
  • 网络yunfu;Yunfu City
  1. 目的了解云浮市健康人群乙肝病毒(HBV)感染率及免疫水平,探讨健康人群乙型肝炎防控对策和措施。

    Objective To understand the hepatitis B infection rate and immunization level in healthy population in Yunfu City and discuss the measures for prevention and control of hepatitis B infection in healthy population .

  2. 广东省云浮市旅游发展战略研究

    A Study of Tourism Development Strategy of Yunfu City

  3. 云浮市现代物流业SWOT分析与发展策略研究

    Developing Strategies and SWOT Analysis of Yunfu Modern Logistics

  4. 云浮市宝利硫酸有限责任公司:循环经济提高企业核心竞争力

    Recycling economy helping to improve the Core Competition of enterprises

  5. 云浮市2004~2006年艾滋病流行特点分析

    Analysis on hiv / aids epidemiologic features from 2004 to 2006 in Yunfu City

  6. 云浮市城郊主要森林植被类型分布调查

    Investigation on Main Forest Vegetation Types and Its Distribution in Suburb of Yunfu City

  7. 2005―2006年间粤西云浮市大气降水化学特征

    Chemical Composition of Precipitation at Yunfu City in Western Guangdong during 2005 ― 2006

  8. 云浮市婴幼儿乙型脑炎抗体水平分析

    Analysis of levels of antibody to encephalitis B in babies and children in Yunfu City

  9. 结果自2002年5月13日至6月25日止云浮市共发生乙脑病例54例,死亡3例。

    Results There 54 encephalitis B cases occurred in Yunfu City wit h 3 deaths .

  10. 云浮市市售3类食品肠道致病菌污染状况调查

    Investigation on the Contamination Situation of Intestinal Pathogenic Bacteria in 3 Kinds of Food in Market of Yunfu City

  11. 硫酸厂废水污染区土壤和植物中重金属分布特征的研究&以云浮市某硫酸厂为例

    Study on the Heavy Metals Distribution of Soil and Plant in Waste Water Pollution Area of a Sulphuric Plant

  12. 目的研究云浮市气温、相对湿度、气压等气象因素对传染病发生的影响。

    Objective To study the relationship between climatic factors and the outbreak of respiratory tract and digestive tract infectious diseases .

  13. 云浮市雄鹰石业有限公司,是一家专业生产销售人造石英石的企业。

    Yunfu City Eagle Stone Industry Co. , Ltd , is a professional production and sales of man-made quartz enterprises .

  14. 粤西云浮市大气降水δ~(18)O与水汽来源的关系

    Correlation of δ ~ ( 18 ) O in Precipitation and Moisture Sources at Yunfu , Western Guangdong Province , China

  15. 方法通过云浮市流感监测网络系统,对流感作流行病学、病原学监测,并严密监控云浮市各地流感暴发情况。

    Methods Yunfu city influenza infection was monitored through the network system , for the influenza epidemiology , occurrence and outbreaks .

  16. 根据云浮市磷肥厂的生产实践,说明不同性质的磷矿搭配使用的可行性和重要性。

    Based on the experience in YunFu Phosphate Factory , the importance and feasibility of different phosphate rocks matching is stated .

  17. [方法]分析云浮市2004~2006年的HIV/AIDS常规、哨点、行为监测资料。广东省1997年艾滋病哨点监测报告

    [ Methods ] Surveillance data of routine and sentinel from 2004 to 2006 were collected and evaluated . The HIV / AIDS Sentinel Surveillance in Guangdong Province in 1997

  18. 方法按《消毒技术规范》的规定对云浮市云城区11间医院的手术室、产房、注射室和治疗室等场所的空气菌落总数和紫外线灯照射强度进行测定。

    Methods According to the 《 Sterilizing Technique law 》, 11 hospitals were chose to monitor the bacteria count and the intensity of the ultraviolet irradiation in operation room , delivery room , injection room and treatment room .

  19. 云浮科特石材机械厂位于广东省云浮市东郊,是一家专业生产石材加工设备的企业。

    Located in the eastern suburb of Yunfu Municipality , YUNFU KE TE STONE MACHINE FACTORY professionally makes equipments for stone processing .