
  1. 云南保龙高速公路机电集成工程项目施工质量控制的研究

    The Research on Electromechanical Integration Process Quality Control about BaoLong-Yunnan Highway

  2. 云南山区高速公路滑坡治理研究

    Study on Expressway Landslides Treatment in Yunnan

  3. 云南思小高速公路的生态公路文化内涵分析

    On the Cultural Connotation of Ecology-Highway of Si-Xiao Highway of Yunnan

  4. 云南大保高速公路连续刚构桥施工控制

    Construction Control of Dali-Baoshan Expressway Continuous Rigid-Frame Bridge in Yunnan

  5. 云南蒙新高速公路膨胀土路堑边坡防护研究

    Research on Cutting Slope Protection of Expansive Soil for Meng-Xin Expressway in Yunnan Province

  6. 云南安楚高速公路岩石边坡生态恢复植物适应性研究

    Research on Adaptability of Plants for Ecological Recovery on Rocky Side Slope of An-chu Expressway in Yunnan

  7. 最后通过云南砚平高速公路施工成本管理得到了验证。

    Proved through the flat high-speed cost management of construction of the highway of the inkstone of Yunnan finally .

  8. 对云南元磨高速公路的边坡生物防护的植物筛选技术和施工工艺进行了研究。

    The greening material screening experiment and the revegetation technique experiment on highway slop were conducted in the research .

  9. 云南大保高速公路四角田隧道地处峡谷地带,工程地质条件比较复杂,且地表水丰富。

    The Sijiaotian Tunnel in Yunnan Dabao Highway lies in the narrow defile landscape , and the engineering geology condition is complex , with plenty of cienega .

  10. 以云南安楚高速公路第9合同段高填方路堤为依托工程,根据高速公路路堤修筑过程中常见情况,全面研究了高速公路路堤的稳定性与沉降变形规律,为高填方路堤的建设提供了有效的技术支撑。

    Based on embankment construction of No 9 section of Anning-Chuxiong Expressway , Yunnan Province , this paper comprehensively studies the stability and settlement laws of highway embankment and provides efficient technological support for high embankment construction .

  11. 结合云南省某高速公路第八土建合同段采用粉喷桩处理软土地基的工程实践,从设计方法与施工质量管理两个方面详细阐述了粉喷桩的施工工艺及质量保证措施。

    Combined with the practice of construction in Yunnan expressway , discussion is made , especially in the respects of design and quality management , on the construction technology and quality guarantee of powder-spray stake applied in the handle of soft-subgrade .

  12. 以云南安楚高速公路的工程实例,分析红层边坡楔形体破坏机制及防护加固技术,提出了红层边坡楔形体破坏机制的分析方法与防护加固措施。

    Taking the An-Chu expressway engineering as an example , we have an analysis of the damage mechanism and the protection , strenthening technology of side slope wedge of red bed , and put forward the analysis method and the protection , strenthening measures .