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  1. 沧源县三等GPS网的建立

    Establishment of Third Order GPS Network of Cangyuan County

  2. 本文介绍了沧源县三等GPS网的概况、布网方案、数据处理方法,讲述了GPS高程拟合在该网的实际运用。

    The establishment of3rd GPS network of Cangyuan county is introduced , such as network planning , data processing method and actual application of height fitting .

  3. 近代云南沧源佤族人民反帝斗争的重大贡献

    The Significance and Contribution of Wa people to the Victory of Anti-imperialist War Contemporary

  4. 沧源崖画是云南少数民族文化艺术遗产中的瑰宝。

    The rock paintings in Cangyuan are the treasure of the Yunnan minority culture .

  5. 沧源县疟疾流行情况初步调查

    Surveillance of Malaria Situation in Cangyuan County

  6. 沧源县宜胶地立地类型划分初探

    A preliminary study on site type classification for the land fit for growing shellac trees in Cangyuan County

  7. 有文明世界八大奇崖石刻画之一的沧源崖画;

    The deep blue source precipice that the eight strange precipices stones of world civilization portray is drawn ;

  8. 目的了解沧源县1995~1997年疟疾流行情况。

    Objective Malaria surveillance was performed in Cangyuan county from 1995-1997 . Methods Blood film examination in febrile patients .

  9. 云南沧源岩画是研究云南少数民族原始生活的宝贵资料,已成为我省重要的物质文化遗产之一。

    Yunnan Minority Cangyuan rock paintings of primitive life is valuable information , has become an important cultural heritage of our province .

  10. 佤族是云南特有的民族之一,又是一个跨境民族,主要分布在中国云南的沧源、西盟和缅甸的佤邦。

    Wa nationality is a cross-border nationality , mainly distributed in Cangyuan , Ximeng , Lancang of Yunnan , China and the Wa state of Burma .

  11. 总体来看,沧源县、双江县、耿马县、云县的物理特性较好,这些区域主要位于临沧中部和东部;凤庆县、永德县相对较差,主要位于临沧北部和西部区域。

    Cangyuan County , Shuangjiang country , Gengma country and Yun County are of better Physical characteristics , these areas are mainly located in central and eastern of Lincang .

  12. 第六部分,根据研究,提出了几点关于提高沧源县佤族和汉族家庭教育和保护民族文化的思考。

    The sixth chapter is that the author gives some advices about how to improve family education of the Was and the Hans in Cangyuan county and about protecting national culture .

  13. 通过对沧源崖画与耿马石佛洞新石器文化、云南青铜器中铜鼓图象的比较分析,以及对沧源崖画图象的基本考证。

    By comparing the rock paintings with the culture in the Neolithic Age and the picture of bronze drum in the Bronze Age , the author points out that the rock paintings in Cangyuan can be dated back to the period between the Shang Dynasty and the Eastern Han Dynasty .