
  1. CGMT桩在河南高速公路加固中的应用

    The application of CGMT pile in foundation treatment in He'nan highway

  2. 河南高速公路公司运营管理信息系统开发

    The Exploiture of Operation Management Information System in Henan Highway Company

  3. 河南高速公路资本收益率及其证券化分析

    Analysis of Return on Capital and Asset Securitization for Henan Highway

  4. 最后以河南高速公路为例,设计出河南省高速公路资产证券化路线图,提出信用增级、风险风范、制度创新等措施。

    And we design a roadmap of the asset securitization of Henan highway , propose such as credit enhancement , risk style , system innovation and other measures .

  5. 基于GIS的河南省高速公路路面使用性能评价模型管理系统

    The evaluation modal of PMS of Henan 's highway based on GIS

  6. 河南省高速公路上超载现象严重,并且愈演愈烈。

    Our country highway overloading phenomenon is serious , and worse .

  7. 河南省高速公路建设已经展开,这必将对河南经济可持续发展产生重大影响。

    The construction of expressway in Henan Province has already started .

  8. 河南省高速公路指路标志整改实践研究

    Practice and Study on Modification of Expressway Guide Signs in Henan Province

  9. 河南省高速公路生态绿化与景观设计研究

    Studies on Design of Ecological Afforestation and Landscape on Expressways in Henan Province

  10. 河南省高速公路服务区改扩建设计研究

    Design of alteration and extension on service area of highway in Henan province

  11. 河南省高速公路联网收费路径识别技术研究

    Research on the Route Identification Technology of Expressway Online Tolling in Henan Province

  12. 河南省高速公路智能收费监控系统

    Henan Expressway Intelligent Toll Collection Monitoring System

  13. 河南省高速公路的路面设计

    Pavement Design of Freeway in Henan Province

  14. 对河南省高速公路服务区改扩建设计的弹性设计和标准化设计进行探讨。

    Henan freeway service area for the expansion design elastic design and standardized design are discussed .

  15. 河南三灵高速公路水土流失特点及防治措施体系

    The Characteristic and Preventing Measures System of Soil and Water Loss in the Shan ling Express Highway in Henan Province

  16. 中原地区高速公路景观设计研究&以河南省高速公路沿线景观调查分析为例

    Landscape Planning and Design of Freeway in the Central Plain Region of China & A Case Study Along the Freeways in Henan Province

  17. 河南某高速公路隧道工程全部采用新奥法施工,该施工方法的特点之一是注重现场监控量测,并利用量测结果及时补充设计和指导施工。

    The expressway tunnels construction in Henan province used new austrian tunnelling method , which emphasized on site monitoring and measuring , and improving design and construction using the results .

  18. 笔者所在的单位就是一个担负着整个河南省高速公路建设管理重任的国有独资公司,为提高公司管理效率、有效降低管理建设资金风险,研究高速公路内部控制势在必行。

    The unit where the author works is responsible for a highway construction and management of the entire task of Henan Province , and it is the state-owned sole proprietorship .

  19. 主要介绍了河南省高速公路现状和发展规划,目前河南省高速公路服务区存在问题和国内国外的相关研究,对高速公路服务区改扩建研究的意义和研究框架进行了分析。

    Mainly introduces the present situation and development of henan province freeway planning , at present henan expressway service problems and Domestic foreign related research , put forward the freeway expansion .

  20. 本文采用实地考察、抽样调查、局部普查相结合的方法,了解河南省高速公路植被生态恢复现状的基础上,指出植被生态恢复现状的不足。

    In this paper through on-the-spot investigation , sampling survey and the parts general investigation methods . Summing up the present state of the ecological revegetation in Henan expressway and pointed out the insufficiencies .

  21. 以河南省高速公路网为例,随着路网的不断扩大和投资主体的多元化,使得在联网收费模式下的通行费征收和拆分问题变得复杂化。

    Highway network in Henan Province , for example , with the road network continues to expand and subject of investment diversification , making charging mode in networking toll collection and split the problem has become complicated .

  22. 河南济邵高速公路逢石河特大桥挂篮施工

    On hanging basket construction in Ji-Shao express highway Fengshi river super-large Bridge in He'nan

  23. 河南焦晋高速公路孤山隧道利用人工砂的一种即机制砂进行了喷射混凝土支护。

    One kind of artificial sands , machine-made sand , has been used in shotcrete supporting for Gushan tunnel of Jiaojin thruway , He ′ nan province .

  24. 通过分析河南濮鹤高速公路有限公司实施绩效考核的基本情况,查找其现有的考核体系存在的问题与不足,进一步完善河南濮鹤高速公路有限公司绩效考核体系。

    Based on basic implementation of performance appraisal of Henan Pu-He expressway Co. , Ltd. , the lack of the existing performance appraisal system is analyzed . This paper gives some advices to improve the system .

  25. 采用自平衡试桩法和钢筋计测试元件对河南新乡&郑州高速公路黄河大桥6根钻孔灌注桩进行了静载荷试验。

    Six bored piles with post pressure grouting are tested in self balanced method in Yellow River Highway Bridge on Xinxiang Zhengzhou express highway in Henan province .

  26. 根据河南省的自然情况,结合近年来河南省高速公路半刚性沥青路面出现的早期破坏现象,从多方面分析了产生病害的原因。

    The reasons are analysed in ways and means to combined with early failure of expressway half rigidity base bituminous surface according to Henan province natural conditions .