
  • 网络Guishan;Gyesan;Mount Laurel;MountainGui;Que Son
  1. 桂山是国家AAAA级景区,靠河源第一高喷,面对华南最大的人工湖万绿湖。

    Guishan 's national AAAA level scenic area , rely on the tallest gush , heyuan facing south China the largest artificial lake in the green lake .

  2. 天桂山溶洞景观特征及旅游资源价值分析

    Tiangui Mountain Cave Landscape Features and Value Analysis of Tourism Resources

  3. 文中还就五桂山保健植物的开发利用提出建议。

    Some suggestions for utilization of the healthful plants were put forward .

  4. 广东五桂山四药门花种群生态学研究桂西南岩溶地区珍稀濒危树种育苗与造林初报

    Preliminary study on seedling and afforestation of rare and endangered trees in karst region of Southwest Guangxi

  5. 在景观分析的基础上,对天桂山景观开发、规划中存在的问题及开发建议进行详细的研究。

    Based on the analysis of the landscape , study the landscape development , planning and the existing problems .

  6. 本文以研究天桂山景观的地质基础条件和自然地理条件为基础,对洞穴的分布情况及成因进行详细的研究。

    Based on the study of geological landscape and natural conditions , the distribution of the caves and detailed study .

  7. 天桂山溶洞是河北乃至华北地区较为典型的溶洞景观之一,区域内溶洞次生沉积物景观和侵蚀溶蚀型景观发育都较齐全。

    Tiangui Mountain is the typical karst landscape , Regional karst landscape and the secondary sediments by erosion landscape development are complete .

  8. 魔术师李宁使用特殊设备,在15秒钟时间内,成功跨越从黄鹤楼到桂山电视塔3100米的距离。

    By using special equipment , Li Ning-the magician-managed to cross from the Yellow Crane Tower to the Guishan TV Tower , a distance of 3.1 kilometers , within 15 seconds .

  9. 本文的研究对丰富河北喀斯特溶洞景观提供理论基础和文献资料,对更合理的开发天桂山岩溶洞穴景观提供科学价值和基础性研究资料。

    Based on the study of karst cave in hebei rich landscape providing theoretical basis and literature . For a more reasonable development of Tiangui Mountain to provide scientific value and landscape fundamental research material .

  10. 在滇、黔、桂山区采用弯线多次覆盖技术之后,地震资料的质量仍然没有显著的改善。

    The use of crooked line multiple coverage technique in the mountai - nous areas of Yunan , Guizhou and Guangxi has not brought about marked improvement of the quality of seismic data in the region .

  11. 糯玉米(亦称中国糯玉米或蜡质玉米)原产我国,主要分布在中国长江上游的滇、黔、川、桂山地及下游的沪与杭嘉湖平原地区。

    Waxy corn , also called Chinese glutinous corn , was originally produced in China and mainly distributed in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River in China including Yunnan , Guizhou , Sichuan , Guangxi and the plain regions of the lower reaches including Shanghai , Hangzhou and Huzhou .