
  1. 一方面,慧能门下分化出来的禅门五家已发生了变化,盛行于各地的主要是云门宗和临济宗。

    That one aspect , to be able to become divided out beneath the door five intelligent family Buddhists already change happened , are in vogue in everywhere main part is cloud door Zong and is going to help Zong .

  2. 云门寺则是禅宗五大派之一的云门宗的发祥地。禅宗的顿悟成佛对唐宋之际寺僧经商的影响

    Yunmen Temple is the birthplace of Yunmen Sect , one of the five Chan Sects . The Influence of Becoming the Buddha after Sudden Realization to Truth of Chan Sect on the Monks in Business in Tang and Song Dynasties

  3. 为首的据传是起自黄帝的《云门》(又称《云门大卷》、《咸池》和《承云》),云门寺则是禅宗五大派之一的云门宗的发祥地。

    The first dance was said to be the " Yunmen "( also called " Yunmen Dajuan ", " Xianchi " or " Chengyun ") and it originated from the legendary ancient Emperor Huangdi . Yunmen Temple is the birthplace of Yunmen Sect , one of the five Chan Sects .