and Omri Amirav-Drory , a biochemist .

  15. 希斯罗机场地面交通接驳事务主管克里斯?乔伊斯(ChrisJoyce)表示,使用这种技术有助于减轻发达国家交通中对私家车的依赖。希斯罗利用自动驾驶摆渡车在停车场和5号航站楼之间接送乘客。

    Chris Joyce , head of surface access for Heathrow , which uses autonomous shuttles to link a car park to Terminal 5 , says that such uses of technology can help to shift transport in developed countries away from dependence on private cars .

  16. 逾15年以前,他开发了面向在职经理人的首个全球emba项目,这让福库商学院能够将罗利-达勒姆三角(raleigh-durhamtriangle)之外的高级经理人吸引到杜克大学攻读mba。

    More than 15 years ago he developed the first global EMBA programme - an MBA for working managers - which enabled Fuqua to attract high level managers from outside the Raleigh-Durham triangle to study on an MBA at Duke .

  17. 在罗利,奥巴马呼吁公民支持他的计划。

    In Raleigh , Obama called for citizens to back the plan .

  18. 但是我的妹妹和瑞罗利卡德克斯特有什么关系?

    What 's my sister 's connection to Veronica dexter ?

  19. 让我们欢迎前队员比尔“大马”贝罗利。

    Let 's welcome former teammate bill " big horse " berelli .

  20. 罗伯特?罗利的滚圈会滚到哪?

    Where is the round roll Robert rolly rolled around ?

  21. 在罗利市的这个清真寺里,阿訇萨迈赫·阿萨尔在宣讲慈善。

    Inside the one in Raleigh , Imam Sameh Asal preaches about charity .

  22. 农场位于夏洛特到罗利的半途中。

    The farm lies halfway between Charlotte and raleigh .

  23. 总之维罗利亚让海伦意识到了这个威胁

    Anyway , Vctoria made Helen aware of the threat

  24. 他被冠以罗利拉拉这个名字,意思是“麻烦制造者”。

    He was given the name Rolihlahla , which means " troublemaker . "

  25. 周三,50岁的亨利.麦科勒姆,走出了罗利市的中央监狱。

    Fifty-year-old Henry McCollum walked out of central prison in Raleigh on Wednesday .

  26. 科琳?罗利在5月给美国联邦调查局局长罗伯特?米勒写了一封信。

    Colleen Rowley wrote a letter to FBI Director Robert Mueller in May .

  27. 还记得我说我平时怎么整罗利的么?

    You know how I said I play all sorts of pranks on Rowley ?

  28. 我的政府已经在罗利和扬斯敦开始运行高科技制造业中心。

    My administration has launched two hubs for high-tech manufacturing in Raleigh and Youngstown .

  29. 科恩,罗利,我们没时间组织了。

    Cohen , lowy , we won 't have time to organize the groups .

  30. 她没假扮瑞罗利卡德克斯特的时候。

    When she wasn 't impersonating Veronica dexter .