
  • 网络Hebei Hengshui High School;Hebei Hengshui HighSchool
  1. 他还特意举了河北衡水中学的例子,该校以高分学生和军事化管理而著称。

    He cited examples such as Hengshui Middle School of Hebei Province , known for its high scoring students and military-like management .

  2. 随着教学改革的逐步深入,以河北衡水中学为带代表的衡水市中小学校取得了丰硕的教育成果。

    Content : With the gradual deepening of the reform of teaching , primary and secondary education , Hengshui City , made remarkable achievements in Hebei Hengshui the representative of secondary schools to bring fruitful education .

  3. 通过翻阅资料,了解国内外对于高效课堂的研究及相关做法,尤其学习总结我国河北衡水中学的经验:精讲精练,让学生动起来,以学为本。

    I referred to the information of the efficient class research at home and abroad , especially after learning to summarize the experience of Hengshui High school : " effective teaching and learning ," I want to allow the students to move , to study for this .